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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Can you try looking for another job while still working? applying for jobs online etc.? The best method for increasing your human capital is working a job to learn new skills, and once you think you've learned all the new skills you can learn in that job start applying for other jobs that you will learn other skills on remember you are never going to get all that much cash working for someone else, but a new job always has something to teach you so choose jobs based on what they can teach you if you continue this method you will be able to explain on applications you have learned a very diverse skill set from all your experiences if they ask why you keep moving say ambition and lack of advancement opportunities so they think wow this guy wants to rise to the top he may be a good manager, etc. Please feedback on my suggestions
  2. Did you mean something along the lines of: "According to philosophy, as described on FDR, if someone predicted that there were such a thing as Radio Waves 200 years ago they would look crazy, because there was no evidence for their existence, but now we would know they were right." ??
  3. wow what a quandry you never know, your qualifications may someday give you the knowledge to write insightfully about the absurdity of the law and how easily it could be replaced with something superior if it's too much pain to stand you always have the option of getitng out however, if you are determined to stay on you could see yourself as a sort of "anthropologist" - a researcher from another culture, in amongst the natives, trying to see and understand what really makes them tick and where they are coming from. You can report back to planet libertopia?
  4. if this society was generetically programmed into us there would not need to be any propaganda to sustain it because people whould revert to it anyone who needs 12-14 years of government schooling which is anti-empricial in that ignores all the evidence of how children best learn, as laid out by progressive pedagogues such as Alfie Kohn some hierarchies will always exist but they can be largely meritocratic rather than based on force
  5. I can't actually bear to watch this video, I have a psychological reaction - I was just wondering if included is any information about any psychological effects of circumcision as well as physiological ?
  6. I think STer is saying the same biological reactions can be provoked by biological phenomenon which are not tumours.
  7. Yay!!! True Conversation 8 hours ago OH MY GOD DAVID I am JUST ABOUT TO EXPLODE WITH HAPINESS this is THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE I have been waiting for this 3-way to be posted for MONTHS no, I'm not talking kinky shit unless you find philosophy, the men's movement, and an anti-fembot kinky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOjmsKr2S0w yes, it's Stefan Molyneux, Warren Farrel, and Girl Writes What all doing a show TOGETHER ahahah watching now
  8. 1) Can you say "certainty" ? could this not be a chicken and egg situation where the cognitive element is creating the biological manifestation and vice versa in a feedback loop? just asking 2) Gilligan is judging based on decades of experience, I am not appealing to authority, but those are obviously the conclusions he has reached in his study!
  9. Some have spoken of one of the challenges of being a peaceful parent, which is the hurt in giving something that you were never given, but this pain has its reward. The reward of being a peaceful parent is having close at hand an individual who is a world-leading expert, who will teach you to see the world through the eyes of someone who has never been hit, threatened, screamed at, humiliated or punished for being honest or thinking rationally. Not many people get that kind of teacher, one that will be a true aid in your lifelong quest of self-knowledge. The strange habits they will have sight for, which slip under your own radar, because they will have not had their ability to see clearly hampered. Just imagine when they are old enough to say "momma... daddy... why do you do such-and-such... how come you do so-and-so..." And you can respond, "hmmm, I never thought of it... thanks for pointing it out." They will be the true doctors and healers of the world, and we will be their first patients.
  10. You are right there are many reasons why violent people might be violent! I think another point might be that people in prison may be easier to rehabilitate because they have sort of "hit bottom" - in other words their violent behaviours are no longer working for them Gilligan does not see these behaviours as a rationalization of biological issues, but of cognitive issues, which are a gordion knot that can be untangled. I doon't know about psychopaths being rehabilitated, Hare seems very against it, but Gilligan has said he "would not lose hope on anyone" because he has seen the most violent people he has ever seen rehabilitated. What would you do with psychopaths who could not be rehabilitated if you were in charge?
