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Everything posted by zg7666

  1. http://www.businessinsider.com/pope-francis-calls-unfettered-capitalism-a-new-tyranny-2013-11 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis called for renewal of the Roman Catholic Church and attacked unfettered capitalism as "a new tyranny", urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff. He also called on rich people to share their wealth. "Just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills," Francis wrote in the document issued on Tuesday. "I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor." ... I guess this is the original. And I guess this will be the next "delicious sophistry rebutted" :-)
  2. Ha ha ha, isn't that what we all hopped for Wesley!? Ah, don't we all have our regrets ...but at least we were there, at least had some use of it.
  3. Nicee, I hope be a profitable affair and I wish you all the luck.
  4. well that's the story that was on the radio.
  5. Dear Jeffry Tucker posted this recently and I thought you guys might enjoy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rzpL_5CI0WQ
  6. Sorry, I wasn't able to reply sooner. Thank you for your answers guys. OK, yes, that is kind of strategy when you are long on something and wherein you bay in regular time periods (a month or so) almost independent of the price. Than in average you will be just fine. same here with me. I tried trading just a very small amount of BTC, it's fun. I think corrections in past were from 40-70%. Maybe you already know this, you have some sites with speculators in BTC - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=57.0 but don't take them too seriously. And remember that sentence from that prick Buffet, Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful' :-D LTC, I was thinking few days ago about buying some too, but I would rather buy them for fiat money, not for BTC. And they are even more volatile. And I guess Bulbasaur is about right. In a long term I have almost no doubt BTC will be very valuable. But it is getting quite mainstream. I live in frickin Bosnia and couple weeks ago I visited parents and first thing my father asks me, 'how many of that "electric money" do you have' ...they were talking about it on a local radio station, in small town in Bosnia. - nice observation, there is opportunity for entrepreneurs here.
  7. You are watching the Bitcoin!? What a ride, is it not. Has anybody traded?
  8. ...The finding adds to a growing body of research showing that a healthy pattern of light and dark, sleeping and waking, is essential to keep the immune system in balance, Hooper says. She notes that inflammation is the basis of many chronic disorders, such as heart disease, asthma, chronic pain, and many things ending in "-itis," like bursitis and dermatitis. Inflammatory conditions are more prevalent in developed countries, where people's circadian rhythms are chronically disrupted. Even people who don't work shifts or cross time zones still wake and sleep out of sync with light and darkness, Hooper says. "We all have screwed up light cycles. We stay up late, keep the lights on, look at our lit-up iPhones at 2 a.m." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/08/sleep-immune-system-body-clock_n_4235943.html
  9. OK, thank you. I just wanted to draw the attention of those (from FDR) who trade, especially buy And to hear opinion on whether this will be larger correction or just a short break?
  10. Then Sergio Juárez Correa must be next (I have watched the interview with dr. Peter Gray, the recent one, but have not watched one with Allison Gopnik - so that's next, thanks)
  11. Australia - You Should Be Outraged! - Mike Maloney On Raised Debt Ceiling GoldSilver.com & Mike Maloney http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZTyhItHo1A
  12. A wonderful story, material for (Hollywood) movie. How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses - Elementary school teacher Sergio Juárez Correa, 31, upended his teaching methods, revealing extraordinary abilities in his 12-year-old student Paloma Noyola Bueno and others. http://www.wired.com/business/2013/10/free-thinkers/
  13. The basic problem Peter has is not non-initiation of force (voluntarism) it is property (private property in everyday language), which is in factually (not as adjective) Marxist view of world (mercantilism in its origin). It denies Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy), bodily integrity. And scarcity is strictly defined term in economics: All means are scarce, i.e., limited with respect to the ends that they could possibly serve. If the means are in unlimited abundance, then they need not serve as the object of attention of any human action. For example, air in most situations is in unlimited abundance. It is therefore not a means and is not employed as a means to the fulfillment of ends. It need not be allocated, as time is, to the satisfaction of the more important ends, since it is sufficiently abundant for all human requirements. Air, then, though indispensable, is not a means, but a general condition of human action and human welfare. Secondly, these scarce means must be allocated by the actor to serve certain ends and leave other ends unsatisfied. This act of choice may be called economizing the means to serve the most desired ends. -http://mises.org/rothbard/mes/chap1a.asp#2._First_Implications_ So when austrians speak non scarcity, they use "garden of Eden" in thought experiment, a situation where "stuff" need not be allocated. They say something of this nature: food and would drink would materials in your mouth when you had need for it. As a point for ZGM/TVP people, all mater is limited (which is not of great importance because of law of marginal utility), but ultimately scarce are time and space (which is also noted in lectures of austrian school, when they talk about "garden of eden") On the point of automation: Hundred fifty years ago 70% of population in America was working in agriculture, today it is 3-4%, that toes not imply that there is less work to be done, on the contrary. It is productivity and wealth-creation that maters in markets, not a mere existence of jobs. On this subject please watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG9Q9a1kaco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtjdCa9Divg
  14. The basic problem Peter has is not non-initiation of force (voluntarism) it is property (private property in everyday language), which is in factually (not as adjective) Marxist view of world (mercantilism in its origin). It denies Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy), bodily integrity. And scarcity is strictly defined term in economics: All means are scarce, i.e., limited with respect to the ends that they could possibly serve. If the means are in unlimited abundance, then they need not serve as the object of attention of any human action. For example, air in most situations is in unlimited abundance. It is therefore not a means and is not employed as a means to the fulfillment of ends. It need not be allocated, as time is, to the satisfaction of the more important ends, since it is sufficiently abundant for all human requirements. Air, then, though indispensable, is not a means, but a general condition of human action and human welfare. Secondly, these scarce means must be allocated by the actor to serve certain ends and leave other ends unsatisfied. This act of choice may be called economizing the means to serve the most desired ends. - http://mises.org/rothbard/mes/chap1a.asp#2._First_Implications_ So when austrians speak non scarcity, they use "garden of Eden" in thought experiment, a situation where "stuff" need not be allocated. They say something of this nature: food and would drink would materials in your mouth when you had need for it. As a point for ZGM/TVP people, all mater is limited (which is not of great importance because of law of marginal utility), but ultimately scarce are time and space (which is also noted in lectures of austrian school, when they talk about "garden of eden")
  15. The basic problem Peter has is not non-initiation of force (voluntarism) it is property (private property in everyday language), which is in factually (not as adjective) Marxist view of world (mercantilism in its origin). It denies Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy), bodily integrity.
