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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I was wondering if there was a special reason for the reupload
  2. Just to let you know I am benefiting from listening to a podcast at 1.5x speed, you are saving 15 minutes of my life this morning.
  3. thanks for summarising that video, I really couldn't stand that guys voice What is your feedback on the other video I posted for you Case1 So Bill contacts a no-win-no-fee reprisentative who sues Alices security company for not being thorough and making allegations against the wrong part Case2 An independent watchdog audits this company and exposes and destroys them for their corruption, they get huge incentives for doing so Case3 The insurance companies, tired of paying out money to victims of violent crime, put their heads together, pool their resources and start working on preventative measures rather than react to these events after the fact. They use all the evidence available on crime prevention to find out the cheapest and most effective way of reducing crime. Case4 I think this example is so ridiculous I don't want to gratify it with a response. The ease of corruption, bribery and exploitation in this system is very concerning. Really? this system is corrupt? How about a system where 93% of the people in prison are in there for non-violent offenses and there are 200,000+ victims of rape a year in the jail and it's funded at gun point and there is no incentive to prevent crime rather than react to it after the fact please get in touch with the real world
  4. Hi and sorry to hear your difficulties I can't offer you an in-depth psychoanalysis of here you anxiety comes from, but I can tell you what perpetuates it and how to break he cycle It sounds to me like you don't have so much experience of good relationships with the ladies in your life that might mean you otherise them and put them on a pedestal a bit so my advice to you is get some female friends, even if you start with online friends get used to being around women and being jokey and fun and enjoying yourself then start talking to women you don't know, even if i's just a hello how are you, seen any good movies lately 2 or 3 years ago I went out up to 4 nights a week for a couple of months and spoke to 20+ strangers each time, mostly women after that I could start a conversation with literally anyone or any group who passed by me at any time without fear of rejection
  5. From my journal: 1) Listlessness rises out of viewing things as things to be done rather than things to enjoy doing, As tasks to be completed rather than processes to be experienced You have to do what you love for no other reason than you love do it, don't be too end-orientated, focus on the experience 2) Whatever needs to be done use it play with it more Make it fun Make it into a game 3) You don't "have" to do anything, you can make decisions on what you wish to do according to what you value. Saying "I'm going to..." may just add expectations which produce pressure, which puts you off. Focus on the moment, what are you doing now to make this possible? Don't worry about later. 4) Stop and ask yourself: Am I centred enough to do this right now? If not say so Focus on dealing with that first Explore why Play more and you will be, Make "Let's enjoy it" your life motto, Approach everything with this attitude whenever you can. Please tell me your reflections.
  6. 'It's too humiliating to admit that your child thinks he hates you. For a while, as things got worse, the only thing I could see was to end up dead' http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/hes-my-son-i-love-him-but-he-beats-me-up-1596678.html of course it had nothing to do with her that she married someone violent and then brought a child into that environment
  7. I would just like to say I think this is a very legitimate point well argued and I would encourage you to phone into the show and discuss it with Stefmeister I am of a view that this is something which could be arbitrated without the state, however, I have always thought it is one of the biggest gray areas, so bravo to you for presenting it.
  8. I have made this argument from the other direction, when statists ask me how do I know that systems in anarchy self-optimize - It works by the laws of nature, by the same process as evolution - natural selection - the model which is best suited to the environment prevails. the DRO that offerst the best service wins in the long run
  9. 4) it makes a havit of righting down thoughts that might seem pertinent which desensitizes me to writers block because one of the main causes of writers block is perfectionism or me - and so it gets me in a "write it anyway" state of mind
  10. I personally disagree that the "ruling would have no force" (necessarily) it could be, that he had signed a contract before hand with his own DRO or insurance company, or employer, or landlord which state "I hereby sign that if I shoot someone I consent to consequence x" that is completely up to the consumer. If the consumer wants some kind of cooperative arrangement with "profits" going back into te self-contained system then that is what they get if for-profit companies tend to do a better job then they will hhave a market advantage.
