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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Based on that interview, I don't think Wim Hof is very credible. He uses scientific buzz-words to obscure rank mysticism. I'm all for unleashing one's potential, just not by hyperventilating and freezing yourself to death. I wonder what James Randi has to say about him.
  2. If the person acknowledges how their tattoo might influence your perception of them and is willing to have a serious conversation about why they got it then I'd say the flag lowers a little. Most of us have experienced some degree of permanent psychological trauma, tattoos are a physical manifestation of that.
  3. Another point toward "Hillary Clinton is evil". She's on a roll.
  4. Dreams described as accurate premonitions are really just our subconscious reminding us of important social cues which should not have been disregarded in the moment.
  5. We must spread the disgruntle, lest more disgruntle... then death, all the death. Seriously, excellent presentation.
  6. I consider all body modifications off-putting, but if someone feels the need to superficially differentiate themselves or conform to a particular group then I won't stop them. I may still question their motives and make sure they understand the long-term consequences though.
  7. What does it actually mean to possess "emotional earnestness"? Most other animals could be considered relatively lacking if we're judging them by human standards.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANtB9ow0mmU
  9. All relevant points. I like the way you described the structure, "schizophrenic". OK, now to clarify. The Demon represents an internal struggle with male sexuality. At least that's what I had in mind while writing.
  10. I am a bit of a metalhead.
  11. Those are definitely relevant aspects.
  12. I woke up this morning and decided to write a short poem. The Demon We clash once more Like thousands before Resolve may sway Why won’t you obey? Resist Give in Persist No sin The Demon waits It knows when to strike Never creates At odds and alike Hold on Betray Begone Decay One and the same Now accept the blame You’re here to stay I will seize the day ... Can you guess what it's about?
  13. You must learn to identify the onset of an anxiety attack and any associated triggers. Get into the habit of preemptively reassuring yourself because it's a lot harder to break out of negative feedback loops once they take hold. Illuminate any feelings of vulnerability (real and/or imagined), uncertainty and helplessness so that they do not interfere with your ability to function. Overly anxious individuals like me tend to dwell on worst case scenarios in a "glass 5% empty" sort of way.
  14. Tommy Karevik's vocals, holy crap.
  15. It only applies to straight white men. Everything we do is derogatory toward someone somewhere. Associating with anyone else represents an implicit assertion of our oppressive influence over the rest of society. God-freaking-dammit.
  16. UPB is used to clarify evil. All actions which cannot be classified evil are neutral unless subjectively deemed otherwise depending on the values at play. Evil is objective, virtue is contextual (usually an affirmation of favorable traits).
  17. Anarchist much?
  18. Most religious people don't over-complicate their irrelevant case for God referring to what they perceive as impossibly improbable universal order.
  19. The most important thing to remember is that historical and present day gender related struggles are not one-sided.
  20. As much as someone with social anxiety may be overreacting, there's probably an element of truth supporting many of their concerns depending on the nature of those who typically surround them.
  21. Oh man, the martial arts kerfuffle... fond memories? (Many listeners short-circuit when it comes to this topic) To summarize the position Stef put forward: There's nothing evil about the pursuit of these disciplines, but it's important to prioritize self-knowledge before making any big commitments against imagined or subconsciously provoked threats. At any rate, martial arts will not help you against the thugs of the state. Also, the Eastern Philosophy aspect of some martial arts range from inconsequential to harmfully fallacious. Still drawn to consensual violent recreation? Great, go become a master, we won't stop you. ...just don't pretend it's anything other than violent recreation.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-gtwikUVRU Seems to be about a parent-child bond, quite moving.
  23. First of all, it's disgusting and humiliating that this woman mockingly filmed her daughter's genuine frustration to be uploaded on the internet. The child desperately wishes to be heard, she doesn't want to be treated like garbage anymore. Does the mother listen? No, she's just a victim of this inexplicably explosive kid! Let's pretend this is about something trivial and laugh while admiring the resilience of supermom! Give me a break... Denying your child's emotional experience is sure to nurture a healthy future relationship! It seems like 0:35 was a significant turning point which changed an opportunity for connection into escalation.
  24. I saw that documentary a few months back, it's off-putting how they ignore blatant dysfunction in favor of body image concerns, to treat symptoms as causal toward relationship woes. Also, what about steroid addiction? That's a pretty significant issue when it comes to the body-building community.
  25. Precisely. The most prominent MGTOW Vloggers seem to be pushing their own specific ideas and want to be treated like gurus. When Paul Elam called them out on this, Sandman gave quite a hostile response attempting to paint him as some sort of traitor to the cause.
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