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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. unfortunately I am allergic to almonds, I've tried soy but I hear bad things about its health properties, not I'm sure that milk is much better I also don't do great with too much wheat or gluten in the diet so I have quite a lot of dietary limitations but it keeps me on the straight and narrow lots of vegetables, fruits, seeds, lentils, chickpeas, and some nuts (I am allergic to others) --- all that good stuff
  2. I have been a vegetarian for 6 or 7 years, a near vegan in the last few years but not strict on a splash of milk in tea or coffee I love the lifestyle and could never see myself going back I learned to make much more interesting food instead of relying on the quick fix of some animal product I am also healthier, I am also much more satisfied with simple food like salads I really love them now instead of seeing them as an "add on" my palate is much more sensitive to these foods I enjoy them more I also love that I don't feed money into the factory farming or slaughter of animals I am an animal lover and I know these pigs and lambs and cows are perfectly intelligent, sweet and gentle vegetarian animals I don't want to kill them
  3. it's kind of a false dichotomy don't you think? how does the parent even know what their rational self-interest is? edit: I remembered there is a great section on the subject in this one as well in the first 15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvAfGJKmyHs#t=555
  4. Hey those videos from Roslyn Ross are fantastic! I also interviewed her, so if you want to hear more from her you can hear her out here: I think it turned out awesome
  5. it's kind of hard to put numerical values to those things but I understand your meaning, how is it working in your experience?
  6. In order to further the conversation here I have made a special effort to ask Dayna Martin relevant questions to this conversation in our recent interview
  7. I loved this show! It was really moved by it I asked Dayna a bit on it here and she talked about the experience before going on to other unschooling topics
  8. I loved this show! I asked Dayna to say a bit about it near the beginning of this interview
  9. I wanted to collect these videos on one thread as I think these were some of my favourite shows, and someday me or someone else will want to type Warren Farrell in the search field and get them all in one place. Here they are.
  10. he's already made up his mind he doesn't show any ccuriosity or desire for mutual education etc. no point
  11. if you want less planned obsolescence then more competition the freer the market the better
  12. yup I got this from my mum too consistenetly, seems to be recocurring apparently "I wanted to do better than my parents" excuses everything else
  13. Here is a thread for sharing insights and videos on cultivating great relationships.
  14. wow imagine someone did this to their spouse
  15. did you not put up a video of your experiences as a music teacher? I may be confusing you with another member best wishes
  16. great idea tjt Btw I was thinking of taking an excerpt from your video about working in that school and putitng it up on TheProgressiveParent youtube channel, would you like that?
  17. I would love to see Stefan's answer to this question on healthy eating illustrated or animated I think it's great
  18. no,a lot of the time we completely ignore what we are feeling and that's often why people act it out people are put into a habit of ignoring what they feel by caregivers who find their feelings inconvenient
  19. Q: (for 1mil) How do laws make us free? A: They prevent theft B: They prevent violence C: They prevent children from getting indoctrinated and drugged D: They are funded by theft, enforced by violence, and legitimated by the the indoctrination of children. Would make the point clearer
  20. The only institution that is legally allowed to steal your money and spend it on things you disagree with, then call it civilization: A) The Free Market B) Corporations C) Charity D) The State
  21. Here is Gabor Mate (who Stefan interviewed) lecturing on the same subject:
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