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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I suggested my girlfriend change the picture on her old profile to something that was more flattering, and with long hair, as a social experiment right enough she started getting a huge volume of messages the shallowness of men I want to try a parallel experiment where I change my profile to something stereotypically alpha in the about me section "cool cat, looking for a kitty" and just a bunch of glib bullshit to see how many messages I get compared to when I said a lot about myself which so apparently offputting because women can't project all they want onto your blank canvas
  2. I have seen this I found it very moving, Dayna explains that her kids are doing well with the reading now, which is the main thing she came under fire for after being on this show:
  3. Rate my sound! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ferxd-AN6Bs#t=67
  4. Hey I loved the concept, I guessed who the hostage is - this is FDR afterall are you planning to make any more short movies?
  5. Doesn't look like it http://yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/gender-differences-and-casual-sex-the-new-research/ looks like they don't go for it because they aren't sure it's safe and don't think the man is going to get them off
  6. I have not made any case at all against killing animals, so your questions are irrelevant. I have simply logically debunked the argument: "you have to understand the NAP to be protected by the NAP." it doesn't work unless you think that insane people and retards should not be protected by the NAP. You need to go away and find a better argument to justify killing animals since this argument is transparently poor as my reductio ad absurdum reveals.
  7. Neither can retards or insane people. So the NAP does not apply to them according to your argument. Therefore they can be factory farmed. Cows, sheep, horses, are vegetarian so they are not perpetrators, they are vegetarian animals
  8. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing such horrendous difficulty as a consequence of all the introjects of your childhood. I commend your bravery and wish you fast and effective healing.
  9. Fans of Queen may also love: they only have 2 albums best worth grabbing!
  10. Re: "Eating meat isn't against the non-aggression principle though because animals cannot understand the non-aggression principle" I really wish people would stop parroting this retarded argument (no offense meant, I am not saying you or Stef are retarded but the fallacy in it is abundantly obvious) I am not saying that killing animals or eating meat is immoral - but this argument stinks to high heaven by this argument is is perfectly reasonable to factory farm and eat retards because they can't understand the NAP the argument does not work because it confuses Perpetrator with Victim The point is not whether the victim understands the NAP or not (for example we call killing retards murder) The point is whether the perpetrator understands the NAP (which is why if an insane person kills someone we don't) call it murder Saying because animals don't understand the NAP it is not immoral to kill them is the logical equivalent of saying it is immoral to have your wallet stolen from you I am not against people arguing for the morality of eating meat in general but surely they can do better? the argument is STUPID. stupid stupid stupid.
  11. John can you please comment on my posts on this thread and say if I have said anything misleading or incorrect since you seem to be the resident expert on the position I was advancing. Dude - it's like, 16 pages. well we can agree to discontinue the investigation, but it doesn't really come down to disagreement. Two mutually exclusive positions cannot both be true so unless we live in a relativistic multiverse where we're each right in our own world - one of our positions must be incorrect. the amount of B12 you need to get you through your entire life is like the size of 4 grains of rice B12 was created by bacteria on vegetables since like, forever, it's just because our foods are not just grabbed straight from the ground we don't get it
  12. If you want wages to go up in Brazil then you should advocate a free market in Brazil so as many entrepreneurs can go in and employ peopel as possible. Competition over employers leads to employers bidding up wages or providing perks like training as part of the job which can lead people to more gainful employment. It's that simple.
  13. my favourite bang since the age of like 12
  14. So far as my research has shown humans are scavengers rather than omnivores, that is to say we developed the capacity to digest meat because it's convenient in scarcity but not to thrive on it. You have said a lot, and you are write I used bad terminology in saying "designed" perhaps "adapted" would be more accurate? - I don't get how you can equate a cats claws with "tools" ---- claws are adapted into the organism itself for the purpose of eating meat. I acknowledge your examples of ambiguity animals, but the point remains humans are extremely ill adapted to eat meat without the use of man made tools which is almost unique in the animal kingdom. You can look into your dogs mouth and see teeth that were adapted to tear meat. Another point is that meat eaters don't chew their food at all, they tear it and swallow. Humans chew and chew and chew. That's what their teeth are designed to do, chew, not tear. You are right that the western diet includes a lot of trash including corn-fed meat rather than grass fed, I think it would be interesting to see some studies done specifically to discern whether meat in general promotes cancer, heart disease, stroke, et al. or it is just the kind of meat which people eat as I don't know if this has been distinguished in the studies. I find it interesting that you eat raw meat, and I wonder if that is healthier, but it is comparitively rare I have to say. Why do you suppose that is? There is a lot of stuff out there saying raw foods are best these days because you don't cook out nutrients. I have done a lot better on a vegetarian diet than I did substituting effort for grabbing a ham sandwich, which is what I used to do. I don't think I would go back unless it was demonstrated to me that I had a specific health need for it and even then I'd just eat what I needed to because I don't like to contribute to unnecessary suffering of animals or monetize factory farming, I have taken cod liver oil supplements on occasion while being otherwise vegetarian. If as you say, humans closest evolutionary ancestors were not vegetarian can you provide links? A quick google leads to pages of articles that claim the contrary, that they were.
  15. Ah jeez talk about philosophy what's it got to do with what is clear to you? And what is what I would feed my cat got to do with anything? Cats have teeth designed to tear meat, humans do not. This is just ad hominem and attack on my character, what is this crap you are spewing? you sound extremely defensive Then you go on to describe my looks. I was not always a vegetarian and I was way skinny when I ate meat on a daily basis. I am healthier now than I've ever been before. The reason I don't hold fat is because I never bothered developing my muscles if I lifted some weights or did my press ups I'd bulk up in no time. as for health vegetarians have much reduced risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and all forms of organ failure Humans cannot outrun prey. They cannot catch them easily without tools. That is just a matter of fact. Animals that eat meat can catch prey, their bodies are designed to catch prey without tools. I would like some proper argument and scientific evidence to back up your position. You don't even admit that other primates are vegetarian and that is a matter of fact. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2012/07/23/human-ancestors-were-nearly-all-vegetarians/ I am willing to be convinced by reason and evidence but not by this emotion-driven trash you are spewing.
  16. Humans have a vegetarian digestive system. It's a long digestive system, that isn't very acidic. Animals that are designed to eat meat have short digestive tracts that are very intensely acidic. They want to process it and get it out of their bodies as soon as possible. They also have claws and sharp piercing teeth for hunting. If you think you can catch prey without any tools then be my guest, try chasing after a rabbit and catching it. Try jumping on the back of a horse and biting into it. I don't think you'll have much luck because you aren't evolved for it. All our closest evolutionary ancestors are vegetarian. Animals designed to eat meat salivate when they see corpses. People do everything they can to make their meat not taste like meat by cooking it, spicing it, putting unhealthy processed condiment sauces on it to hide the fact that it's meat.
  17. she told me she's not a huge fan of Stef because she doesn't that moralizing is productive - although I think she appreciates him advocating peaceful parenting to such a large crowd she prefers the NVC approach of seeing social interactions in terms of peoples needs and strategies for getting them met I am more of a "may many flowers bloom" -, I find both perspectives useful in their own right and in different situations or often both useful in the same situation as they offer two different camera angles on the same set
  18. It's fine on the whole, I love the food I eat in the end
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