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Everything posted by zg7666

  1. Today he said: Remember when I warned it was going to be a bad week for Mt. Gox a week ago? This is what I was talking about (good sources). They may also go after Mt Gox clients in a "money laundering" (aka not wanting to be extorted) manhunt. http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/02/mt-gox-subpoenaed/
  2. Yesterday, Jeff Berwick of the The Dollar Vigilante wrote: Rumor from quite reliable sources telling us that things are about to get very ugly at Mt. Gox. Stay Tuned. "Being told if you have a small amount or nothing on Mt Gox but have an account to just delete your account. If you have a large amount it is up to you."
  3. http://torrentfreak.com/academics-launch-torrent-site-to-share-papers-and-datasets-140131/ Researchers from the University of Massachusetts ( Joseph Cohen and Henry Lo, two PhD ) have launched a torrent site which allows academics to share papers and datasets. AcademicTorrents provides researchers with a reliable and decentralized platform to share their work with peers, as well as the rest of the world. The site currently indexes over 1.5 petabytes of data, including NASA's map of Mars. Academics, or anyone else who's interested can join the site and start sharing. NASA's 42 gigabyte map of Mars may be a good start, and a recent copy of Wikipedia might come in handy too. http://academictorrents.com/ AcademicTorrents allows researchers to upload datasets, articles and other research material. The site runs it own tracker and supports web-seeds as well, which guarantee that files are available at all times. “One aim of this site is to create the infrastructure to allow open access journals to operate at low cost. By facilitating file transfers, the journal can focus on it's core mission of providing world class research. After peer review the paper can be indexed on this site and disseminated throughout our system,” “Large dataset delivery can be supported by researchers in the field that have the dataset on their machine. A popular large dataset doesn't need to be housed centrally. Researchers can have part of the dataset they are working on and they can help host it together,”
  4. ronpaulinstitute: In the latest debacle for the US State Department and the Obama Administration, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught on tape micro-managing Ukraine opposition party strategies with US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. That the Ukraine regime-change operation is to some degree being directed from Washington can no longer be denied. The taped conversation demonstrates in clear detail that while Secretary of State John Kerry decries any foreign meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs, his State Department is virtually managing the entire process. The "F**k the EU" part is her expressing anger that the EU is not moving fast enough with regime change in Ukraine and her plan is to get the UN involved in the process. ... http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/february/06/fstarstark-the-eu-tape-reveals-us-runs-ukraine-opposition.aspx A final bit of irony in the US government reaction to the bombshell tape is State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki directly accusing the Russian government of being behind the tape and expressing shock -- shock! -- that a foreign government might be spying on the US. "A new low," she called it. It's only OK if we do it!
  5. So where is spanking?? What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXjE68-_jBs A video promoted by: http://www.trueactivist.com - Did you know that your children look up to you as their role model? Choose your actions wisely, Children see, Children Do! Credits: http://www.napcan.org.au * We have permission from NAPCAN to promote this video. NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) was co-founded in 1987 by Rosemary Sinclair AO and Christine Stewart. Since then NAPCAN has made a significant contribution to the wellbeing of Australia's children and young people by raising the awareness of child abuse and neglect in Australia and its impacts and by developing and promoting effective prevention strategies and programs. NAPCAN is governed by a Board of Directors with highly experienced professional program, policy and advocacy staff located around Australia. In addition NAPCAN has the support of an extensive network of professionals, practitioners and concerned individuals who all donate their time and expertise to support our prevention strategies. NAPCAN is a "for purpose" organisation which has both deductible gift recipient (DGR) and public benevolent institution (PBI) status with the Australian Tax Office.
  6. http://www.coindesk.com/btc-china-accepting-bank-deposits/ No price impact so far. Probably because of Chinese new year.
  7. Well, someone already did Truth about The State of the Union Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rs_Yic1yoM
  8. I know there was recently a "The Truth About Santa" video, so here is video on the subject but somewhat more on the comical side: - SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE SANTA CLAUS -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYNaEM2O5pU
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1t8j7c/proof_that_btc38_takes_cny_for_btcltcxrp_etc/ BTC38.com accepts CNY for BTC.. LTC.. etc. - I am not sure, looks quite shaky to me. That is probably what is behind this rally, for now.
