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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I found the whole thing very telling because, here we have someone coming out proposing to care about women who are being genitally mutilated. Then here we have someone who has actually been cut, and the person is completely unable to empathize. When it comes down to it it's completely easy to get on board with causes or care about people you have never met, and likely are never going to meet. It's how you interact with people first hand and how you treat them in person or when you come into contact that really counts at the end of the day, not whatever values and principles your espouse or say you stand for. Words are easy in the abstract. Being kind, knowing how to empathize, that's what's really important.
  2. to you, but how about you stick with what I mean by what I say rather than how you interpret my choice of words. What I am saying is through self-work/self-knowledge one will have a clearer picture of who they are and find it more difficult to be knocked off centre by other peoples projections.
  3. hey if you live as a slave and can get special privileges from your master, taking them does not mean you support your servitude unless it actually feeds in to your masters power to control otehr slaves anyway, the case is a logical fallacy, the tu quoque fallacy Try saying this, if my doctor smokes does that make him wrong when he tells me that smoking is bad for me? if not then can you please address my arguments instead of my person
  4. you probably take it personally because it triggers reactions to previous abuses and name calling in your past IN MY UNPROFESSIONAL OPINION if that is the case then the work to be done is self-work, having thicker skin will be a biproduct of that - there is no "thick skin" magic wand
  5. Often when people are enthusiastic about something and they share it with others people piss on their parade by telling them to "Be careful" or pointing out all the things that could potentially go wrong and deflate them. Parents, especially anxious ones, often do that to their kids. Two questions:1 1) Do you remember any positive experiences of you brining and idea or project or gushing about anything you were enthusiastic about (new gf, job, car, anything) to another person and having them respond in a way that encouraged you or in another way that you really liked? If so what did they do and how did it make you feel? 2) Supposing someone comes to you and are enthusiastic about something but you have skepticism or doubt about the idea, how would you honour their enthusiasm and not deflate them while still being honest about your reservations?
  6. this video about empathising with kids may help with adults also, it was endorsed by Stef when I called in to his radio show, he had listened to it.
  7. Hi thanks for the questions I appreciate them "What about the competition that comes afterwards? You have a restaurant in order to profit from filling a need. Others do the same also, so you do things in order to compete." As I stated, this is a bi-product of voluntary choices, it is not the initial force at work. So I agree that competition is "a part of it" as you put it. Whether that's providing better service, adjusting prices, advertising, etc. Not saying anything about this is evil or unhealthy. In fact, competition is one of the two components that allow the market to be self-correcting. What is the second?
  8. The first thing I noticed about your dream is you start on a minibus. Whenever I am interpreting a dream and someone is in a moving vehicle I always associate that with them not being in control of where they are going, someone else is driving. if they are the driver then I think it means they feel responsible for the people on the bus, or people see them as a leader. The bus stops and people get out. Things are going nowhere. You predict that disaster is going to strike, but no one else seems to notice. One thing is for sure you can't wait around and rely on a potentially dangerous train. You take control and go off on your own, following your intuition. As predicted, disaster strikes those who wait around for someone to take them where they are wanting to go. The person driving the train can't control it, it's not even that he wants to harm, things have just gotten out of hand and now there is nothing he can do. You can't hear ie. your ability to empathise has been diminished, but you reclaim it and hear the screams of the victims. You feel sorry that their ignorance and blindness and lack of initiative led them to disaster. Not made much sense of tractor thing at the end.
  9. The primary component of the free market is not competition, it is the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Competition only arises as a bi-product of that in the same way that being invited out to two events on the same night creats a choice over which event to attend. Naturally, the attendee is going to want to go to the one that appeals to him most for whatever reason, the quality of the event is higher, or it is cheaper to attend, or it is compatible with the plans of his friends, or whatever ties into his perceived interests. To say, therefor, that the events are competing and that this is detrimental is to entirely miss the point that the two events available create choice for everyone who wants to go to one or both of them - just in the same way as seeing the free market as promoting competition miss the point that it is not competition which is being offered, it is choice. Since different things appeal to different people the event organizers may differentiate their events to make them appeal to different crowd, or increase the quality of their events. Either way they are simply making their own attempts to encourage people to choose to go to their event. To say that because competition is a consequence of this that the attendee should not be able to choose between the events and should either be assigned one event to go to, or that one of the events should be shut down because it is not fair for the two to compete, would seem ridiculous to most people, but it is only as ridiculous as saying that because voluntary choices create competition that the free market should be abolished in place of central planning. Of course if the events organizers want they can always put their heads together and agree that it would be in each of their interests if one of them would be moved to the following night they are welcome to do so, unless the government has passed laws calling this "collusion".It is only when the event organizers can go to the government to force people to buy their product, or shut the other event down, or get preferential legislation to make the other event more economically appealing or regulate the other event out of the market that we see competition become a more important component of the market than choice.
