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David L

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Everything posted by David L

  1. Whoops, sorry about that, HERE'S the full interview (much more potent information given, unfortunately not as many hits on this one as the edited version just posted above ).... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_XZvMwcluEg
  2. Thanks for the comment. So he's right on his talking points but he hanged himself. By hanging himself do you mean his reputation and influence is going to suffer substantially as a result of this, even though he's spoken the truth? (By the way, here's the full interview.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyKofFih8Y&feature=player_embedded
  3. Social media abuzz over Piers Morgan vs. Alex Jones http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/07/us/piers-morgan-guns-debate/index.html?hpt=hp_c3
  4. It's the fear of being unoccupied, but most therapy won't acknowledge that.
  5. Relevant chart on America's biggest killers... http://www.infowars.com/americas-biggest-killers-the-chart-anti-gunners-dont-want-you-to-see/print/
  6. The idea has long been to technologically incorporate the State (total control program) into our very biological being, so that we no longer need it outside of ourselves. In that sense we are moving toward a Stateless, Cyborg-based society as planned. We are only a handful of years away from this techno-dictatorship becoming reality, that's why the idea of a Stateless society taking generations of time to achieve is so wrongheaded and dangerous, IMO. The "State" is about Forced Living, and if you can progressively force humanity to work itself literally into a robot species, then the "State" has finally fulfilled its function, and is no longer needed. Have you ever wondered why most people are almost always in a rush? It's because they are trying to behave more and more like machines. And that's the whole idea---to finally become one.
  7. I'm sorry, I don't follow what you're saying. Well, if we all come from matter, how is it that we can claim there is a complete separation between ourselves and the matter we come from? Material property rights are based upon the idea that there is an inherent separation between "us" and the "material property" we possess or don't possess. Take food for example, which we consider private property. We think we are separate from food, yet food constitutes the very atoms of our own bodies! Hope that's clearer.
  8. It is a rather curious position to hold that what we all emerge from (matter) should be considered completely separate and apart from us. Indeed, what rational basis has this?
  9. Alex, do you believe the intellect is dependent upon language for its existence? If so, it's pretty obvious language is a communal gift ---it's not somebody's exclusive private property. Such being the case, how could you claim that "your" intellect or any of its fruits are "your" personal property?
  10. In watching this latest (below) video coming out of Infowars.com, the first few minutes are true enough, and I was pleased to learn a new term I had never heard of before ("Democide"---or "death by government"), but then the piece degenerates into the usual appeal to "government" to change its inherently illusory and untoward nature into something moral and righteous. Indeed, it seems the more you "demand" "government" to do something for you, the more you strengthen the illusion of its power over you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kgCemznb6Lc Interestingly, the term "Democide" is not in any of my dictionaries,, but it is found online to some degree, for instance see ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide
  11. Does obeying "the law" do more harm than breaking it? Discuss.
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