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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I used to love this show when I was a kid. I have just watched the first couple minutes or so of the first episode and the show is freakishly Kleinian! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2RVpAobbiQ We have an evil enemy called Mother Brain who is cruel and sadistic to her minions. They are snivelling approval seekers who have a rivalry with one-another and laugh at each others misfortune when the other is the one being bullied. Then the "good princess" ie. kind mother - two of her servants are small and childlike, and humble themselves before her.he other is adult/grown-up, arrogant, and his intentions are more adult. He gets rejected by the good princess whenever he tries to get too close. Splitting? This is the idea that mother is harsh but mother is also good - she can't seriously be the same mother? surely not? The evil Queen, 'Mother Brain' , wants control, so she can be the "beautiful queen of video land" IE. colonize the position of the "good mother". The good mother is hopeless, ashamed of herself because she is worried that she will let down those in her care by falling to Mother Brain. She longs for some boy hero to save her. The kids say they "must cheer her up." The adult male arrogantly proclaims that he's the only one who can actually do it. (I've got to be a big strong boy for mummy. ?) His arrogance is always instantly punished throughout the episode by misfortunes. Ultimately the hero is sucked into a fantasy world where he is expected to save the good mother and the "children" from the evil mother and her minions and win her approval, as everyone seems very doubtful of his abilities at first. If my analogy holds true he has an Oedipal fascination with the Princess. At the very end of the first episode the hero is going to leave Videoland to return to his own world, but hears the voice of his own mother remind him to take out the trash and clean up his room, he is warned off playing his childish video game "again"... not wanting to return to that environment he decides to "stay in Videoland a little bit longer" (escape his FOO by videogaming.) The whole thing seems eerily like a big childhood projection. I myself remember fantasizing about how cool it would be to get sucked into my nintendo and be like Captain N.
  2. the game is demeaning, frustrating and even depressing when you don't know how to play it and wonderfully exciting when you do when a woman is truly in love with a man and he has set up his boundaries for high standards of behaviour, both the expectation for receiving and giving in my experience, she will do everything in her power to please him, support him and help him be happy it's just learning the skills to create that kind of set up which is the hard part in my experience, but commitment to it is worth it a harmonious relationship is a wonderful place to grow
  3. 1) states will always serve special interest groups because of the difference in incentives for people paying subsidy vs. incentive to keep subsidy 2) As soon as you have a state it corrupts the market because if I can make more profit from lobbying than from serving my customers I'm gonna do that 3) if democracy is not a fit way to run a flat ( you and me vote, flatmate 3 has to wash the dishes and hoover the floor every night while we put our feet up) why is it a fit way to run a country 4) States make it illegal for any other bodies to solve the problems they charge themselves with solving, so even if other people could do a better job they wouldn't be allowed to. 5) the temptation to Print/Borrow/Steal and pay it forwards to the next generation is too tempting when you want votes 6) No government departments is incentivised to solve problems since if they do they are putting themselves out of a job 7) Government will always get bigger not smaller, because if you try to make cuts people who have a monopoly service go on strike.
  4. since there is a lot of data on how people best learn and schools are set up completely in opposition to what the evidence says, it's virtually impossible that privatizing school could make it worse.