  10. this is based on the idea of the fiscal multiplier, that people on low incomes spend their money in their local economy which stimulates the economy because the people who they spend the money with spend it a lot closer etc. etc. etc. this is nominally true but misses the big picture, which is that saving creates long-term growth by contributing to capital investments which create jobs in the long term while spending on regular goods only keeps people in work in the short term while the goods are being bought. Stimulating spending is like a rush of energy from quickly eating a milk chocolate bar which makes you feel good for a while then sugar crash vs. a banana which is slow energy release that keeps you going for longer and also builds a healthy body in the long term because fruits are nutritious unlike milk chocolate. If some of the cash goes to stupid things like speculation that is because of government interference in the free market which makes this practice lucrative. It also misses out on the fact that there is a drop in the money being circulated with every purchase, because of the sales tax, corporation tax and then tax on incomes. If this dude says people can't afford to buy his products but he earns more than 1000 times more than the average American, then he can simply go into a shop, buy 1000 pillows, and have sets delivered to each of his local charity shops so people on low incomes can come in and purchase them. That way he can live by his proposed values. Alternatively he can increase the hourly wage of all their employees.
  11. hi your goals sound laudable but your original post doesn't talk very much about the specifics of what this tool is, just what you would like to do about them I look forwards to hearing more, I think the idea of getting someone to program the quiz, or whatever it is, into a web interface so that thousands and thousands of people can take it and you can log the data is an excellent idea what you will want to do is a approach someone who knows what the ethical standards that are necessary to follow in order to use that data you do not want to collect 100,000 quiz results only to find out that it is illegal to even use them in research because you did not collect the data in compliance with the law best wishes Antony
  12. he's a famous pop musician, therefor it is excellent that he is speaking about these things to his fans because they are not likely to be FDR listeners
  13. as an experienced writer I suggest you don't worry about "not having enough ideas" unless you run out of ideas! Write about all the ideas you have already, you will find your imagination starts kicking in and going "oh yeah what about this, oh yeah what about that" and you will write down those headings then work on those another thing you can do is watch, listen to and read all the material available in your topic and don't do it inactively write notes while you do it on anything you think is important to allude to in your book, avoid being a carbon copy by mixing what you learn with your own experience, expand on it and add something extra, use examples from your own experience to illustrate the point you can post up sections of the work in progress on here and get feedback, plus ask if there is anything you have missed that will also stimulate and expand your thinking
  14. it just sounds to me like you care about people If that is your passion great! I suggest you look into some kind of career in the helping profession or learn some skills which you think increase the quality of your life and teach them to others or you could work towards creating some kind of foundation that offers a truly life-enriching education use your passion to bring light to your life and the life of those around you, then you will set a good example for others that is the NAP way to change the world
  15. I had a discussion on this yuesteday because someone posted up about female genital mutilation in the guardian, apparently 3000 women have been treated in the UK for that since 2011 but it is ILLEGAL here an estimated 30,000 boys are circumcised here A YEAR and it is legal no one could empathize effectively with that even though I myself had been circumcised coming from a jewish family people minimized it and said this was about men opressing women
  16. Hey great to see you doing your own thing, please join our facebook group for creatives : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1394625837446977/?ref=ts&fref=ts
  17. yes beautifully put appealing to a completely different audience from FDR. more power to his elbow.
  18. it's important to regard whether people are showing genuine curiosity or just trying to shut you down for example in UK people who are nto curious will be sarcastic or ask lamen questions like "you can't have roads or police without government" or "it would be a relentless mob" etc. curious people usually ask "but how would people get NHS" or "free healthcare" which is our national health service - in the tone you recognise that they are interested in being convinced but have humanitarian concerns, and they consider ideas. trying to convince people who aren't curious is a bit like bashing your head against a wall, then again you can't unhear something so just choose how much effort you want to put in. don't bother unless you are enjoying it, don't get drained about it. you'd do more good in the world spreading the world on peaceful parenting and upgrading your communciation and conflict resolution skills.
  19. haha no way I was going to do videoblogs on this ilk, and so was my friend Euan Sinclair, do you want to keep it all to your content or would you like to consider merge or collaborate? I was thinking where similar work is collected together ther are more entry points for audience members
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