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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Has anyone got a suggestion for where I should host a podcast? what is cheap, efficient, good service, or other favourable criteria please provide your reasoning for why I should choose one over the other
  2. Hey does anyone know where I can get a decent (preferably free) PDF editor as I saved a copy of my sitcom episode to PDF format and promptly lost the word document and need to make some edits before sending it off HELP PLEASE
  3. Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Tracy Bowell and Gary Kemp
  4. http://www.wikihow.com/Include-Spanking-in-Child-Discipline This gets 330,000 views vs a couple of hundred for my interview with Robbyn of stopspanking.org
  5. LovePrevails


    Sadly most of those I have spoken to have been very aggressive and immature and seem to really hate women it was the minority of them who were acually reasonable rather than posting based on some scar tissue and so I wouldn't like to be associated with them I'd rather use the term gender egalitarian
  6. ok I'm not sure how you manage double speed but I can listen reasonably at 115 to 125% quite comfortably so thanks for potentially saving me some time
  7. How would it be possible to believe the bible given all these contradictons:
  8. Just so as you know this is a philosophy forum. Assertions are not philosophy, arguments and presenting evidence are. So tell us, specifically why do you beleive the bible is true? Also, were you forced to go to church as a child, and waht would the consequences have been if you'd refused to go? How were you disciplined as a child?
  9. well done TT!!! will you post some transcripts for us to review your approaches and learn from them?
  10. ^^^^ this x 1000 is blatantly what is going on here "the NAP only applies to.... whatever I want it to, because I want to continue eating meat" all I see is twisting the rules .... it's all post-fact rationalization "eating meat is moral" is the conclusion which the premises are chosen afterwards to fit
  11. If it is not a useful resource you would be here at my door saying have you got any aluminium cans, cna I buy them? have you got any craft carboard? can I buy it? how about any hubcapsthe only thing in the rubbish dump used to be broken potterythe rag pickers picked them upif no one wants to buy it then it is not useful. you should have to pay for disposing of it because you are damaging the planet with your hard-to-dispose-of waste. that is only fair. If that is my argument the left says, well, it's not that they're not useful - it's just that it's more convenient for them to damage the planet by drilling more oil than by reusing the plastic we already have. That's inconsiderate to our children who will have to pay for more il because we didn't recycle. What is your reposte?
  12. Famous people speaking out against "the system" is nothing new, in fact lots of pop start were doing it in the 80s - it was the thing to be doing - I'd like to here someone like Brand or Chris Martin or Bono really put themselves on the line by coming out and saying parents should not hit their kids and should read books on parenting. You see it's easy to criticise politicians because everyone hates them, it's only when you start challenging peoples personal behaviour that you get any real flak for it.
  13. Famous people speaking out against "the system" is nothing new, in fact lots of pop start were doing it in the 80s - it was the thing to be doing - I'd like to here someone like Brand or Chris Martin or Bono really put themselves on the line by coming out and saying parents should not hit their kids and should read books on parenting. You see it's easy to criticise politicians because everyone hates them, it's only when you start challenging peoples personal behaviour that you get any real flak for it.
  14. I think this interview should be of critical value and interest in the move towards a peaceful society. Please enjoy and share.
  15. Hey I am so sorry to hear of your troubles, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to be in your present predicament I am a communication and relationship coach with hundreds of hours experience learning about and teaching relationship and communication skills. I can't promise to mend things for you, but If you think it would help I would gladly offer you some free consultations. If you think that sounds like a good idea you can visit my website (www.enrichyourlife.co) then email me at [email protected] best wishes to you and your family
  16. Milton Freidman got all anti-drug war after he was no longer in power he was right on a lot of issues buy why didn't he speak out earlier? for all the sentimentality Reagan was a war criminal in Nicaragua and other places the sooner Libertarians and Conservatives stop glorifying this era the better it was horrid in terms of foreign policy and military spending
  17. You are just moving the goal post and making up the distinctions as you go along to suit the position you started off with and want to maintain. "agents have to understand the NAP" "no wait agents have to be part of a species that has the capacity to understand the NAP" etc etc etc just post-fact rationalisation. nothing else.
  18. Another one who diagnoses the problem but misdiagnoses the cause.
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