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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. You can either put up podcasts or a series of articles summarizing this and that which you finally compile into an ebook don't let the fact that Stef is a good communicator put you off from providing an alternative more in line with your tastes there is no reason to do so do it anyway, see how you like it, and if you get something out of it keep going everyone can point out things about other people's work they don't like but it's liek lobbying government in a sense people who have not come into their own complain about the need for the poor to get help, emotionally mature people go out and help the poor there comes a time to express what you want with your deeds rather than words
  2. I'm sad to hear about the situation with your family, I would recommend you express your feelings about the things you said in the letter rather than just send it factual/business-like this is the only way to know if he says "I had no idea you felt this way, can we talk more" or if he sort of says you have no right to be upset etc. etc.. etc.
  3. Ok I'm sorry that you are in such a distressing position, that is really hard! My advice to you is focus of discussing ALTERNATIVES to spanking and showing how they work don't focus on why one should not spank, although you can bring that stuff in telling people what not to do leaves a vaccume of what to do There is a chapter in How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk detailing 7 alternatives to punsihment you could scan the comics and print them out google alternatives to punishment on attachment parenting sites and get to the point where you really know what you're talking about then broach the conversation - if necessary you can as him to give examples of situations where he thinks it's appropriate to hit and say "well how about you did this instead...." so you can demonstrate the benefits if you teach your child to express their emotions constructively you will be giving them that skill same goes for reasoning, negotiation etc. ---- these are advanatages they will have for life
  4. thank's for posting this, I remember when this single came out having a conversation about my mum with it because she thought it was terrible that he would forgive her and said she wouldn't see her granddaughter or be at her funeral and I was arguing for him ha the projection if only I saw how much my empathy with eminiem really mean
  5. I recommend How To Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk and this youtube channel: www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  6. straw man, no one here is saying abolish the government tomorrow and slavery was impossible without the state to enforce it, if Slaves could just run away and you had to pay to pursue them yourself it would become difficult
  7. Supposing I were a slave-abolitionist and you say "when you abolish slavery who will pick the cotton?" and I said "big metal monsters that run on dinosaur juice pumped out of the ground that can be burned to create motion" you'd say I was crazy it is not predictable the models can withstand criticism but you are talking in the abstract about something that may not even be used you are saying "Ok so you have a theoretical blueprint for a hovercar, but what about this feature here and that one?" I can give suggestions but it's completely pointless, What if people invent teleports? then there would be no need to make hovercars in the first place the model is only an example people might come up with better examples that are completely different but better which would make the example we are discussing obsolete which would make all the nitpicking over a theoretical example in this conversation a waste of time
  8. The watchdog organization is funded by whoever wants the service or by the security company or by making claims against people who violate contracts or whatever it's impossible to predict it. I'm not answering any more questions that I think you can answer yourself if you use your imagination. You are trying to look at something emergeant in a statist way, it's like trying to predict what windows 14 will look like. How do I know? I don't, but it will probably have a lot of great new features, and if it's worse that windows 13, then windows 15 will look better because the drawback will be accounted for. See you later.
  9. No security company is seriously going to pursue someone for giving someone a look. IF the victim goes to the media then all their clients will phone them up and complain, they may be involved in contracts with other bodies who check their work and regulate them, or are entitled to money from them if they are abusive They have to cooperate with so many organisations that have a stake in them doing a good job that it's not worth the trouble to do something daft You see it's really easy to stop abuses, all you need to do is put yourself in the shoes of the service provider now imagine a client come to you and says "How do I know you won't abuse your power by doing x?"I am sure you can come up with a solution yourself "Well, yes, a lot of customers have that concern right, that's why we have a contract with our bank that says if we violate these principles which you see clearly hear, our watchdog Y is entitled to remove up to $100,000 a month from our account - without our consent - to pay compensation to our victims, and they receive 15% of the sum they make in pay outs so they are highly incentivised to scruitinise our work and make sure we are squeaky clean." That is just one example of a solution off the top of my head god said LET THEIR BE BRAIN - please use yours and you will find that if you can think of one solution then someone else can improve on your solution and someone else can improve on that and on and on it goes, just like natural selection until the solution is highly optimized that is the free market
  10. I liked it, I also like the previous video on rape culture
  11. I'm glad it affected you enough to be worth mulling, and look forwards to hearing your thoughts that result.
  12. let me know what you think of her/what she says from the video
  13. me trying it as an approach with men's issues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUcoDrGvlsc
  14. yes thanks for your curiosity xelent, here is the post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=748047985212721&set=vb.100000225782340&type=2&theater I don't know if it is public, let me know, if not tell me and I will ask her
  15. I don't know I can only guess that the insurers thought that they would definitely end up paying more than they received maybe they already had a terminal inllness that would need constant treatment
  16. I know Kevin but I think a whole podcast dedicated to the subject would potentially do well
  17. I now agree with reputation since checking to find out I have +14.
  18. Thank you for your responses they were very educational.
  19. well thank you, I was trying to appeal on a tone and level that make people actually care about what you are saying, giving them a reason to take interest, and speaking in a way I think cna be convincing and change minds.
  20. My brother was saying how an electronics outlet would throw out their old stock and lock the bins and how wasteful this was this would be very unlikely if trash disposal was privatised because the trash disposal company would just sell it!
  21. ...about men's issues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUcoDrGvlsc&feature=youtu.be
  22. LovePrevails


    I think more of this sort of tone would be more successful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUcoDrGvlsc&feature=youtu.be
  23. They don't do it because they don't have to in most cases. If I could stand by the bar and play with my hair in order to get women to approach me I would do that instead.
  24. I read it and I think it is saying "Men should be made to take moral responsibility for visiting prostitutes, not excused for it." I agree with that and I think "Men buy sex because they think they can treat prostitutes differently than they can treat their wives, girlfriends, and dates" is probably true as well - but it doesn't satisfy my curiosity as to why men want to do this? I have never seen the appeal. What is more something about the tone very much does not appeal to me and I feel resentment reading it. http://feministcurrent.com/8190/if-prostitution-isnt-about-lonely-undersexed-men-what-is-it-about-or-justin-bieber-doesnt-need-to-pay-for-sex/
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