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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I can't offer any financial support at the moment but I can skype if you ever need some moral support and a good, empathetic ear there is also my channel for care-givers of children if you ever want to top up your approaches www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  2. those are some moving stories thank you for sharing them
  3. you said you have spoken to her a lot, I think it's important at this time that you really listen actually, get exactly where she is coming from, give lots of empathy. Fact and statistics can look like a club when you feel like someone doesn't really understand you or is not very sensitive to how you are feeling in the situation. You need to listen a lot to build up the trust from which she can hear you. I am reminded of Stephen Colgan's signature, "people don't care what you know until they know that you care"
  4. What OP's writes is the correct interpretation of what karma means (= cause and effect) in accordance with many interpretations of the Buddhist doctrine Karma literally means "action" and the Buddhist teaching is that cause and effect is the governing force behind the universe. It gets a bit woo when the idea is that the unresolved effects of causes are carried over from one life into the next the idea of "good" and "bad" karma is more of a western interpretation, in fact the idea is just that actions have consequences such as drinking too much leading to health problems watching the effects of actions (empiricism) via meditation or other practices is tipped for mastery of life NB. I am not a Buddhist
  5. Hi Thanks Clark I remember your call, you are a very noble man thank you for updating us on what is happening for you if there is anything we can do to help post up about it it would be nice to drum up some support
  6. What's wrong with age discrimination? When I go on the bus I pay more than kids and pensioners If I went out on a date with a girl who I judged "too old for me" she could not sue me for age discrimination there is nothing wrong with the school deciding they want someone younger in
  7. These days Stefan's videos usually get about 15,000 views when this video came out it was about a third of that! this one only got around 15,000 views and it is one of the best and most important videos on economics you have ever done. It is also concise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reupload it, it will probably go viral
  8. He should go to his fans to raise money not the government.
  9. The one on his kids is so refreshing because so many stand up comics talk about the "horrors" of having children
  10. yes exactly, I always find people "not knowing that they don't know" frustrating when I talk to statists who are into politics and they say stupid things liek waht about roads or regulating the banks it's like : please don't insult my intelligence - if you don't even know anarchism 101 then don't pretend you're qualified to debate it go back and learn the basics - then come with some serious objections of course if you point that out you sound pompous and arrogant but actually it's arrogant to assume someone who claims to be an anarchist has never thought of these pedestrian objections HA pedestrian objections - who will build the roads! - I crack myself up
  11. Ah I see why this topic is banned lol, I was only asking if my arguments were logically consistent, - valid - not if they were sound per se since its unverifiable
  12. Before concluding this section on the Rogers AT hypothesis I want to lead one more critique of his views. A central principle of the theory is that the actualizing tendency, while being a constructive drive, can bring imperfect outcomes - but that all organisms, including persons, persist, develop and function as best they can, given their capacities and their circumstances.[1] Here I must diverge in view. Stating that all people everywhere are "doing the best they can" is to negate free will, by definition. No personal responsibility is possible without free will: firstly because there is nothing to take responsibility for because you didn't do it of your own volition, and secondly you do not have the capacity to choose whether or not you take responsibility since you are predetermined. The idea of counselling or helping people change becomes meaningless under these conditions. A determinist would be as well to counsel a set of kitchen towels as a human being. The mechanistic view of the universe could be true (and at present it is neither verifiable nor falsifiable) but If we admit determinism and at the same time fail to behave as though we have no free will, then to preach determinism is meaningless it has literally no impact on our lives. No mechanist acts in congruence with their beliefs as it is impossible to do so, thus determinism is self-fasifying, as in the statement, “language is meaningless.” It seems to me that Carl Rogers was not a determinist, indeed, client-centred therapy promotes freedom of choice.[2] Yet holding the view that all organisms are doing the best they can under the circumstances they are in is not compatible with a nondeterministic viewpoint – as I think I have demonstrated. Do my conclusions follow from my premises or have I missed any steps?
