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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. "I believe in spankings, I believe in time-outs, I believe in taking things" Who gives a fuck what you believe you dumb ignorant bitch, what does the research say? This woman gets a fucking tv show?
  2. In my view (and experience) if you want to have success converting people to stop spanking you need to focus on what the alternatives are find out why they want to spank and think spanking is useful and important then explain how you could approach meeting those goals with peaceful parenting BETTER If they say "discipline" throw in facts and research to back up how children who are spanked are more likely to act out in school here is a video on the topic
  3. make a strong case rather than saying we don't accept facts.
  4. book now Available for free download http://bookbay.org/?p=599386
  5. Sorry that is all the way at the bottomo of the country I am in Scotland, it would cost a fortune and take forever to get there I think we would have more luck organizing a meet in Manchester for example because it is central and everyone could get there? Even getting the megabus sleeper to London could be an option if it was an all day event Good luck
  6. 4 one thing on it http://www.iaccenter.com/adoptive_investment.pdf
  7. Hey this kind of thing is becoming increasingly common at the end of youtube uploads and I think it's about time I started doing it at the end of my own videos, can anyone advise me as to how this is done? with moving video embeds and interactive links andalso1.bmp andalso2.bmp
  8. Hey great conversation guys, this really helped clarify the concepts for me and relate them to my own experience! My girlfriend also drew my attention to that Mother Knows Best song because she thought I'd be interested in it we watched the movie, it's definitely worth a view! The theme of children being isolated from the world seems to be cropping up a lot in children's movies these days with Tangled, Frozen, Coraline, can you think of any more?
  9. I would rather children were with caring, attentive, nurturing gay parents than the average. Since couples who adopt need to be rigorously screened (don't they?) it might not be bad on average that isn't empirical but I think worth considering
  10. Thanks I heard that video a year or two ago and enjoyed it very much as well! I just wondering sometimes if REBT is just encouraging dissociation. Trying to think away emotions is what most people do anyway, isn't it? They try to rationalize them away by changing their thoughts Does it really work?
  11. very recently posted call in show
  12. Hey has anyone got any experience with REBT? What are your experiences? How would you rate it as a form of therapy?
  13. is that the jewish culture? I hate the way this culture I was somewhat brought up in ritualizes grief (and almost everything) and makes it inauthentic it's like telling you how to mourn, how to respect, etc. it makes the whole thing disingenuous
  14. "Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge. " "The ruling classes use broken and smashed up childhoods as weaponised instruments of domination around the world. ((And this is why) [The] government has no incentive to end child abuse because the government needs abuse victims as enforcers.)"
  15. Do you acknowledge that if you do not pay your taxes you will be put in a cage with murderers and rapists? So you acknowledge that your duty to pay taxes is enforced by a threat? Well in that case can you demonstrate the difference between taxation and theft I am not clear on it.
  16. agreed did you know that industrial hemp is one of the fastest CO2 to biomatter converters in the world, as well as being able to replace a whole load of petrochemical products and be made into paper so trees do not have to be cut down? it also replenishes soil which is dmaged which means it is great to grow in areas where they want to replant a forest for a few years, then you cut it down and plant trees in its place. The state makes this natural technology illegal.
  17. we'll be fine you know a lot of technologies are being developed as we speak that will solve our environmental problems even landfills aren't what they once were, they now take out the methane and use it for energy and drain the chemicals from the bottom and reprocess them there are more trees now then a few decades because in Europe they started replanting all these forests in response to worries on climate change the rainforest is a worry the technology will come on on sustainables and become more commercially viable etc, here is a documentary you should watch on overpopulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz_kn45qIvI
  18. they usually act like everything is subjective and reason and evidence is equivalent to personal opinion but no one really believes that, because to act consistently with that belief you wouldn't bold any positions, you'd just say "It's all a matter of the way you look at it" when anyone asked your opinion on anything usually the truth triggers feelings of anxiety, fear, shame or guilt in them and they are not equipped to work through those feelings and release the trigger they've never done it and don't even know it's possible, can't see any benefit to doing it either probably don't even know that their ancient emotional triggers are holding them back in any significant way and don't want to know because it would be hurtful to process
  19. Amelia and I had a look at some of your other stuff too on Deviant Art, she is also an artist and thought you have a really great eye for light and shadow look forwards to seeing more of your work oh we like the skeleton hands coming out of the water on the One That Still Struggles
  20. Urm kind of degrading to men, no? I know it's a joke and I see the funny side but it does perpetuate a negative stereotype about us
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