  10. Ha ha ha ha, good one's Yes, probably something like that. Someone wrote somewhere: he is doing neither good, or evil, he's just doing his job. Kind of true. Or as Robert Murphy said: I think the Pope should announce, "OK you economists, I'll stop talking about capitalism if you stop talking about religion."
  11. "Alleged" news from China on Weibo that Chinese banks are banned from funding BTCChina.
  12. pennant forming in traditional Tehnical analasyis should mean we go down more... but again, it is just TA. They see the market as 80% psychological. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/technicalanalysis.asp or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_analysis
  13. I've just found this. https://images.weserv.nl/?url=www.sierrachart.com/image.php?l=1386531466910.png&fnr
  14. Wesley thank you for explaining nicely it and I am sorry guys for I was unable to respond. And Robin, I am by no means an expert but it looks like it was right this time. I see stops mentioned at around 700 and even 400, BitStamp prices. Even bear markets are mentioned. We "were supposed to" have one more big move up, but...
  15. It did, but I don't know that it is positive development. Markets didn't react well to this. One more warning, technical analysis warns that hourly sma-200, didn't surviv (in all exchanges!). Additionally, hourly sma-50 crossed it down. "sma-200 was almost always unbeatable during bubbles and provided support for bubble EW count." Many bad news for move upwards.
  16. The Launch Code for U.S. Nukes Was 00000000 for 20 Years http://mashable.com/2013/12/04/us-nukes-launch-code/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-tech-link
  17. Few hours ago: China Bans Financial Companies From Bitcoin Transactions http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-05/china-s-pboc-bans-financial-companies-from-bitcoin-transactions.html
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/SheepMarketplace/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25185225 - Dark marketplace closes after theft of £3m in bitcoins http://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2013/12/bitcoin-users-lose-40-million-apparent-narcotics-bazaar-heist/74669/?oref=ng-HPriver - BITCOIN USERS LOSE $40 MILLION IN APPARENT NARCOTICS BAZAAR HEIST
  19. As far as I understand it, there is some difference between TVP (Frasco&Meadows) and RBE (Peter Joseph) and there is some friction among those groups.
  20. I'm glad it helped, hopefully it was the right decision. And please, when you become a millionaire, donate some of it to FDR :-)
  21. http://cryptolife.net/psa-dont-sell-btc-right-now/ PSA: Don’t sell Bitcoin right now Hazard December 1, 2013 Uncategorized 1 Comment Let’s set the stage… Bitcointalk is being DDOS’d, and has been down since this morning. Gox is experiencing 15-20 min lag on the trade engine. A hoax about all bitcoin private keys being leaked is making the rounds (and apparently, fooling some of the newbies). Price is at $850 on gox as I’m writing this. All signs point to serious market manipulation by someone looking to pick up bitcoin on the cheap. Selling now would be foolish. Turn your computer off, and go do something else. Everything will be fine.
  22. If I understand it correctly, it is practically the same thing Stephan Kinsella said: http://youtu.be/Rf0VUuJNpvA?t=7m12s
  23. I too have heard this type of question before. If that is the problem, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do so with other things as well, gold and silver for example!? I suppose markets are still free enough and market forces don't allow for cornering of the market. P.S. On the count of retraction, they say "watching gold parity."
  24. Indeed, some of my thoughts as I was posting this - it's not even that I am surprised about it, you could kind of expect it from the institution. But I am not sure if he is just playing on populism for "the pure" or is he truly convinced in what he said. I just have a feeling that he is earnest because his background, but on the other hand people around him, the whole "institution" of Catholic church clearly is playing on pure populism... and there might be some psychology(pathology) behind it as well Some of the comments in that sense:There is no unfettered capitalism. But, I suppose if your frame of reference is untaxed income from "donations" around the world, then, yes, fetters for other folks are looking pretty good. Bring on the fetters. We need more fetters. His eminence seems to have mistaken the mixed economy prevalent in the western world for unfettered capitalism. Aaand the winner: For this guy, central planning does not stop at "God". :-D
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