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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I agree Joel the voting system is not only pointless but will actively discourage people from posting views that are unpopular they aren't feedback though, they provide zero useful information - it turns the board into a popularity contest feedback would be leaving a comment on how or why one of your posts was useful or not, or interesting or not, etc.
  2. youtube.com/theprogressiveparent
  3. http://yournewswire.com/man-gets-prison-sentence-for-collecting-rainwater-on-his-own-property/
  4. I'm sorry that your dad did not take an active interest in your life and you missed out on curiosity and intimacy I am sorry to say it is a long healing process, and these wounds are not likely to evaporate over night, however, there is a light at the end of the tunnel it must help a lot to talk about your experiences, the mark they left on you, how it felt at the time, and how it feels in the present moment talking about it. It can also be quite difficult, but the rewards are great. not all healing activities have to be painful, in fact subjecting yourself to the kind of curiosity you wish you had had as a child now in your life will gradually improve your confidence and self-esteem, and with those - your expectations. If you are committed to meeting your needs, having enriching experiences, and exposing yourself as much as possible to warm, caring, supportive, interesting people and mentors, then you may find that you have something wonderful to live for in the present! Even if you can never change the past. Love, warm wishes, and good luck.
  5. Shea that is surprisingly common and is called "Personal story telling" - lots of people do it - and there is a time and place for it, we relate by telling stories What you have is a self-monitoring defecit, you're impatient maybe, in case you forget something important or don't get your say peg your personal story and hold onto for a while, wait till the other person gives an indication that it's your turn and go for it! Probably the best thing you can do to improve your self-monitoring is take some kind of course in life coaching or counselling skills, even a basic one must help a lot if it gives you first hand experience coaching/counselling people alternatively you can volunteer with an agency like the samaritans which take phone calls, they will provide you in training in how to listen and relate effectively before sharing your own material warm regards
  6. ask lots of questions pretend you're a private eye trying to find out what they enjoy talking about the most and get them talking on that issue ask them about things they know about that you are not well researched in you may find that you enjoy other people talking more if they are enjoying themselves more
  7. I agree we should be able to leave anonymous feedback but downvoting is like grades. no form of useful assessment or feedback, no evidence that they are helpful. Make people concerned about what other people think of what they are saying than saying what they think etc.
  8. Often people come to this show from the military and decide they no longer want to serve Here is a good resource for any friends you have who want to e conscientious objectors, pass it on Perhaps Stef can also have this guest on his show
  9. IMHO you will not find out much about what you love doing by thinking about it - you can think forever without accomplishing anything get out and try things, get some hands on experience and you will start to find out what things you find fulfilling and educational then you will be able to make more informed decisions on what is worth investing your time in
  10. a good article on Islam: http://reasonspiritandesthetics.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/what-is-islam.html
  11. SEE ALSO: https://mises.org/sites/default/files/QJAE_17_3_Boyes_0.pdf
  12. SEE ALSO: https://mises.org/sites/default/files/QJAE_17_3_Boyes_0.pdf
  13. Hey this was pretty painful, has anyone seen it yet? http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-limits-of-discourse I am sad that Chomsky declined the opportunity to a public discussion with Sam Harris - I think having these two popular intellectuals have a discussion would be of cultural significance and interest to everyone interested in "thinky things." At first I was confused as to why Chomsky was being so choleric but eventually it clicked# I figure that Chomsky's view was "fuck you, you wrote a book 10 years ago slagging me off and making accusations about me - you went to print. Tens of thousands of people read it. And now you want to email being all nice to me asking me to have a public conversation with you and expect me to act like it never happened. I see no reason to be nice to you." Chomsky is pretty old school (85 I believe) he came up through a time where intellectual discourse was quite exclusive (in the 60s I believe only 10% of people went to uni) and I think in that time going to print criticising another intellectual might have been "declaring war" ---- he did not interpret Harris analysis in the spirit it was intended - which was dialectical: "Left-wingers believe this, but in actual fact the truth is closer to that" rather than a personal critique of his character or scholarship. I have emailed Sam Harris offering my condolences. the problem with intellectuals is they are often overly convoluted. Sam Harris argument is simple: Al Quaeda want to kill people deliberately and without remorse, whereas when the US government kills people abroad it does so as a biproduct of following positive aims I think it's a naive position but when you put it simply it's easy to follow
  14. here is a resource which i think is useful on this topic:
  15. intelligent people can say profoundly stupid things about politics because they think they know stuff just because they are intelligent well they don't
  16. https://youtu.be/hvvjiE4AdUI?t=1m the video is tamer than the film if i remember right
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