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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Thank you for introducing it for me I thought it would embed personally I was just putting the info out there where people might be interested, not attempting to make any arguments, that is all.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cphkD-9NUe8 why do these not appear as embeds?
  3. I was unaware of this fact. Please do cite where you found this information. The (rather obvious) situation is that nobody is "ignoring," your "facts," but rather they have been informed otherwise. If you bring this kind of topic up "time and again," you would be wise to have some cited material on hand to enlighten your audience rather than attempt to brow-beat them for something that isn't common knowledge. I have cited the facts and shown charts to people and they have in the past completely ignored them and launched into some other argumentI think I first came across charts in the movie vaccines the hidden truth many years ago which, if I remember correctly, is worth watching, it probably explains better than this image this is attributed 1) to the population in general building immunity and 2) advances in sanitary conditions at the time, including cleaner water and toilet facilities and also better nutrition
  4. a little, but not specifically, I've hear him refer to him as "astute left-wing thinker..." and "It's kind of embarassing when he says x because he's a smart guy..." I would love to see the two debate free markets
  5. why do people say things like "we'd be better off with polio" still when the data clearly shows that instances of death from polio had already reduced by 90% by the time the vaccine was even mandated. Why do people just keep ignoring this fact? I bring it up time and time again and people just talk around it.
  6. wow I really feel for you in your situation sumpm1!!! what a bind If there any way you can go into education reform? sorry if that's a crap suggestion I just mean there are people who go around schools teaching progressive methodology like Alfie Kohn, can you get involved as a certified trainer with such an institution and maybe they;d find the work for you? I don't know if I'm just projecting what I'd like to do in your position.
  7. regarding rooms, I would say it's the childrens job if they are old enough - if there rooms get so bad they affect the rest of the house it's time to have a talk, but a child's room is the one place that is their own! they really need to learn from tehir own mistakes in this respect, my mum always used to try to verbally coerce me into doing things her way and that would put me off, but sometimes I didn't do things her way and I saw the consequences (whether it was damaging my property or something else) and that would reform me. The forts are also there job but it's give and take here! You shouldn't always have to pick up after them, so why not be able to say, hey you guys I cleared up that fort earlier, I'm really busy right now and I could really do with some help with chores x y and z if you wouldn't mind helping I'd really appreciate the trade? again this is my amateur opinion based on reading and I defer to the collective wisdom of the community but these approaches seem intuitive to me, When it comes to things like cleaning the car I always thought that was a great way to make some extra cash my friend and I went down the road ringing doorbells and we got paid not because we were great carwashers but people thought we were nice and loved us for trying! haha I guess I was lucky to live in a good neighbourhood
  8. Hello Valerie and welcome re: I struggle with the harsh realities of the world. I feel a lot of heart break and pain listening to the despairingly bleak actions of the government, the struggle and suffering of fellow man weights heavy on my mind. So, I sometimes focus solely on my life, my existence. It's sheer joy, and entirely selfish. This is the life I have, and I'm living it how I see fit. It's not the cause of all that despair, in fact it should be and is just the opposite. My life is one of love, joy, and peace. I hope that being part of this community will help show that there are a lot of non-harsh realities of the world that are life enriching too if there is anything we can do to enrich your experience here or of life please let us know
  9. I just want to thank MMD very much for his attention and note this concern was resolved off board
  10. Followed immediately by this: Just not sure how you can scientifically come to that conclusion when I have only been asking questions up to this point. I have never specifically said what I do or not do in relation to offering rewards or incentives to my children. I'm simply engaging in a philisophical discussion about parent/child relationships... trying to figure out through logic, reason, and emperical evidence how to achieve greater happiness in this area of my personal life. And even if I would have said that I sometimes pay my children to do odd jobs around the house, would your statement be objective and proveable? How much rewarding and/or manipulating would it take to "make a child selfish" and "rob him/her volition"? Does this "research" you are referring to address the option of putting a list of chores/compensation on the fridge for your children to pick and choose from at their own leisure? First let me appologise if my approach to answering you sounded aggressive, that