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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Here is a great article on improving your chances of getting through to people it's got quite a few actual practical tactics that I have tried and seen to work on softening peoples positions http://www.wakingtimes.com/2015/02/13/change-someones-mind/
  2. Congratulations on your great achievement! Must be great to see your all your hard work come to fruition.
  3. From Tom Woods: What about the DeBeers diamond cartel? Surely that is an example of free-market “monopoly,” defying the economists’ assurances that cartels on a free market tend to be unstable and short-lived. In fact, there has been no free market in diamonds. The South African government nationalized all diamond mines, even ones it hadn’t yet discovered. Thus, a property owner who discovers diamonds on his property finds ownership title instantly transferred to the government. Mine operators, in turn, who lease the mines, must get a license from the government. By an interesting happenstance, the licensees have all wound up being either DeBeers itself or operators willing to distribute their diamonds through the DeBeers Central Selling Organization. Miners trying to distribute diamonds in defiance of government restrictions have faced stiff penalties.
  4. because they provide a cosmetic alternative to the mainstream media that is ostensibly rational and humanitarian in nature. It's "makes sense, feels good" liberalism rather than mainstream liberal (democrat/new labour) supporting
  5. I would run a game , but I would run WFRP it's really easy to play I kept trying to get a group together in Edinburgh but couldn't find players otherwise I am happy to submit to omegahero as DM in D&D I have not played in almost a decade but I'm sure it plays more or less the same
  6. Here is the best practice for overcoming procrastination I have found so far.
  7. well I for one welcome you! Welcome to the community! I'd be interested in what beliefs you hold regarding religion and/or god and on which grounds you believe them if you are willing to share
  8. good one, lots of history I am not aware of from my main source Warren Farrell Wow Cenk is a complete douchebag at the end there he won't even listen to her views she did a good job keeping her head though!
  9. http://fff.org/explore-freedom/article/the-misplaced-fear-of-monopoly/
  10. Thanks for sharing Kevin, I hope you keep making videos!
  11. thanks for the responses guys I would also add that patents are a statist source of many monopolies as well as erecting other barriers to entry and that I don't know if the DeBeers would really be able to corner the market on diamonds without the states in those countries protecting their interests
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