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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. So what, in your views, are the legitimate roles of the state, that the state ought to fulfill? and why, in your view, is the state the best body to fulfill these roles? I am curious because I have never been a minarchist, I went from being a liberal to being a voluntarist anarchist
  2. Peter was so bad in this debate I found it embarassing to listen to him almost right up until he gave his idealistic speach at the end, whcih was actually quite compelling. he kept not responding to facts about how the state was the corrupting influence, not the market
  3. I have heard this in the past from libertarians (as far back as I was a liberal) and Stef has glanced over it a few times but I don't feel I fully understand the concept even though I seem to ahve an excellent grasp of economics in other areas. Can you guys fully explain this to me in as many facets as you can think of so I can really understand and internalize the concepts.
  4. Mark, so get the state out the way of these tehnologies and they will come to market as soon as they are more efficient to consumers than the current systems.
  5. I think it's a fantastic thing that you are considering doing, you can save a life and give someone the best possible start in life
  6. His argument can be boiled down to "yeah but you're not looking at the bigger picture., the competition of the market infects the state" and "yeah but it doesn't matter about the factual evidence about how the state corrupts the market, it's srill the market that corrupts the state. you're still not looking at the bigger picture."
  7. alright, guess we'll see it when you ge the chance
  8. I have to cringe at Peter Joseph, his first argument that self-interest is the running factor in a market economy is just rhetoric since you have to have self-inerest that people want to PAY YOU for if you look around everyone is afraid of being labelled selfish all the time then in the lead up to 30 minutes when he's like "well non-free market institution are a result f the free market" cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe. PROOF PLEASE???? Michael Albert would do a better job - please debate him instead!
  9. Hey, have you got some nice friends you can present 5 or 10 minute presentations to? I'm sure if you do this once a week the 10th won't be nearly as scary as the first 3
  10. good post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YMbF3Ib_rvw#t=594
  11. put your attention most on what you can change and have a positive effect upon, and less where you are powerless or your efforts are met with a brickwall.
  12. Beautiful writer, terrible views! Hobbes was traumatized by the English Civil War which happened during his life time and projected his fears onto the world, believing an all powerful ruler was the best way of preventing England (or any country) from falling into "anarchy" again.
  13. Hey this has come up in passing a couple of times and I think it would make a great topic for a vidoe/podcast because he's always a hot topic and thousands of people will probably listen to it and even pass it around out of outrage that someone dare criticise their favourite director it's a great way to introduce the violence-fettishistic seething mass to the arguments on child abuse and spanking as well
  14. I see so many people who have the defense mechanism arising from their childhood of putting other peoples needs before their own, holding themselves to "perfect" standards of conduct, feeling guilty or shameful if they aren't perfect in altercations, even if the other person was much worse than they were they think it's their job to be the judicious one. I don't understand how the reverse can ever be formed as a defense mechanism! Surely you have to kowtow to the parent? why would you learn to put yourself first and not care about others? Please share any theories, experiences or expertise.
  15. Someone put this together: http://mensresistance.wordpress.com/female-privilege-checklist/
  16. Music from the album Songs For The Inner Child by Shaina Noll
  17. Jeezo-bro sorry to hear you ar ehaving such a hard time it would be good if you would get some online friends from this community whom you can skype with so that you get some enrichment from your soul a seed needs a nurturing environment to grow
  18. A friend of mine posted one of these up and it really bothers me reading it Not sure exactly why, it's interesting ebcause if you agree with what something says you nod along fervently and feel good if you disagree (or in this case know it's wrong) you have an unpleasant emotional reaction but I feel like when I'm sure of something at somepoint I should get to the point where I just feel neutral, I know it's incorrect maybe it's the fact that I never have felt "priveleged" as a male, I got part of my knob cut off and had a pretty horrible upbrining anyway read and say what you think http://michaelurbina.com/101-everyday-ways-for-men-to-be-allies-to-women/ http://amptoons.com/blog/the-male-privilege-checklist/ http://www.buzzfeed.com/juniperbug/22-things-only-womens-and-gender-studies-majors-f59x
  19. copy and paste for freshness, it will be useful for you to have it all compiled together in one place anyway. Marc is about as popular on FDR as a bigmac at vegan potluck.
  20. either they look at you pityingly or the look edgy and uncomfortable I do like being strong and it a way it's a good invitation to become strong but it's hard to do it on your own when you're in the growing stages it's good to have lots of female Friends that you don't want to bang so you can be vulnerable with them and male friends who are cool with that Why do men have to earn it? Because the social paradigm is such that most woman like men to lead, they want him to be the rock they can rely on, they don't want him losing it at random and unable to cope if he can't cope with his won shit how is he going to be strong enough to comfort her when she is feeling very emotional and bring her down to earth if he can't stand up for himself, how is he going to stand up for her
  21. I don't know what you mean buy a different kind of vulnerability the main thing is, in the norm, if a woman is having a hard time, even when she first meets a man if the man thinks she is nice and a good perosn it won't get in the way of him being attracted, usually wheras most women only want to ee a man's vulnerabile side show once she knows he's shown he's strong and in control that way she gets the "special privelege" of seeing his softer side which no one else but her knows exists and this is special and intimate a vulnerable male is not an attractive site to a woman early on (in general terms) UNLESS the man is super ok with himself being vulnerable and can "wear it well" as a strenght - "look how ok I am with being vulnerable - amn't I strong" which of course, is not the most common form of vulnerability and few people are capable of it I am but only after lots and lots of self-work it seems unfair that we always have to be strong
  22. the word "rational" or "irrational" as applied to actions can only be understood in terms of some gol or ends which an action seeks to procure if I want to get to left it is irrational to go right in hope of getting there.
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