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David L

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Everything posted by David L

  1. David, I think we must be reading the same books! I've had some clarity around this in recent days, because what I was running up against is what felt to me like a real conflict between ethics and spirituality. If I must "identify as One" with the Tyrant, am I not then undermining my own conscious evolution, and frankly evolutionary superiority? And so I would go around and around with this, trying to understand what exactly the Gnostics meant. Then it hit me--we evolve as One. So, without the conscious evolution of the Tyrant society can never move forward, and so we get stuck and have to go back to the beginnings again and again. Evolution happens in bio-psycho-social waves and if that is being blocked by any powerful force ultimately no one really evolves. That's what I got so far, what do you think?! Hi Mishelle, Yes, we never seem to get beyond the tyrant-victim archetype, because we never consciously realize the Principle of Oneness. But when we realize our inherent inseparability from each other, we naturally do not aggress against others, for to do so is to consciously aggress against our own well being. And this is impossible to do when we are truly conscious. This is where empathy comes in. And compassion. People who aggress against others know not what they do to themselves at that moment. They are unconscious of their own inner self-violation. Therefore, we can have compassion for them in that sense. It is like someone who is sleepwalking while banging up their bodies by colliding with all kinds of things that injure them. But once they wake up inwardly and realize they are inseparable from the ones they aggress against, they will also tap into their deeper, truer nature, which is based in a profound conscious goodness which never does harm. When we identify with the goodness inherent in all beings, whether they are conscious of it or not, it doesn't mean we identify with their actions when they are evil. It simply means we abide in the goodness which they are not yet conscious of themselves, and therefore unfortunately are not expressing at the moment. This is compassion on our part, and it makes us victimless to the evils that others may try to inflict upon us in their psychic sleepwalking. It's kind of like a sober person witnessing a drunkard do all kinds of foolish things to himself and others. One's own sobriety keeps one safe, while able to feel compassion for the soul who knows not what he does to himself and others who are also drunk. This is how I'm seeing it anyway. What do you say? David
  2. Hi Mishelle, Great topic, and it's a synchronicity for me, as I was just ruminating over this very subject in a few books, and then I come across your post ! Well, if that's not a possible indication of the oneness of human consciousness, then I don't know what could be. Smiles. For what it's worth, I experience these synchronicities now every day, and usually many a day. LIke the "perfect timing" you experienced in your other post with regard to the Thrive movement, I'm guessing you will agree there's something quite alluring about the idea that We Are All One. By the way, just so that you're aware, here's a previous thread started a while back on this forum related to the Thrive documentary... http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/p/33221/291010.aspx#291010 David PS: The concept that We Are All One is actually quite ancient, going back at least to the Gnostics, if not much earlier.
  3. Chuckles. Yep, makes you wonder why all of a sudden all the media and United Nations hubub is NOW, instead of back then, eh?
  4. Not sure why you are posting this. Is it to point out that the "asteroid threat" is nothing new?
  5. Anybody who's flunked out of West Point knows you have to "soften up" your tactical insertion point..... Not sure what you mean here. Could you please clarify.
  6. You can believe, disbelieve, or you can inquire, as in this particular thread based upon a testable hypothesis over time, to see if it plays out. The first two approaches (to reality) appear to be closed minded and imprisoning. The third approach is open minded and often leads to the breaking out of old prejudices and unconscious limitations. It is true science in actual practice, rather than in mere theory. I do not have a problem with investigating a hypothesis or prediction to see if it turns out (over time) to match the facts, and I'm not afraid of other people's prejudice and ridicule here in the process. I don't have to believe or disbelieve anything, I can find out any truth or bogus claim through inquiry and paying attention to unfolding facts.