  16. Can't wait to watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAaST80dsfk - Philosophy and Current Events: Shooting in Russia over Kant Argument
  17. Which one of you guys was in southern Russia!? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/16/us-russia-kant-shooting-idUSBRE98F0DI20130916 "(Reuters) - An argument over the theories of 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant ended in a man being shot in a grocery store in southern Russia." Am I the only one interested in hearing the "arguments" from this dispute?
  18. " Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, ' the people ' , and epochs , it is the rule . " - Friedrich Nietzsche Yet another of Stef's videos translated. " Sloboda i Prosperitet " - libertarian network of alternative media in Western Balkans. It was published today because yesterday and today there were/are few sport games between teams of what once was one "nation". Video was made after riots in Vancouver after the 2011. It talks of ritualized warfare in the stands and in front of TV, sadly usual everywhere and always , and of course preparation for a war . ... think for yourselves. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwSussw3Wqc transcript : http://www.slobodaiprosperitet.tv/en/node/873
  19. I guess we are in 2. place ...Taha Yasseri at the University of Oxford in the UK and his team of researchers have ranked the most controversial topics in 10 different languages according to the intensity of the editing wars they generate. The result is a fascinating insight into the way conflicts emerge in different languages and how they are resolved. Yasseri and his fellow researchers also reveal the controversies that are common across language groups and how they vary around the world. Their work generated a simple list of the most controversial articles in each language. In English, the top 10 most controversial articles are: George W. Bush Anarchism Muhammad List of WWE personnel Global warming Circumcision United States Jesus Race and intelligence Christianity http://mashable.com/2013/07/17/most-controversial-wikipedia-topics/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link
  20. http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/p/39251/305379.aspx#305379
  21. Paul Rosenberg gives us the top 5 reasons he stopped caring about politics: #5: It eats up a horrifying amount of time and energy; #4: It’s an addiction; #3: It doesn’t change anything; #2: In the end, it’s about violence; #1: Politics is a relic of a barbaric past. Read the rest: http://www.freemansperspective.com/stop-caring-about-politics/
  22. Here are some data on why and how wrong is hitting children (big part of it is from FDR and Stef's videos). In my opinion it is best to state those facts and then emphasize solutions and actually guide people towards some helpful stuff. Scientifically, from the standpoint of medicine, psychology, it is absolutely clearly that hitting a child only has negative consequences, that "learning" can not be achieved, only trauma. Here's the data: The sum of the studies conducted over twenty years: „ Is spanking wrong? Clearly!...” - Canadian Medical Association Journal „In a related article, Durrant and Ensom summarize research done over the last 20 years suggesting that the physical punishment of children is associated with increased levels of child aggression and is no better at eliciting compliance than other methods. Furthermore, physical punishment during childhood is associated with behavioral problems in adult life, including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol, and general psychological maladjustment.” "The Facts About Spanking" - - Spanking Versus Permissiveness - Philosophical Parenting - Spanking Children Can Cause Mental Illnes - http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/247333.php Here are a handful of links that talk about medical research showing a link or even causality between child abuse and mental illness , aggression later in life, criminal act, drug abuse, early pregnancy and so on.: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/site/aappolicy/index.xhtml http://truththeory.com/2013/04/24/dna-doesnt-lie-happy-children-become-healthy-adults/ - " A happy childhood leads to a healthy adult life. This is what scientists found when they examined the effects of childhood adversities to DNA... More studies have found that children who experienced or even observed domestic violence not only experience more often depression, anxiety and reduced cognitive abilities, ...but also has impact on brain functions, such as figure recognition, object naming and conscious perception of visual movement " http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=stopspanking&e=com#Statistics%20You%20Need%20to You Need to http://www.themoneytimes.com/node/85300 http://www.repeal43.org/research.html http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2009/09/spanking-iq.html http://www.nospank.net/johnson2.htm http://nospank.net/straus15.pdf http://www.stophitting.com/index.php http://www.naturalchild.org/jan_hunt/spanked.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jqiusfrKWZc - Dr. Drew talks spanking, mental illness study Author (Kathleen Taylor, prof. Oxford) claims people 'radicalised by cult behaviours' could being treated as mental health sufferers. Techniques that would help curb this are already in the process of development. These could also be used to stop parents hitting children . 'I am not just talking about the obvious candidates like radical Islam or some of the more extreme cults. 'I am talking about things like the belief that it is OK to beat your children. "These beliefs are very harmful but are not normally categorized as mental illness.' - http://capitalismisfreedom.com/religious-extremism-violent-behavior-is-a-mental-health-issue-that-could-be-cured/#.UajY-tJmgzl
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