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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. ...what you think motivates my opponent in this debate https://www.facebook.com/rockstarguy/posts/4770219788007?comment_id=4508672&offset=0&total_comments=33 do you think I said/did anything out of order/unscrupulous/offensive? also did you think the other person was unreasonable when they backed out?
  2. Here is a prototype article with sources, please feedback on views or tweaks, it would be appreciated http://reasonspiritandesthetics.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/tough-justice.html
  3. free healthcare really means forcing people to do things because they got a qualification if someone says free health care is a right point out you can't give people rights to things without taking them off someone else, and do they think it's moral to force doctors to treat people then say would you rather everyone had free health care, even if it was poor, or would you rather that everyone could have access to healthcare they could afford, and the standard was much higher? then explain a few things 1) Doctors need at least 7 years of study to be allowed to treat people, most of the things doctors do do not require 7 years of study therefor you could dramatically reduce healthcare costs by giving those tasks to people who had studied 1,2,3,4,5,6 years and leave the expert tasks to 7-years-of-study experts 2) prevention is better than cure and most health issues are caused by unhealthy lifestyles if they would support a policy like taxing cigarettes and alcohol to pay for treatment of people with related illnesses a better way would to be have an insurance model where they get details when you get a drink or a pack of cigarettes and either charge you a few cents surcharge to pay for future treatment (which they can invest, etc.) or they increase your premiums this would be voluntary - if you didn't take the offer of paying ahead of time or were fraudulent then they wouldn't cover you for these illnesses or would only cover you aprt way this would all encourage people to make healthier decisions rather than wait until crises occur 3) some people think that private healthcare is not egalitarian, but their are benefits to say, letting rich people pay their way to the front of the queue, for example, if kidneys are rare and some rich guy pays a hospital $250,000 for a kidney, that is $250,000 the hospital has to treat poorer patients, research ways of cloning kidneys, improve and cheapen the processes of removing kidneys and make it more efficient, etc. it seems unfair in the short term but in the long term it benefits all the people who want kidneys and can't afford it in the future. Once upon a time someone had to pay $250,000 for a computer so that we can get a laptop for a few hundred bucks now , that's the way it works at the beginning. hope this is helpful, please let me know
  4. I essentially agree, I think the one way to reduce waste to near zero is to stop the government paying for garbage collection. When people are made responsible for the costs of their own waste disposal they will start favouring products which are made with and packaged in materials that are either easy to recycle or biodegradable. That way they pay less.
  5. http://www.pachamama.org/blog/models-of-sustainability-sweden-runs-out-of-garbage interesting article, comments?
  6. Here is this interview I conducted on learning and passing on communication skills. I think it is of immense practical value. If you enjoy it and think it could help others please pass it on, share it on your facebook wall, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPIOeO7JcQc please support this content
  7. Hi Thomas - good on you for wanting to make such a radical change in your life The first thing to remember is Parents are Mortals - not Gods Mistakes will be made and that will be fine so long as we are not hypocrites and are able to say we have been wrong "I'm sorry I shouted at you and made you cry, that is not the kind of relationship I want us to have together, I would like to communicate with you in different ways." and then make a commitment to learning new ways to express yourself when angry, frustrated or upset. It will pay dividends! are words that are music to a childs ear - they get used to being mistreated and no one even acknowledging any wrong doing! And so when people admit their limitations it really means a lot to them - in my experience If you would like, I run a youtube channel dedicated to providing resources to people who are interested in improving their toolbox when it comes to peaceful parenting, please check it out if it pleases you to do so: www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  8. Hi here are some interview suggestions James Gilligan - the prison guy who has rehabilitated sociopaths Robert Hare - guy who designed the psychopathy test and believes that psychopaths only use rehabilitation as an opportunity to learn how to manipulate people better Robert Scaer - Neurologist and World Leading Expert on the effects of Trauma, he can talk about ways of reversing trauma Alfie Kohn - Progressive Pedagogue Extraordinaire, wonderful guy! Naomi Aldort - Mixes Mindfulness and Parenting Nathaniel Branden Again - but this time talk about how to raise your self esteem with him instead of libertarian politics Freud and Jung round table - make a seance and get them. Isabella - on what it is like being Stef's daughter :woot: and on amphibians since she i an expert in this field
  9. why don't you usse curiosity as a tool to learn from her? if she opens up to you I'm sure what you learn will be great for understanding people in general I love when people open up to me and I can just empathise I learn something valuable every time
  10. skype me bro, username : amashaman
  11. lead by example, constantly be displaing great relationships with the children, ask them about preferences, acknowledge their emotions -as a practice- if they do something that someone would give them a ticking off for, show curiosity and ask them if they are enjoying what they are ding before pointing out kindly why it might not be such a great idea, this is what I did when i was a vounteer in school and the teachers got a couple of shocks from watching me! You can't UNSEE something effective. check out my channel for some help www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  12. He is in general pro-child he does a lot of really good work educating parents on how to overcome psychological wounds and teach their children to communicate well, that's why I was bringing up a dispute with him on this point.
  13. Re: . We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal. Sure, in Ancapistan, if people were preaching racial hatred or something their DROs could quite possibly remove some of their priveleges or fine them.
  14. Atheism is not a religion, but it does have its high priests I hate the fact that whenever they get Richard Dawkins on some debate program they always have him debating some religions extremist with no ability to reason it would be good to see him up against some philosophers, physicists or eastern mystics for a fun debate with some actual real arguments from the other side not just basic1st year blatant logical fallacy stuff.
  15. thanks Pepin, I thought that was a great response, when I asked why, he said this: "Naiveté / magic thinking ("no one will ever steal my bike / it won't happen to me") or testing ("you don't really mean that") Typical kids (as you know) are motivated by needs and emotions, not logic." this is a good guy btw, not an anti-child person a very pro-children person in general
  16. someone was talking to me about the appropriate (not punishment) use of consequences as a parent I said "I'm not yet convinced that imposing some negative consequences for an action to deter it (punishment) is effective or creates good relationships? Can you give some examples of how consequences could be used effectively in the sense which you mean? Consequences for me could be: if you don't learn your lines for the play we have to give your part to another kid who is more eager - that is a consequence which is not selected because it is unpleasant but reasonable" and he replied "If you choose to leave your bike outside and unlocked and it gets stolen, I'm not going to buy you a new one." What are your views on this? Is that right? My initial reaction was to go, "but presumably that would only be necessary if you've already explained the relative merrit of not leaving the bike outside unlocked and the child is being defiant? why aren't they following such a sensible suggestion?" What other views are being repriesented?
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