  7. Is the mainstream media continuing with an asteroid scare-tactic, and now starting to associate it with spaceships? http://cosmiclog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/19/17020030-out-of-control-spaceship-nope-its-asteroid-2012-da14-seen-on-radar?lite Recall the speech by Carol Rosin in the video link I provided at the beginning ot this thread. "And the last card....[after the asteroids] will be the extraterrestrial threat." (located at around 1:15 on the counter). This speech was delivered I believe in 2007 (at least that's when it was outloaded to You Tube.)
  8. "The free market isn't the cause of the state."
  9. United Nations reviewing asterioid impact threat http://www.nbcnews.com/id/50840661/ns/technology_and_science-space/#.USGPP_L_qkw
  10. I'm not totally convinced yet that this was a meteor. Because there is the uncanny question of a stunning coincidence here, given the asteroid flyby on the very same day is apparently unrelated in terms of physical or causal connection between the two incidents. In any case, regarding the vapor condensation trail, there's this source for whatever it's worth... "Regnum news agency quoted a military source who claimed that the vapor condensation trail of the meteorite speaks to the fact that the meteorite was intercepted by air defenses." http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/02/meteorite-hits-russian-urals-fireball-explosion-wreaks-havoc-up-to-500-injured-photos-video-2565436.html
  11. I'm documenting the below article (posted today on CNN) because of its possible relevance to the theme outlined by Carol Rosin in the video linked above. http://whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/15/a-chance-to-prevent-future-asteroid-impacts/?hpt=hp_tvbx Regarding the accompanying meteor scare today in Russia, does anyone know if there's supposedly a causal link between the meteor (if that''s what it was) and the asteroid flyby today?
  12. The conspiracy to create a one world state (also called openly by its masterminds and henchmen, the "New World Order", has been a strategy long in the making. Here's the best documentary I've seen yet outlining this statist vision for the entire planet.... Invisible Empire
  13. "And then there would be asteroids..." Hmmm..... (note the comment at 1:09- 1:10 on the counter)....
  14. "Has 'Sandy Hook shooter' Adam Lanza Even Been Alive The Last Three Years?" http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/79712-has-sandy-hook-shooter-adam-lanza-even-been-alive-the-last-three-years
  15. Can you elaborate on what you mean?
  16. Honda Unveils All-new ASIMO with Significant Advancements
  17. Chemtrail tanker up close with on and off spraying
  18. Surprise, surprise... "The statement by the CT prosecutor's office is the first indication from state authorities that Adam Lanza may have not acted alone." Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/342829
  19. For whatever it's worth, here's an article related to the current "monster blizzard" on the US east coast... http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/09/16908958-clobbered-by-record-setting-blizzard-northeast-begins-to-dig-out?lite
  20. Here's the full documentary Why In The World Are They Spraying?, which explores the weather modification issue... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mEfJO0-cTis
  21. Well, personally I haven't yet seen any credible evidence presented against the claim that "conspiracy theorists" are making, that is, evidence that explains the obvious difference between a contrail that has a lifetime of a few seconds, and a trail that persists for hours on end, expanding out and turning a large portion of the sky into a pale, milky white residue. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I see these latter trails a lot, they start and stop at very discrete areas of the sky, and are almost always configured in a multiple parallel configuration, sometimes with up to 5 or more trails. I've often seen them changing course abruptly and a few times even doing loops and turning around. Among other things, are they responsible for weather modifcation? There's lots of discussion going on now regarding this subject. Here's a trailer video for starters...
  22. Perhaps climate chaos IS man-made (that is, "government" made)... http://beforeitsnews.com/chemtrails/2013/01/global-weather-modification-assault-causing-climate-chaos-and-environmental-catastrophe-2430512.html
  23. Chuckles. The article doesn't mention cyborgs. They are likely the coming "competitors" to the robot class for "jobs". :-)
  24. Robot serves up 360 burgers per hour http://singularityhub.com/2013/01/22/robot-serves-up-340-hamburgers-per-hour/
  25. "Rise Of The Droids: Will Robots Eventually Steal All Of Our Jobs?" http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/rise-of-the-droids-will-robots-eventually-steal-all-of-our-jobs-2
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