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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. and it's a stupid question, because why kill him when you can save him from his abusive caregivers and put him in a warm and loving home.
  2. I was just wondering, is it possible to get 3 website and only pay for webhosting once or do you need webhosting for each site as well as registering the domain?
  3. I agree !! I haven't been keen on that either. Thanks for pointing it out.
  4. Parents! Tell me how Peaceful Parenting changed your life... particularly if you didn't know it when you started a family.
  5. New article from Alfie Kohn, recommended http://www.alfiekohn.org/blogs/unfalsifiable/
  6. Thanks for putting out this objection because it is a common concern, and a misconception that should be cleared up. Yes it is voluntary, because your labour is worth more with the job than without the job - or you wouldn't take it. Your employer is making your activity more valuable with the position, their reputation, their premises, their investment, their machinery, their contacts, their customers, &c. you are not being forced to starve: you can go live in a commune, hermitage, or retreat, you can ask for charity, you can beg or play an instrument in the street for donations, you can start your own business or create your own job, you can become an apprentice, you can make educational youtube videos and canvas for support, you can try network marketing, affiliate marketing or joint ventures - selling other peoples products on their behalf for commission, you can go to the bank and get a loan to make investments - necessity is not exploiting you you are not the one who is enslaved, if you want to force people to give you a job and pay you more than you are worth then you are enslaving them If you want a higher wage the path is clear - gain more valuable skills and contribute more to the well-being of others. There are plenty ways to do that: apprenticeships, night classes, online courses many of which are free, mentorship, community work, volunteering, skill swaps, asking your manager to put you on a training course, going to college, getting busy with your hands if you don't have skills there is only one place to point the finger - mandatory education. They let you leave school without a single skill that can eary you 15$ an hour? 12-14 years is more than enough time to become a concert pianist. So you were robbed by the state, not the free market.
  7. Hey ! Thanks for posting this! Here is the documentary on overpopulation myths that I mentioned:
  8. Thanks so much for your well considered post, it escaped my attention before for some reason! I am going to think about and reread what you have said so I can integrate your points into my own understanding. You are right that voluntarism is a better word, I prefer it - but the thing is people don't attack the free market using the term voluntarism, they attack it ideologically using the word capitalism. That's the quandary.
  9. thanks,, hmm try this http://reasonspiritandesthetics.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/what-is-islam.html
  10. the book how to tlak so kids can learn has a handy section on problem solving warm regards
  11. Here is a piece I wrote on this, it is indispensable if you want to understand Islam and will save you hours and hours of research. http://reasonspiritandesthetics.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/what-is-islam.html
  12. In my view, after 8 years of intense study of economics and history, the best way to protect workers from exploitation is to have as many jobs in the economy as possible. This is basic supply and demand, if there are more jobs then employees are not choosing from a limited number of positions where they have to take what they can get and put up with shoddy treatment. If there are lots of jobs then in some cases employers are the ones competing for good staff, therefore working conditions and pay will increase over time. This is what actually did happen for the first 100 years after the industrial revolution, yeah it started out really crap in factories but over time conditions got better and better. One of the reason I would oppose minimum wage in principle is it destroys low paying jobs for people who don't have skills and can't afford to train. Those are vulnerable people too. Taking a low paying job to learn skills put people on the job ladder they can get a much better job once they have experience. But I would not support abolishing the minimum wage as a measure in isolation. It would have to be frozen and in conjunction with lots of other policies that would increase the number of jobs such as making it easier to start up businesses, employ people, less red tape and regulations, and deregulation of private sector labour unions so that people could engage in collective bargaining for higher pay and better conditions. I hope that clears up some of my position.
  13. Hey, I would like to skype with you soon if possible, I have seen first hand the truth of what you are saying and the benefits of helpful relationships and mentoring my name is Antony Sammeroff you can find me on facebook, or add me on skype, userid: amashaman.
  14. you are right - if you cannot get them to agree that there is a difference between voluntary and nonvoluntary, and a difference between coercion and necessity, then they are either too dishonest or too stupid to debate.
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