  11. Stef's argument is true, but it fails to anticipate the two main counter-arguents from liberal-minded people, and thus fails to appeal to the left. "This is a straw man because it completely misses the point of the argument for taxation which is that: 1) everyone should pay their share otherwise it is unfair - that's why it is mandatory, 2a) everyone should pay their fair share, ie. relative to their means 2b) Rich people should pay more than poor people. You and I don’t have the same disposable income as Maxamillion Buxdude, so if lots of us are paying but he and his buddies Ivor Welltheo, Aristo Crat, and Topiv Tehchain aren’t putting in it stunts our efforts. (possible 2c) Plus the rich are less likely to pay their share because of the kind of personalities that people who tend to get rich have." I don’t think this argument should be made without addressing these two objections because it is so transparent that these are the responses that will be received.
  12. From my journal: I am taking to writing down thoughts that reoccur in my notebook It helps to clarify why they are coming up again and again, and I am seeing there is a lot of merit to it. Duh! No wonder people recommend journaling as part of counselling. One thing is they help you develop the thought pattern so you know exactly what you are "trying to think" - what point you are making to yourself it clarifies what point you are trying to make either to yourself or the person you are arguing with in your head I'm also cool with the emotions that come up now the anger or the outrage I'm not like, "no I shouldn't be feeling that, love, forgive, bla bla bla"which I am realising can be very unhelpful self-sensorship might be useful sometimes when you are around people who will attack you for being honest but not while you're on your own ok so that's the first function 1) clarify what point you are trying to make 2) develop the point 3) you don't have to keep thinking about it again and again because you've got it out - or if it comes up again it will usually be a further development on top of what you've written. This saves lots of valuable thinking time and energy wasted going over the same things again and again. You can use it for building upon what you've learned from journaling instead, or moving onto other problems, or creative endeavours. There may be other benefits. What are your reflections? useful to stop negative cycles and start allowing more truthful viewpoints to sink in
  13. 4.56 - I want to ask inner critic why he wants to fuck you up 7.05 - I want to ask inner critic what he wants you to do instead 24.30 - I want to ask inner critic if his job is to keep me safe why does he criticize you for ..... can't finish the question no more questions after that , nice to hear the critic giving you some kudos and hearing him share his own self-knowledge "you're wack son, you're wack" - gold!
  14. Hey GWHO I have a great idea How about you summarise the most salient points from Stef's videos and make your own podcasts and youtube videos that are concise and digestible That way you could create the resource that you feel is missing after your own fashion and put it out there for people who have less patience you would also be adding your own unique voice and angle to the movement
  15. Yes, this will almost certainly be your most true and successful video to date, but perhaps very pedestrain to those who have already interacted with LovePrevails.
  16. I agree it serves no purpose but to turn the board into a popularity contesst 1) it discorages people from posting unpopuar views , which makes the community less self-reflective 2) it doesn't provide any useful information on why the post is being -1'd 3) it encourgages people to -1 others for negative feedback instead of giving it to them in the form of writing (I have seen many posts get -1 and no corrections or follow up posts) I'm sure I could think of most points, but this isn't school so why are we getting graded on our posts? If you want to leave a feedback/reputation comment it shold be mandatory to fill in why you are -1ing the other user that may be useful if people don't use that function properly I'd remove it entirely, it's unnecessary
  17. I loved that book when I read it almost 10 years ago now haven't got to see the flick yet but look forwards to reporting back
  18. "If you have to sit on him to spank him then do not hesitate. And hold him there until he is surrendered. Prove that you are bigger, tougher, more patiently enduring and are unmoved by his wailing. Defeat him totally. Accept no conditions for surrender. No compromise. You are to rule over him as a benevolent sovereign. Your word is final." http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/07/child-abuse-ban_n_4232693.html?icid=maing-grid7|uk|dl1|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D221347
  19. what about if the PDF has already been created? how do you open i up with open office writer in a way you can read and edit it?
  20. Ok my view on this is at follows, either she is doing this to: A) Help the children B) Expiate unpleasant feelings if B) then she is doing it for her own selfish reasons, which is fine and not immoral but she shouldn't pretend that she's doing it for the kids. If A) then she might want to consider whether the strategy is effective in helping the kids or not Is it more likely: 1) create real change that lasts 2) make them feel bad in a shameful way that will encourage them to comfort eat 3) make their parents feel bad in a way that's going to encourage them to shame their kids if 2) or 3) then the approach is not a great approach. So why not hand out goji berries or something instead of sweets?
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