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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I think a lot of people in the community are afflicted by their intelligence, it's very easy to be in love with ideas (as many of us are) so much so that we just like thinking and thinking and learning and learning but then, having relied so long on our strength, find it hard to actually do big things. Analysis by paralysis. A lot of people in this community are so perfectionist and have such high standards in their head they are scared to create anything in case it doesn't live up to their potential. A lot of healing work to be done in these areas to really unlock peoples talents and free them up to create with their genius.
  2. I already explained what I mean, if you were more selfish you would follow your deeper inclinations to do what you (at least seem) to want to do which is turn the tides on child abuse.
  3. kids that weren't spanked were the best behaved in school google it
  4. Are you sure you weren't selfish enough? You have a passion and you chose not to follow your bliss. have you read The Fountainhead by any chance? (it may help) All is not lost! Engineering will get you a good wage, but you still have your weekends and free time to dedicate to your passion if you decide to continue following engineering. You can make youtube videos, podcasts, interview experts, you can write, there are all sorts of ways you can pursue your interest in advancing the psychohistory of planet earth as above poster mentioned, you can always do a graduate qualification in something related and that may save you the fluff. In my country you can do a postgrad certificate in counselling regardless of your undergrad.
  5. I wouldn't listen to all my excuses for not creating ideas I had I would just create the damn things and see which worked and which didn't
  6. Hello! Excuse my peddling, but as quite a number of you know over the last 6 months I have been working on a self-study course on personal development. The topics covered are: Surviving to Thriving, How We Grow, Authenticity, Emotional Well-being, Taking Responsibility, and Making Life Awesome I have almost completed this course, and in the meantime I was advised that I run workshops on the material to refine it. I have already started one online group to put through the 6 workshops and they really got a lot out of it, there was demand for a second group and I am looking for 2 or 3 more people to fill it out, that is why I am posting, in case anyone wants to jump in those places. I am only charging $150(£100) for these 6 webinars which I think you will find of great practical value, they are not merely conceptual as information is widely available, it's application that counts. As I said I have 2 or 3 spaces to fill and the groups will be small. So by all means PM me if you think this is something that would benefit you. If not - get into something that will! Warm wishes, Antony
  7. https://www.coursera.org/learn/philosophy https://www.coursera.org/course/thinkagain https://www.coursera.org/course/reasonandpersuasion
  8. I think you should start writing anarcho-capitalist scripts and interviewing female presenters to find someone good to present them demo your show idea!
  9. For those of you who occasionally still get sucked in here is a perspective and a device it would be interesting to hear you experiment with and let me know how it works for you. Typically in online debates I can get quite impatient with dunning-kruger effect every day suspects because deep down part of me is thinking: "I know a lot more about this stuff than you do - and quite frankly you know a lot less than you think you do, so to be honest you should just stfu except to ask me some questions so that I can share what I know with you and you can get a f&%king education. I've been studying this s&%t for 10 years and you have some dumb ideas you picked up from smart people who didn't really know what they were talking about but made it sounds good." (I'm sure you have had a similar experience at some point.) A better way is just to remain curious and observe other peoples world-view so that you can update it but that takes a lot of willpower if you are impatient with ignorance as I have noticed many people are. How to be more present in online debates is say what you want to say out loud first (the way I had the vulnerability to do above) in literally whatever fashion you would like to say it. Let your jackals out to play! Then explain your point nicely. You win more flies with honey than vinegar.
  10. If you have better arguments from effect I would be very interested to read them!
  11. I want to be wrong, but looking at the world right now I feel like we are fated to be batted between conservatives who hate our social freedom and claim to be for economic freedom but don't act like it, and liberals who think that capitalism is eeeeevil and used to stand for our social freedoms but are now part of the PC-thought-police until we have none of either left. I was hopeful because at least people like Ron Paul were getting air time and started a massive change in peoples positions ; but now there is no one. In the UK our anti-establishment hero is Jeremy Corbyn, a dedicated socialist. In the US there is no one in the mainstream spreading ideas of liberty on the media that would actually get to people. Who is making the principled case for capitalism? who is debunking the "pragmatic" arguments of leftists with reason and evidence in the mainstream? I am glad we have the internet and we certainly have more libertarians than ever before, but with no mainstream figureheads we have all of academia pumping out lefties who believe they have the intellectually superior view because their views have never been tested against intelligent free-marketeers only mainstream idiots. Usually I was the one beating back tides of hopelessness and maybe this is just a blip but I would like to hear your views. Maybe you can restore my confidence in humanity.
  12. lol that makes sense I think he was a classic liberal; he didn't hammer home on advocating economic theories so much as explaining how he thought markets work
  13. Ha you would think so! Everyone here is on the left When we had a meetup that 16 people came along to once I was like "Jesus this is the biggest meeting of libertarians in Scotland since Adam Smith."
  14. The Living Wage... The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions http://scottishlibertarians.com/living-wage-the-road-to-hell/
  15. In Scotland the left-wing proposal is to set the minimum wage to a living wage of £10/hr Here is a article that hammers this idea from every conceivable angle, and might serve as a good resource for sending to liberal people or Bernie Saunders supporters http://scottishlibertarians.com/living-wage-the-road-to-hell/
  16. I was very impressed! Some important messages about empathy there and the importance and value of each emotion, even sadness!
  17. according to the school of life with their resources it would be great if they did the truth about inflation it would reach hundreds of thousands
  18. Ayn Rand said the worst and most embarrassing thing for a man to say is that he said or did something "just because he felt like it."
  19. this argument broken down by Marianne Talbot, she's pretty good at going into details stage by stage http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/common-moral-arguments-morality-its-all-matter-opinion
  20. there is no reason without a reasoner, the intention of the original statement approximates the statement I made
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