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Everything posted by kalmia

  1. Women are more social, while men are more comfortable straying from social conformity.
  2. I think alpha in its most simple definition is a leader. If people are following you, you are an alpha. People can follow you for good or bad reasons. Some alphas have people follow them out of fear while some provide value. It is a scientific term even if often abused. Study biology, particularly relations within a species of social animals, and you will see the alpha / beta relation at play. The alpha gets to breed with whomever he wants while a bottom level beta may assist in the alpha's sexual goals, but he will not breed at all. He is a dead end. If you look at any position in society that is male dominated, it is because it is a postion where males receive this alpha status by achieving it. Understand this, and the world makes A LOT more sense. I strongly encourage anyone who really wants to have more understanding of what is going on in society to study evolutionary psychology.
  3. Some more from a relate site. Why This Site Will Always Be “Creepy” By Athlone McGinnis We get a lot of hate from the fairer sex, particularly feminists. On the surface, this seems a little odd. After all, what exactly are we trying to do here? We’re hoping to facilitate the improvement of men by giving them a forum to share and to acquire knowledge about how to improve themselves socially, economically, and romantically. We try to give men new ways to improve their style, their finances, their health, their physique and, above all, their ability to appeal to women. Sounds great, no? We’re helping to create wealthier, healthier, better looking, more attractive men. Isn’t that what women want-more polished, appealing, high quality guys? Why, then, do so many women express a seemingly inherent and irrational hostility to many sites like this? ... [Read the rest at the link below] http://www.returnofkings.com/4853/why-this-site-will-always-be-creepy
  4. I've had a lot of that fear myself and still do at times. I noticed a lot of my social anxiety escalating when others would be bothered by my social behavior. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, but I know I was getting lots of social disapproval. I was angered that people wouldn't explain what I was doing wrong. Words like "creepy" are a judgement that often has no clear definition putting the supposed offender in a paralyzed position. Social anxiety is a paralysis. Don't expect women (or men) to suddenly stop issuing these judgments. Confront them by asking for further explanation or dismiss the person.
  5. Can you elaborate on this please? I don't understand what the cluster personality is. Also, I don't understand how men are "holding all the cards." And yes, women are miserable now. In jobs they hate. In debt. Depressed. Seperated from their children. Lonely. Preyed upon by the vanity markets. Men certainly do have more of an opportunity to figure themselves out and become more valuable. Unfortunately for women, they are often stuck in a situation by the time they figure themselves out, if they ever do. This disparity is one of the things that really gets at women, even if they aren't consious of it, so they try to level the situation by putting men down. http://imageshack.us/f/580/alphaversusbeta.gif/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/alphaversusbeta.gif/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/alphaversusbeta.gif/
  6. I was reminded of the FDR sunday show (27 January 2013) when I saw this. http://www.rooshv.com/the-new-n-word "The New N-Word By Roosh Back in the Jim Crow days, the quickest way for a white man to put down a black man was to call him a nigger. The black man would experience an immediate emotional reaction to the term and its associated stereotypes. Images of the white man’s enslavement of his people would likely pop into his head. This word was a gift to white racists due to how quickly and easily it hurt the black man. While the n-word still has the power of insult, it’s not as strong as in the past. Today, black men use variants of it to cordially greet each other and you can find its use in rap music and stand-up comedy. As long as a white person doesn’t it use it with the hard R, insult is not automatic. There is a word today that women have adopted as their defacto n-word when they want to put down a man of any race. It has the immediate effect of making men feel weak and embarrassed. That word is “creepy.” Its definition has expanded over the years, going from something representing pedophilic or deviant behavior to anything which makes a woman even slightly uncomfortable. It’s a powerful word that is successfully causing men to tread carefully around women for fear of getting the stain applied to them. It’s being used to control men and make sure they don’t question female behavior and overreach. If you see yourself as a man who believes that feminism is hurting men, and that women have gained at the cost of men, you should never use this word. It must be banished from your vocabulary. Every time you use it, you validate its use by a woman to trash your own gender, giving it even more power. Whenever you hear someone say “creepy,” whether a man or a woman, you must stop the speaker and question why they used it, just as if they were using the n-word. Their answer will likely come down to one of two reasons: 1. A man said a critical thing which hurt a girl’s feelings. 2. A man was being masculine. Being critical and being masculine is my human right like it is yours. Allowing women and their enablers to get away with using this word will have the end result of emasculating men who fear being labeled it. Women know that words are extremely powerful in causing negative emotional states, which is why they are crusading against the use of words like “slut” and “fat.” While they campaign against having their behavior restrained in any way, they are simultaneously increasing the use of words like “creepy” to restrain men. Don’t let this happen. Stop using the word creepy, and question its use every time you hear it."
  7. A flaw in the thinking about how people are violent if they are becoming less violent is that there is often the Out of Eden myth playing under the surface. We assume people all started out peaceful and got violent, when the opposite is more liekly reality. Think about where violent heirarchy in the form of tribalism, abusive parenting and ultimately statism were useful. Prior to human civilazation where resources were much scarcer, those who were aggressive in taking what they wanted would be the ones to survive. Civilization is an acceptance of mutually beneficial exchange. But the class of people who forcibly take what they want continues because those they take from have been conditioned to accept and even identify with them. This conditioning is passed on by parents even though there is an understanding that mutually beneficial interactions are preferable and therefore we do tend to move away from the violence.
  8. Sociopaths only have any place of power if those they control do not recognize them as sociopaths.
  9. It could be a desire to retreat into collectivism whenever it will serve someone's interests. It allows people to take credit for accomplshments they had nothign to do with or blame people for evils they had nothing to do with. It allows people to avoid finding out the reality of a person's actual experience and just assume an experience because of group identity. It might say something about the culture where psychological leveling has become increasingly popular as socially acceptable.
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