was not my intention (at least consciously) but I see how it easily reads that way What I meant was that as voluntarists/libertarians/ancaps it may be most easy to think "hey/ modelling the free market here, it's voluntary/ nothing wrong with that" and that seems consistent and to make sense. I also confess I did not read the entire thread but a number of posts and so perhaps I am at fault I would guess that paying older children for the odd jobs is perhaps ok especially if they come under your responsibility, to teach them responsibility for money -but I am no expert what I would say is living in a house together will always requite everyone to take certain responsibilities and share others and not get a monetary reward for it and that's what it is best to model and negotiate regarding regards your question, the basic principle is you don't want to reward children for things they should be doing anyway or already do out of altruism here are a couple of short clips: there was a great discussion on this particular topic on one of the progressive parenting groups I'm on on facebook but I don't think I have a link to it I'm sorry about that I would have loved to share it
  11. it's nice when you interpret an event so that it's consistent with your personal philosophy but it has nothing to do with the science or truth and falsehood when you do so. The research shows that you are making your child selfish and robbing him/her of volition. Later on when he is an adult he will find it hard to ever bother hoovering his room since he has no extrinsic motivation to do it. You are habitutatng the child to extrinsic motivation. It's better to sit down at a family meeting and speak about everything that has to be done, including your job (and/or your wifes) and all the housework, and everything else that needs done and negotiate deligations of all that work that people are happy with that way we all know that all of us have to do certain things in life, some of which we get paid for and some of which we don't.
  12. Hey sometiems I get a bit irritated because I post some content and no one actually takes the time to check it out they just post their own opinion on the topic headline without even engaging with what I've said at all I tried really hard to arrange a guest for Stef's show who I thought would be really good, spoke to his secretary so no one else would have to. emailed him and posted about it both in show suggestions and the section for Diamond subscribersand got literally nothing back, I know Stef is really busy and doing great work, but seriously? One email saying sorry I'm too busy or it's not my kind of thing, or some feedback from the board? I was trying to help ! and I got ignored. On another occasion I was asking desperately for some info on the Concepts and Correspondence theory which Stef promotesso I can talk about it in my dissertation, I emailed and posted on the forum, I really didn't need much here at all, just a few lines of textI got fuck all, and then as insult to injury stef posted a podcast elucidating on that precise topic just a few days later, so the question could have been acknowledged, but went unheard I commented again repeating my question and got nothing back I've donated what to me is a lot of cash to the show, and I know that I have consumed content as well so that's a fair exchange but it does make me feel a little unimportant, and like I'm peeing into the wind I'm not looking for pity or for people to start going back and reading my threads as a favour,what I'd really like is some help with the queries I've raised, and a response to my offer of arranging a guest, whether yes or noand for my feelings to be acknowledged Am I being unreasonable here?
  13. Hey here is the new podcast, please feedback and share I hope this proves in some way useful! Thank you so much to those who take a few minutes to listen xxx
  14. $2 would be fine if every viewer who "liked" one of your videos did it once in a while. Though I can see why under the circustances it's infuriating/insulting. When I was out playing my guitar on the street some kids sniggered as they threw me their small change, but I thought if everyone who passed went ahead it would have actually made a lot, I felt lots of people wanted to give but felt like giving anything less than a sum they would miss would e insulting, if those people all gave whatever didn't hurt I would have been happy, but people don't! I don't know the truth of this one, I think if people who would never subscribe felt that $2 all added up it would be ok but it does seem a bit pointless. To say what?
  15. Having muscles doesn't make you healthy, although obviously the exercise part does help having all the nutrients you need and as few toxins as you can manage makes you healthy one does not want to eat shit and think that exercising somehow balances it out, it doesn't. They are not all in the same equation.
  16. Stef has talked a fair bit about concepts and their correspondence to reality eg. the concept of a tree corresponds to a real world object while a forest is an aggregate of trees which we apply that concept to a person is a thing, a government is a bunch of people who meet in a building and call themselves the government Does this derrive from Randian philosophy? If so can someone direct me to relevant passages I need this information for my dissertation on the aethetics of music eg. beauty --- just a concept or corresponding to real world phenomena?
