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Everything posted by Darius

  1. Yesterday, Daniel Mackler has announced that all four of his movies are now available for FREE on YouTube (including all subtitled versions). Highly recommended!More information can be found here: http://wildtruth.net/my-films-are-now-free-on-youtube/
  2. The third video on self-esteem: What are the signs of high self-esteem, or what are the signs of a healthy, fulfilled, and self-realized human being.
  3. The second interview with Daniel Mackler. Here, we talk about the topic of relationships: one's template for relationships, friendship, romantic relationship, sex, boundaries, parent-child relationship, and much more!
  4. Quite right. Low self-esteem fundamentally is an inaccurate evaluation of oneself (having false beliefs/propositions), and often the inability to evaluate oneself objectively (inability to gather and/or correctly evaluate the truth value of beliefs/propositions about yourself). Also, the term self-esteem may be used to refer to an overall picture of oneself, or in regard to a specific thing (for example, to an ability to climb trees, or being selfish). The more objectively correct one estimates oneself, the healthier one's self-esteem is. And the rational goal for a person who wants to be happy and fulfilled would be to have as overally correct picture of yourself as possible.
  5. Thanks for your feedback, Tyler - good to know you find value in my work! Tony, yeah, adding annotations takes some time, but I though it's worth doing. P.S. Thank you, I put a lot of thought into what kind of logo I'd like, and a friend of mine helped me to design it
  6. The second video on self-esteem: what is low self-esteem, what are the signs of low self-esteem, and how people try to compensate for their low self-esteem and achieve "happiness."
  7. In this video I talk about what is self-esteem in general, and what is a healthy self-esteem:
  8. Hi Tony, thank you for your feedback. I edited the video description a little bit -- and I'll keep that in mind in the future. I would have added an embed version of the video, but I can't because it's on Dailymotion, not YouTube, so I can't. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Cheers!
  9. In this video I analyze a commonly dysfunctional family. As an example I use two scenes from the movie "Shuffle." http://dai.ly/x1gqwzt
  10. A new video on perfectionism: What is perfectionism? How and why do people develop perfectionistic traits? Why is having perfectionistic traits problematic?
  11. Hi Lians, thanks for the feedback -- I'm glad that you found some value in my video and that you're enjoying True Detective, too. Cheers!
  12. A new video where I talk about a segment from a TV show “True Detective,” about the purpose of religion, and about it's relation to insecurity and fear of mortality. http://dai.ly/x1d0iu7
  13. A quick new video on how and why do people become narcissistic.
  14. Hi fenetre, one of the best books on addiction I've read was "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" by Gabor Mate. If you're not sure, you can watch a couple of videos and see if that's what you're looking for.These two would be a good start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ-FAX4Pz8I Also, I find this essay to be valuable: http://wildtruth.net/the-root-cause-of-addiction/
  15. I decided to experiment and record a slightly different type of video. Here I share some personal details and ideas on the topics of loneliness, inability to connect, healing, self-work, growth, connecting with yourself, and having meaningful relationships. http://dai.ly/x17zd4m
  16. A very impromptu video: an analysis of Skylar Grey's song "Love The Way You Lie," that is a consummate example of Stockholm syndrome and a toxic repetition of unprocessed relationship patterns.
  17. I don't know if any of you watch "Misfits," but I just made a video where I analyze Rudy, a character who displays the complexity and multiplicity of human personality.
  18. Part one: are popular methods like various exposure and cognitive techniques, "just do it," "use your willpower," "ignore your fear," etc. sufficient when dealing with difficult problems?Part two: a more in-depth look at the incredible value of deep self-work and the enormous complexity of human problems.
  19. My most popular article on why people think they had a good, normal childhood, or deny childhood trauma and its results altogether. Why People Deny Childhood Trauma and Its Results
  20. My interview with Daniel Mackler (Aug 27, 2013). Topics we cover:1. 00:00 Intro; The Value of Self-Work2. 06:12 The Significance of Childhood Environment3. 12:58 What Is Child Abuse?4. 22:16 Nature vs. Nurture; "Mental Disorders"5. 35:05 The Harm of (Psych) Drugs6. 38:52 Factors and Tools for Healing7. 47:48 False vs. True Help; Advice for Helpers; Growth and Family; Outro
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