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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. RE: Your first paragraph. That is just a statement it is not an argument, there is no evidence presented. You listen to FDR, you know how to do philosophy, that guy presents shitloads of evidence that there is. You have not debunked any of it, so I have no reason to take what you say on credit. Please prove your assertion, I have heard people make it before. Where's the data? The fact that cholesterol leads to heart disease is pretty much an undisputed fact amongst medical professionals. If you want to say that they're all wrong then I want some evidence. Re: your second paragraph, the video demonstrates that every time you eat an animal product it exacerbates inflammation in the body. I suggest you WATCH material that is presented before responding to it. The presentation clearly demonstrates, blow by blow, that 17 out of the 18 leading causes of death are exacerbated, and more frequent among, people who eat meat and animal products. It also shows that half of these conditions can be treated and reversed by a plant based diet.
  2. "Yeah, heart attack attack is the leading form of death, but what if your cholesterol is normal? .... having a normal level of cholesterol in a country where it's normal to drop dead of a heart attack - not necessarily a good thing... In a huge study last year, most of the heart attack victims fell within the recommended targets for cholesterol, demonstrating that the current cholesterol guidelines are just not low enough ton cut heart attack risk... For the build up of plaque in arteries to cease , it appears we have to get our total cholesterol down to about 150. In other words, the cholesterol must be lowered to that of your average pure vegetarian." http://nutritionfacts.org/video/uprooting-the-leading-causes-of-death/ this video shows study after study which clearly demonstraits that all these chronic illnesses can not only be prevented by a plant-based diet, but treated by them as well.
  3. these are the only approaches I know to connecting with children that are hard to connect to try reaching out and identifying with feelings, it may be a long journey but trust can be built or rebuilt over time
  4. If you try this approach please feedback on how you found it, Hannah
  5. I identify strongly with this feeling. Sometimes my mind is racing with what I "should" be apparently doing. Recently I have been trying a practice which has helped me. I wonder if you would like to try it and get back to me with what you have experienced. When that voice is raging I step back, sit or lie down, and basically declare to my self/selves that I am not taking any action until it is out a place of clarity or serenity. Then I focus on relaxing, I expect it to take ages but it usually only takes 5-10 minutes to relax. When I am in that space I quite feel like staying there so I stay there a bit longer, until I am ready to take some specific action which I have decided on. Sometimes when I'm in the relaxed space I engage with the voice that wants me to "do do do" I ask it what it wants to achieve, what is it trying to help me with, what does it want me to do, why is it so important that it is done right away etc. sometimes that helps achieve clarity too if you try this it would be good to get feedback from someone else on how this works or does not work for them
  6. Yes I think I have to consider this a Simon the Boxer behaviour which is addictive like a drug! thanks for mentioning that
  7. The main draw is to do it with my parents, or people who share their opinions but it could be anyone who holds an irrational position, although i have got bored of the pedestrian arguments against anarchism so I don't engage with that crap it would be more likely if it was something like spanking I think the draw is a lot less than it was but it is still enough to bother me I think destroying my parents intellectually was one way to claim dominance over them in primal revenge so that may be a motivator but just because I know what may motivate it doesn't make it go away I want to sit with your question of what am I afraid will happen if I don't - the first word that comes to mind is "they'll get away with it" yes I think there is part of me that wants people to suffer the indignity of blatantly being wrong while holding on to a position especially if it's an evil position like pro-spanking or supporting what Israel is doing in Palestine I want them to hurt the way I hurt because it is so frustrating and annoying to me that people hold these positions at times? Why should I have to care? Why am I forced to continue debating with them in my head when the conversation is through I have plenty! I have some really great friends who can talk both personal, emotional stuff, and abstract philosophy/politics. It's not like I have a shortage of good conversationalists in my life, I also live with my girlfriend and we have very open honest communication, and we deal with everything we don't sweep it under the carpet But I am more likely to do it online when I'm on my own. I frustrate myself. I will work more with TheRobin's question.
  8. I am one of those who finds it difficult not to get drawn in anyway does anyone have any idea why this sort of thing is an unreasonable draw? my parents never accepted reason and evidence on world events, you show them the evidence they move the goal post, they are/were staunch supporters of Israel and nothing you could show them would shit their position an inch, my dad supported the wars in afghanistan and iraq, a=even after the destruction he continues to hold redundant positions - in those days it was always a draw to get into a heated debate and crush with facts. I don't want to waste my time and energy debating with people when I can be educating people who are interested in listening. I deal with people in relationships and with personal issues and in those areas I am very effective in helping people become more happy and satisfied - so why waste my talents bashing my head against a wall? what is the draw? why am I compelled?
  9. Hi thank you so much for the specific feedback it's really great to hear what people think is working and where there is room for improvement regarding your comments, I definitely want to include more humour because every time I do I get compliments on it - I know it's important for connecting with the audience and staying real plus not getting too serious about things! I'm glad you noted a lack of rambling as this is something I have strongly aimed for with the videos - to just get right to the practical information and not waffle with too much theory I want the content to be specific and actionable so it can help people in practical ways not just sit in their heads. So thank you for taking the time to watch almost all of them that's really supportive and glad you got something out of what I am doing on there
  10. there is still Tom Woods he's pretty good
  11. have you tried youtube for free tutorials? don't worry - you can learn at your own pace it's not an exam
  12. Hey great! I'm glad you found value there, would you mind mentioning which ones? It's always good to know what is successful I mean to continue improving my videos, I just got a better mic and I want to video them standing up as well as improving delivery
  13. Hey tjt Philip is speaking about me, Thanks for posting up this testimonial, I'm glad to hear you felt our coaching had lasting results, particularly in the area of making requests. I think that's an area that a lot of us have learned to hold back on. If anyone has any questions about my coaching and counselling I am also here on the forum (you may be familiar with my youtube channels youtube.com/enrichyourlife1 and youtube.com/theprogressiveparent)
  14. Here is a great interview on these topics, the expert will be back for another round of questions so let me know if you have anything to ask her!
  15. How can you be defending yourself while occupying someone else's land?
  16. no one has produced any actual evidence that Palestinians use their children as human sheilds etc. this is just Israeli rhetoric to dehumanize arabs and paint them as subhuman, which in my experience as a jew jews love to do at every opportunity to legitimate Israel's outrageous behaviour in Palestine
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