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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Hi, would you like to speak on skype? I prefer connecting with people by voice if I can, my user ID is Amashaman
  2. Hello, I think the conversation I link to in this post is very worthy of the attention of FDR board members Please spare the time to listen to it it gets progressively more into the nitty gritty as it goes on I did not just ask soft-ball questions Further to this discussion: Hi LovePrevails, thank you for the David Hume quote, yes, morality like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Except one brings pleasure while the other only brings sorrow. And I completely agree with your reasoning and your conclusion. Best wishes, Marc In the following conversation I quiz Marc on why he thinks that FDR could benefit from trying out some new tools before turning their back on certain relationships: http://marcmoini.com/fdr/Antony_Marc_1mar13.mp3 I was very satisfied with the conversation, please feedback.
  3. Here is a great video I found on this topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4yMz0TAdK4
  4. I took a government grant to study, do I have any credibility?
  5. I can't see Galloway speaking to Stef to be honest, he's far too much of a statist and very anti-free-market he speaks very elloquently against imperialism and such though
  6. This seems to be a strange place for someone worried about dangerous talk considering that freedomainradio.com is very much about undermining the support for the political power structure - those people with the heavy artillery, courts, prisons and all the money they can print. Perhaps less panic and more calm discussion would be a better approach to any of these subjects. In the old days, doctors thought it proper to treat patients with regular doses of arsenic. How many people suffered and/or died before someone finally stood up against this practice? Austrian-Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis discovered the link between poor hygiene and the spreading of infection between patients and campaigned to get doctors to wash their hands between patients. For this life saving discovery, he was hounded out of the medical profession. Unfortunately, doctors learn these lessons very slowly and the general adoption of handwashing between patients didn't occur for another 20+ years. I suggest that nothing has changed in that respect as doctors still hold fast to entrenched beliefs and pay scant attention at best to the opinions of any experts outside of their profession much less their patients. I've seen the results that come from trusting doctors too much; talk about dangerous! Yes of course, this is just rhetoric, there is no actual argument or evidence in the pos what it's say is "I am right, vaccines a safe, and to question their safety is dangerous." Of course, if she is wrong, and vaccines happen not to be safe, the it's to shut down questioning their safety which is dangerous.
  7. I always find Tim a far better musician than comic, he always chooses easy targets, his stand up isn't as clever as some of his songs
  8. I lvoed it, except the fact that Stef says: "Introduction" "Part 1" etc. these breaking-the-fourth-wall statements detract from the beauty of the narration
  9. Alright then, roll up! roll up! List the most funny, silly, illogical or self-contradicory arguments you have heard from statists, and how you responded to them! GOOOOOoooooooood Night!
  10. Here's a good audio from Joanna Moncrieff MD on various psychiatric drugs http://beyondmeds.com/2010/08/27/bipolarmedmyth/
  11. Sadly the present education system has the habit of habituating people so thoroughly to extrinsic motivation (in the form of punishment, rewards,grades, etc.)that by the time they come out the are hardly able to self-motivate into pursuing any projects at all!
  12. hey I don't prefer replying to posts like this in text but if you think you would benefit from talking it out with someone who has some considerable experience tlaking people through these kidns of things please, by all means, add me on skype: Amashaman
  13. you can't say for certain that god doesn't exist you can say there is no particular reason or evidence to think that god exists
  14. haha thanks yeah I guess I see a bit of Eminiem in it myself now that you say that, it is a bit Eminesque are you familiar with the feeling?
  15. this obviously, just about some personal feelings, I wouldn't share it anywhere as most of my writing is meant to lift people up a bit, but I know FDR is safe.
  16. I get tired of being the bigger person. I could be the biggest person, the fittest person, the richest person. I'm admired for being more wired than a business person. That hires and fires the working person. but I'm tired, of being the bigger person. I'd rather be the person that's worse than a pig in person a wicked person who casts aspertions on this dissertion as a subversive incursion: The coersion of aversion as a diversion from the exertion I spent in this immersion of perversion. Watch my conversion into disparate dispersion my submersion in reversion to a state that's immersed in sin I could be the tallest at the show, bro. But don't you know, I'd still be tired. Tired of being the bigger person.
  17. It is a serious problem if there are toxins in vaccinations because the blood cannnot "puke up" the way other aspects of our body can. There is enough evidence certainly, that some of the ingredients in these vaccinations are toxic, and if they are they are very hard to remove from the body.
  18. I don't say anything to them. I ignore creationists. I wish there were as many athiests on the internet engaging with spankers as there are engaging with creationists since creationists are immune to reason speaking to them is psychologically motivated head vs. brick wall slamming that is my judgement anyway I could be wrong
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZjxskTrSz0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOCZFChafOQ
  20. When did Dream Theatre recruit Matt Belamy to do their arrangements? lol this sounds like the Muse album Origin of Symmetry
  21. I've always had a problem with the word creepy It's such a horrible thing to say about anyone, because it basically entails that they are not entitled to be a sexual person that in any context where they feel attracted to someone they are commiting an assault on that person and that therefore they are not entitled to romantic love or sex in any circumstances because they are creepy that's how I've always seen it used it's usually lonely dudes who don't know how to approach a girl who get it and it's a shame for them, they're a product of their circumstances
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