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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. check out my channel www.youtube.com/enrichyourlife1 it has good resources on building and improving relationships and if you have any topics I could do a video
  2. I don't have a relationship with my mum. I have her occasionally comenting on what I should be doing, should have done, or should do.
  3. What does it say about me that the first thing I'm wondering is are these teachers hot? lol I click the link to the huffington post article hoping there is a picture...
  4. Brave stuff Torien, when you find someone who can have these kinds of conversations you will know right away I dated a girl for a while who got the parent stuff right away because her dad left and she knew what it was like to be hurt by a parent some people can be coached but it takes a lot of skill, patience and occasionally holding stuff back so they can be drip fed the truth at their pace, it may be best to look for people who show more instant understanding
  5. If they are, the best way to stop them getting overpaid is to reform the statist education system so poor people have the training and skills to outcompete them.
  6. Hey people, I've continued to try and find good entry points for getting feminists to take an interest in men's issues with some considerable success. I wanted to continue modelling, by finding common ground, one friend started by posting this: MAN: A gender egalitarian delivers an incredibly elegant critique of the current feminist movement, and why they're shoveling sand against the tide. It's in response to actress Emma Watson's speech at the UN, where she called on men to support her in the fight for gender equality *. (* Small print: not actual equality, feminist "equality" meaning "equality for half of the population"). http://naughtynerdess.tumblr.com/post/98184739316/an-open-letter-to-emma-watson WOMAN: I agree with most of what she said, but I wasn't so sure about how she was portraying the pay difference between men and women. It is not so much a problem at lower levels of income, but it genuinely is true that many women in high paying roles, are paid less than their male counterparts. I don't just mean ones with families who need to take time off for their children, I mean professional women who made the decision not to have children for the sake of their career are getting paid less than a man in that same role with the same experience and qualifications. ME: WOMAN it is not in evidence that women earn less than men for the same work. When it comes high paying roles as you mention, you actually have to control for 25 factors including level of education, willingess to commute long distances, willingness to relocate, willingess to work more hours at weekends, willingness to travel far from home regularly for work, whether someone took a vocational degree or a degree in something like social science or english lit, etc. to find that women do not earn less than men for similar work - actually they earn about the same for the same jobs. Never married women who have never had children actually earn slightly more (117% of) never married men who have never had children. If you want links I will direct you to them. Women tend to have a better work-life balance than men, which I consider wise, and will tend to stop chasing promotions when their income reaches +/1500,000$. I think part of the continuation of the gains of the feminist movement would actually be to encourage men to consider work-life balance more rather than be walking wallets who don't spend time with their families. My approach is to provide facts but not so many it overloads a person and makes them walk away, and also find some common ground, without using any condescending language like "that crap has been debunked so many times." etc. which never works. I see it kind of like what Peter Boghossian says about "microinoculations" against the faith virus. There are a bunch of feminists I know who have softened on their positions over time and have said frankly "you have really changed my opinions on gender" etc. the thing is what you are taking a way from a feminist is their victimhood status which is why an adversarial approach may not be effective, I find a "we're all in this together" approach convincing over time.
  7. When you talk about a free market, many open-minded persons on the left are like "yes, well the freedom aspect does sound good, but these choices are not completely free, companies can advertise and propagandise and use subliminal messages to make people get their stuff." I was wanting to collect other peoples responses on this issue. here are some of my thoughts There is the implication that human beings are like zombies that are just waiting to be manipulated by the next advertising campaign to buy a product that they wouldn't have wanted if they hadn't seen the ad - but if that were true then businesses wouldn't spend so much money on market research to find out what consumers want and how to deliver it best. No firms would ever go bankrupt, they could just convince people to buy whatever they are selling. They have to figure out what these inscrutable consumers want. Selling is hard, as anyone who has ever worked in a caller centre can attest, you have to compete with every single other things people can do with their money, be it spending, saving or investing. Almost everything that is marketed is aimed at the mass market, the elite always do well under every system including communism and fascism, whereas almost every firm is trying to produce things for the general public - someone who wants to a toaster, or a fridge. It's the masses who have the most to gain from competition in providing these products so that they are offered a higher standard of living at a cheaper price. The fact that record companies can sell a pop song, expertly, will not impress a Marxist professor who thinks they should be listening to classical music and getting cultured, but even that pop song will improve their standard of living marginally. If people are zombie-like, in a way, as consumers, the logical place to point the finger is not those who market to them, but the education system which is run by the state, not free-marketeers whose only recourse is to sell what people buy or go bankrupt. If we are to talk about the use of propaganda, the state has clearly won the battle for control over hearts and minds hands down. Coca Cola do not own any schools, but if they did not many people would be drinking Pepsi. McDonalds do not set the curriculum, but if they did there would be very few vegetarians. Everyone goes through 12-14 years of mandatory education, bought and paid for by the state, and they receive a pro-government education from pro-government teachers, and thus there are very few anarchists but many statists. It is the government also decides who has access to television licences and the airwaves. Government has won the propaganda war. I also want to write about how free-market advertising and manipulations could be counter-balanced or regulated in a free market if you have any suggestions on that, or also other ways the state is more guilty of propaganda
  8. I can't take anyone seriously who makes the argument that vegetarians eat plants. you have to be a certain kind of sophist, rhetorician, willful ignorant, or just an idiot to make this parallel.
  9. mine is three inches from the floor
  10. Hey with the UK boming Iraq this might be an opportune moment to interview George Galloway for the show on foreign policy since 9-11, starting with current events and going back He is a badboy lefty but he is excellent of foreign policy and would introduce a whole new crowd to the show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0eGingvUhQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVgSAniqfRs
  11. I would like to know why the Judaeo-Christian god is worthy of anything but contempt, he drowned the entire world. He put believers through torturous trials and smote, bloodily and without mercy, those who did not believe.
  12. I have never had time for that lunatic she said we should invade all these countries and convert them to Christianity she has always been a pernicious bitch
  13. here is a video I made on the subject:
  14. that does sound tough, did you get to really udnerstand why your daughter didn't want to learn? was it just because it was too hard?
  15. asking them if they are interested in the music and if they would prefer to play something else asking them if they are finding it too challenging - sometimes they need to be told if they just stick at it a little longer I'm sure they'll get it or just try it for 5 minutes and if you still think it's too hard we can move onto something else I won't force you teach them things by ear if they are reading music and not progressing, or vice versa to find out their learning style it really depends on the student. Can you link to the video you made me again?
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