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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. what do you mean by rich? is it possible for everyone to have a good quality of life in terms of material goods? probably
  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/04/10/oprah-skin-cream-foreskin-protest_n_3053871.html
  3. I like the format and I like Michael's contributions to the show, it's like getting a shot from a different angle on a film set.
  4. not letting them away with printing this shit peopel would complain if the column was called Why I Hate Women for sure
  5. I'm surprised this is only doing 15k so far I thought it would be huge. Send it to Paul Elam, Tom Golden and Warren Farrell and ask if they can do anything to publicise it?
  6. depends how much time you have - when I intervened in a supermarket the caregiver was like "it's none of your business" I just said "of course it is, it's everyones business" she repeated herself and I said "that poor girl is going to end up in school with my kids and start treating other people the way you are treating her" If you had more time you could say that someone abusing their spouse may say the same thing "don't tell me how to treat my partner"
  7. please complain to the editor for printing this misandric trash http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/nov/02/whyihatemen not only is it hateful but shit quality writing and this is meant to be a serious paper. Can you imagine a column called "Why I hate women", "jews", "blacks" etc? that would likely be libel.
  8. No but see Stef, you miss the point, these women are violent because they are oppressed by the patriarchy that's the real difference here, whereas the men are violent because of patriarchal dominance
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGY8DRc_BA4
  10. does anyone remember offhand how long a baby should be breastfed?
  11. he said "sometimes they even hit the child" which made it clear that he didn't support spanking to be honest when I hear him speak he seems like a highly functional human being to me like highly functional - quite apart from any spiritual views I feel like the standard which he asks us to aspire to is unattainable to me or most people
  12. I also think Gender Issues would be a better name for the forum. I don't care enough to be bothered by it. I agree with "human rights" vs. "men's rights" "men's issues" is not the equivalent of feminism, "women's issues" is masculinism is the quivalent of feminism feminism was originally purported to mean the ideology that women should be equal to men (whatever equal means)
  13. people who like this will probably also like this:
  14. Is this reciprocal? will she do little things for you? Will she pass you your glass if you're on the laptop and don't want to stop what you're doing or would you get the impression it's silly for you to ask but ok for her? My girlfriend and I do little things for each other we could do for ourselves. That's fine - it's reciprocal. Could it be that your girlfriend has learned to conflate having little things being done for her that she can do for herself with being loved? It's also possible that she's learned to feel uncomfortable doing these little things It's only a relationship problem if the two of you can't have a reasonable conversation about it where you both listen to what one-another have to say without attacking, interrupting, or making character remarks. if you can talk about it it's not a relationship problem, it's an area for growth.
  15. Hi I can't say how sorry I am to hear of what you have experienced I am glad you have enough self-awareness, though, no notice when someone is "telling you what you should feel" that kind of awareness will save your life the fact your so-called friend freaks out about a personal subject being broached is a clear indication that it' her who is crazy rather than you you fear that you will die out there, the sad truth is that you are dying in here! you need a safe space to escape to, living with your abusers is not going to afford you that I am so sorry I know how scary it can be. I also want to express my outrage over those abusive therapists and counselors. It is extremely unprofessional to tell a client "you don't mean that" - the professional should be struck off for a comment like that.
  16. definitely statists because they think they are so clever and know shit
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