  13. I didn't like the conspiratorial tone either James P, but I have heard the theory elsewhere as fringe science
  14. gets a bit meta late on but there is some golden stuff in the first half
  15. great post magenta I really enjoyed it so thanks
  16. I find this theory interesting although I do not know whether it is true , it would mean theories on plate tectonics would have to be reviewed entirely yes, by agglomeration ie. space dust and particles of water as well as comets and asteroids being pulled in by the earth's gravity it's not too unimaginable
  17. "You are required and commanded to do things that you can only do voluntarily"
  18. Here, let me offer you a full refund! I think it expresses and prizes individuality and the right of the individual to think out of the box and question the dogmas he has received from his society I see what you mean about thought not necessarily being subversive, as in - people have thought to create systems of repression in the first place but I think you can substitute "thought" for "free thought" : ie. "Thinking means you doubt; thinking means you are not ready to accept what is being told to you. You want to decide on your own. Thinking means to be rational, to be logical; and humanity up to now has been superstitious…" ie. not critically examining what you hear is not really thinking Also, Osho did talk about force being exerted against children, school religion and politics being conditioning/control systems, and intervening in child abuse he talked extensively about how parents and culture want to mould children into what they want them to be instead of finding out who they are and giving them freedom to bloom so he was not ignorant to root causes nor did he ignore then hence why he was such a controversial figure.
  19. I really enjoyed the jist of this article, a particularly moving quote for me was: "It seems that there has been a conspiracy, going on for centuries, of mediocre people against the genius. " you will have to excuse one or two religious examples, the message is worth it. Thinking Is Dangerous March 1, 2014 | By WakingTimes | Reply Osho Waking Times Thoughts are always subversive. Only people who do not think are not subversive. Thinking is a crime. Jesus is crucified, Socrates is poisoned, Gautam Buddha is stoned. These people have not harmed anybody. They were the most loving, most compassionate human beings possible — but they committed a crime, and the crime's name is thinking. No society wants any of its members to think. Thinking is dangerous. The society wants robots who simply do whatever is told to them, who cannot say no — that is impossible for them. They are machines. It is not accidental that every developed society is replacing man by machines. Machines are obedient, never subversive. Have you ever heard of any machine being a revolutionary or a rebel? It has not happened up to now that we had to crucify a machine. Machines are very respectable people. I am not a machine. And there is no way of thinking, other than being subversive. Thinking means you doubt; thinking means you are not ready to accept what is being told to you. You want to decide on your own. Thinking means to be rational, to be logical; and humanity up to now has been superstitious… Yes, I am subversive. And only the subversive people are responsible for all the progress of the world. Whatever you have — all civilization, all scientific growth, all technology — is the contribution of subversive people. It is not the contribution of the superstitious. So I am happy to declare that I am subversive, absolutely subversive. To belong to that category is a great honor. Jesus Christ belongs to it, Socrates belongs to it, Galileo belongs to it, Gautam Buddha belongs to it. These are the real human beings. Others are only part of the crowd, cogs in the wheel. The society decides what is right, and they never question. The society decides what is wrong, and they never question. What is the difference between animals and man? Each human being has to be subversive if he wants to be a human being. That's the definition given by Aristotle: man is a thinking animal. Thinking is equivalent to subversiveness… Socrates lived a long life; then they poisoned him. Jesus preached for three years continuously, and then they crucified him. I was only in Greece for two weeks when they arrested me. And they threatened that they would burn the house, dynamite the house, if I didn't leave the house immediately. These are the same people who had poisoned Socrates two thousand years before… Do you think crucifying Jesus was the answer? The crucifixion created Christianity. Was poisoning Socrates the answer? Nobody is respected more in the whole history of Greece than Socrates. People have completely forgotten the names of those who had decided to poison him. But Socrates' name will remain immortal as long as human beings are on the earth… It seems that there has been a conspiracy, going on for centuries, of mediocre people against the genius. And of course the mediocre people are in the majority — they have all the power. They have the government, they have the military, they have the police, they have the nuclear weapons. The genius has nothing except his intelligence, and intelligence is basically revolutionary; it cannot be otherwise. Its very quality, its intrinsic quality, is rebellion — rebellion against darkness, rebellion against untruth, rebellion against slavery, rebellion against everything that prevents man from becoming his total, grown-up self.
  20. exams and grades are stupid and anti-empirical means of assessment of education they also demotivate actual learning, encourage students to pick the easiest tasks and questions and do the minimum work necessary to get a grade (rather than focus on what they are learning) and engender academic bulimia (learn it, spew it out, forget about it)
  21. great quotes guys, and A+ on the original graphic!!
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