  5. thanks for the excellent and detailed feedback Kevin, very much appreciated, I'll get back to you in further detail soon I also agree I wasn't as clear as I could be on my definitions I also think affirmations alone are not enough of course, and would have liked to be more clear on the point of keeping your attention focussed on the emotional trigger while doing so so you don't get fully distracted by your thoughts when you have emotional material, I'm still optimising my own approaches and writing the article was even part of that self-work
  6. No my friend, the "rat race" is modelled on our upbringing - not free market principles the main concept of the free market is cooperation and choice of who to cooperate with in win-win negotiations all the evidence on how people best learn says that people best learn in a cooperative learning environment however, government schools are all based on individual work and competition primarily if not completely, what is called cooperation in the workplace is called "cheating" at school So, you have people who are 12-14 years trained in working for themselves that means that is how they are used to working, in a hierarchy - and the workplace is modelled on what people know if they had gone through 12-14 years of cooperative learning it would be a different story people would be so skilled in cooperation that entrepreneurs would use those skills and organise the workplace according to peoples strength which would lead to more cooperative, fulfilling, engaging workplaces where workers were engaged in discussing ideas and planning strategies and problem solving the way we are trained to compete has nothing to do with the free market
  7. No, not the popular Queen song! But a popular article, written by yours truly, please tell me what you think http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/03/want-break-free/ subscribe to my youtube channels please if you haven't already darlings: www.youtube.com/enrichyourlife1 www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  8. well don't get too caught up in the guilt feeling of it all either, you know kids learn from how you model so you don't want to be wandering around with a guilty self-image you can't change the past you've seen your errors and you're moving on I think you should eb willing to take credit for that, a lot of people are set in their ways, I can't even get my dad not to put salt in his cooking when he cooks for me even though my mum and I have asked him not to for years
  9. that is the most retarded thing I have ever seen I've never known anyone to die from lslacking off from the shitty schools
  10. Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many barriers to entry there are into the medical profession in the US? All these healthcare systems are systems of illness not systems of health the only thing that is remunerated is sickness and treating sickness there is no monetization of preventing ill health or maintaining good healthy only reaction after the fact that's why the rates of all chronic illnesses have gone up to no end over the last century the more government involvement in healthcare which is actually sickcare and createslarge incentives to keep people sick and treat them forever the more people will be sick and be treated. it's a ridiculous system http://www.freenation.org/a/f12l3.html
  11. I recommend the book Beyond Discipline - From Compliance to Community by Alfie Kohn for anyone and everyone who wants to know what is institutionally wrong with the average classroom. Read it, lend it to all your friends.
  12. I'm enjoying the lively debate, Joe Rogan is throwing in the kind of objections that his audience will be having in mind so a good chance for Peter to explain although on the environment and on pharmaceutical regulation I think I could do better myself and more concise. on Pharameuticals Joe says "so if there is no regulations or governing body" Peter doesn't even say "there could be independent watchdogs competing - and one drug company could try to do reserarch to debunk the competitions drugs" Edit: He's actually wearing on me, Schiff is the classic example of why liberals think conservatives are heartless and don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and just love big corporations. In response to the point on CHinese factory workers he says "if that's the best opportunity they can get then they should be glad they have it." oh dear oh dear oh dear, I'd liek to send him to work in one for a year and tell him he should be glad the correct argument for a liberal is in a free market more companies would come in and bid up the price of labour
  13. congratulations on turning things around, hope you enjoy the benefits of a closer and more fulfilling relationship with your son from now on! I think the best cure for the confidence issues is lots of curiosity, just taking an interest in his views on everything and anything - this gives a sense like "I am valued, people are curious about me, I am allowed to say what I think" also encouraging new activities that involve risking mistakes where you cna reinforce the ideas that making mistakes is natural, can be fun and is an essential part of learning having an open channel where he can come speak to you about things and you can enjoy discussing things should gradually bring him out of his shell enjoy every day best wishes Antony
  14. 1) states will always serve special interest groups because of the difference in incentives for people paying subsidy vs. incentive to keep subsidy 2) As soon as you have a state it corrupts the market because if I can make more profit from lobbying than from serving my customers I'm gonna do that 3) if democracy is not a fit way to run a flat ( you and me vote, flatmate 3 has to wash the dishes and hoover the floor every night while we put our feet up) why is it a fit way to run a country stuff like those arguments
  15. Even when you have a kid they will say "well you only have one kid" and when you have several they will say "well you don't have my kids"
  16. "The exam board will also reduce the marks given for students' ability to critique and construct arguments, and more marks will be given for simply knowing the theories involved." As soon as I saw education reform I knew that is what we'd be getting - no thanks critical thinking! yes please remembering stuff and writing it out again in an exam - literally the least useful skill in 21st century where you can get access to the facts at any time ona smart phone. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/29/philosophy-a-level-syllabus-religious-education
  17. there are basic courses on astronomy, physics, maths and other sciences there all teh time yeap, why not try before you buy?
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