  11. here is 5 videos you can use as "good news" posts for your good news blog http://reasonspiritandesthetics.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/hope-for-us-yet.html
  12. chances are preventative measures would be taken, if you had anything like health insurance, or a DRO, or paid someone to insure against you being attaked - all those organisations would have a financial incentive to take whatever preventative measures were in evidence to help. If that was not sufficient, then it's very likely that if someone attacked you it would void the contracts he needed to live (he'd possibly lose his job contract, his contract with his landlord or for his mortgage, he might no longer be entitled to engage in collective buying to get his garbage picked up or his electricity or water for cheaper, etc. until he attended arbitration.) so that would also serve as a deterrant
  13. It's a different video! I don't mind them being merged if need be - the other one is on moralistic thinking, this isn't In this James Gilligan says that violent people often have a thought like "I'll show them," or "I have to do this to prove I'm a man" and by deconstructing that role they can be rehabilitated the funny thing is this is totally analoagous to the argument I hear from people who support the death sentence or punitive public policy "For some people anything less than tough justice is seen as weakness, you have to show them" ahahahahah which is so funny because they are saying "the only language they know how to use is violence" but actually talking about themselves the whole time because violence is the only language they know how to use not saying you are one of them STer,
  14. http://thestateweekly.com/with-detroits-bankruptcy-anarchists-have-begun-project-free-detroit-starting-a-community-2/
  15. Thanks for posting! I love hearing good news Why don't you post good news sotries you find up on the forum? Maybe you could start a blog posting a "good news" story each day - you'd definitely have my subscription!
  16. thanks, although he didn't say you're not allowed to want to change the rules, just that if you didn''t like the overall situation you could leave therefor it was voluntary, and he intended to do so himself in a few years because he doesn't like the way the country is going
  17. We were lead to anticipate a wonderful round table featuring The Molynator, Girl Writes What and Warren Farrel, but it never emerged! That sounded superduper how come it got canned?
  18. I would but he never used the "if you don't vote you have no right to complain" line he used the "if you don't like the rules of the society you can leave" it's sort of like implicit contract
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rSYiy420B0 James Gilligan understands violence very well, what causes violence, and how to start changing the beliefs which people have which cause them to be violent.
  20. I'm having a friend saying "you can leave" - I can't be bothered going over the same arguments again plus I might not be as elloquent or remember all the counters. can you point me to the right videos?
  21. ok thanks for clarifying that is useful I think I am going to continue engaging in useless debates for a while yet, I want to start trying some new approaches instead of just shooting off a list of reason and evidence i want to try more socratics and asking questions I've never been very good at not jsut stating my position with inference to reason and evidence i'd liek to see reactions to, "So what do you think motivates them?" rather than saying "you're wrong because..>" it may not make a difference but at least I will have see it work (or not work) for myself
  22. Ok thanks for the feedback guys, I was just checking - first for clarity, a little bit on my emotional reactions to reading feedback, when I read things like "I'd rather focus on what you think and your motivation to stay in the conversation for that long." I feel a sort of pain, like I'm being accused of doing something wrong - I know this isn't your intention - and yet it arises it's the second time it's happened when I asked for feedback here I really didn't like the term "it looks like you're begging him to stay in the debate" it was perceived by part of me as a sort of accusation of being needy and I didn't think that was what I was doing I think it's just the word choice, it has no reflection on the intention of the poster These subtle feelings are weird and they interest me because they point to a vulnerability Re: why did you continue the debate I wanted to present all the evidence before dismissing him out of hand as then there can be said to be "no stone left unturned" the person has no excuses they had access to all the data and persisted with their opinion against reason and evidence I asked you guys to look at it (and thanks for doing so) to make sure I wasn't guilty of any "jibes" because if I was I would like to correct the situation as I value my integrity and it is linked to my self-respect, as part of my self-respect comes from holding myself to high standards of integrity ok so lets go on did I think it was offensive? NO! I just asked a question! If I had said "you probably had a punitive consequences imposed on you and that's why you think that" then it would be an accusation and could be construed as offensive - given it was merely a question I don't think it was! He could have as easily said "I'm not comfortable with those questions." I'm not sure what Rob means by: "He already set up the parameters of who is justice, and who will be the exploited. The unscrupulous/offensive remark was part of the exploited part, as that is "human nature" according to that statement. " What does that mean??? finally, I think FreeOn's statement "I had a violent upbringing and I haven't turned out violent., robbed nursing homes, abused drugs etc". But he did not want to reveal these painful details." could be insightful
  23. This is good stuff, the Sunday shows usually hovered around 5000 views when you used to file the as one package, last week's has 8000 Truth about Bradley Manning shooting towards 20,000 Excuse my outrage 30,000+ Truth about Detroit 40,000+ Snowden 30,000+ I was wondering how much the new views translates to paying subscriptions so far? Did you get a wave of new subscribers or donations? I think it's likely that people hang around for at least a year before subscribing I don't know when FDR went from just one channel i watched to my favourite show, and finally I was like, damn I've watched this a lot it's about time I subscribed so don't worry if they haven't signed up yet am I correct in saying you got 10,000 new subscribers on youtube? I'm glad I didn't have to delete all those notification emails hahaha I have trouble with my inbox when I return to a couple hundred
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