  17. Hi thank you for the positive feedback, and also on my voice as I was a bit self conscious about it! I think I will get better, if the channel gets some steam I will record that concept again, i just want to know I'm not peeing into the wind! hahaha I think now the important thing is getting some more content up there and particularly things that are useful in practical terms then I want to see how I can go beyond the choir, you know, maybe put flyers up in shops or something, get in people who wouldn't usually listen to this stuff
  18. Hey I want to continue creating podcasts offering free advice to parents and teachers on nonauthoritarian approaches to dealing with kids along the lines of the evidence of what helps and what hinders, Maybe you can check these out and if you think them worthy share them on facebook or other social media, here is the first one on empathising with your kids: (Sound quality will improve in following podcasts) and on “how to deal with the I was spanked and I turned out fine” argument: i’m quite chuffed this attracted over 800 views I want to work more on the providing good alternatives than the “don’t do this, don’t do that” approach
  19. Hey I watched this video in which Dr. Gary Tunsky offered a very interesting perspective on health and sickness Whether he is right in what he says or not I think he would be a great guest for Freedomain Radio Stef could put his critical facuty into full force and ask Gary some pretty decent questions on his theory, why you or he thinks it hasn't had more mainstream appeal etc etc etc I think this would be a very good and useful thing to happen I have contacted his assistant ahead of time because I didn't want to bother Stef with this request if he wasn't available for interviews she says that if he was invited to go on the show he would accept! I would like to encourage Stef in the direction of taking up Dr. Gary Tunsky as a guest, does anyone else think it's a good or bad idea and why? Love and best wishes.
  20. I have to say I have found Stef's videos great for people on board already, but I would say if I was speaking to a bunch of liberals I wouldn't proceed with as many "assumptions of agreement" as he does , although I wouldn't say he isn't a good empiricist he does tend to back up his claims I'm sorry for raising my criticisms without inference to examples and if Stef or someone wants me to give specific examples then I will look out for them in future and quote some
  21. Of course we consider the relative karma of the soul which has incarnated and whether it was good or bad in its past life as well as its nature, nurture, free will and heredity
  22. Well that's 15 minutes of my life that yielded no utility whatsoever and I'll never see again. Woo! Woo describes this thread. It's meaningless. The self-described heriditatians exercising their emotional need to convinc others that they are right to absolutely no utilitarian ends. Ye it's possible that, as some believe, a small percentage of the population are born genetic psyhopaths Abd it make no odds whatsoever Because the fact remains we can reduce violence by focusing on what we can change No psychologist seriously suggests that the years in which people are being parented are not the most formative, everyone knows that. Once we get the environmental factors right those with a generic defect for moral behavious (if the exist) will be transparent and easy to deal with. Some seeds may be crap, but how do we know until we make good of all the soil so they have the best chance to grow. I t takes the same smarts to think up ways to contribute to your own well being or the well being of others as it does to conduct this debate. This dialogue is a waste of sharp brains.
  23. "Winick, Meyer, and Harris (1975) found 141 Korean children adopted as infants by American families exceeded the national average in both IQ and achievement scores when they reached 10 years of age. The principal interest of the investigators was on the possible effects of severe malnutrition on later intelligence, and many of these Korean children had been malnourished in infancy. When tested, those who had been severely malnourished as infants obtained a mean IQ of 102; a moderately well-nourished group obtained a mean IQ of 106; and an adequately nourished group obtained a mean IQ of 110....Neither the social class of the adopting parents nor the number of years the child spent in the adopted family had any effect on the child's IQ." http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/30years/Rushton-Jensen30years.pdf(P.250) Even the severely malnourished Korean children went on to have an IQ above the national average in America. Type of households that adopt children vs. the fact that any American can have a baby at any time with anyone they like even when the home environment is not productive for that child? just a thought
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