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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Female oppression indeed. Of course Feminists will have no problem with this.As far as Muslims are concerned...
  2. I have also suffered from panic attacks, they're usually triggered soon after witnessing/participating in significant emotional conflict. Most of the symptoms can be managed by lying down and steady circular breathing. It could be our subconscious trying to inform us that we aren't living our values or that there exists an unacknowledged threat to future well-being. Even if we successfully change our present behavior, the past may have become internalized and thus difficult to shake.Psychological horror movies basically attempt to unearth adverse childhood experiences with metaphors in order to elicit terror. I consider the genre disgustingly exploitative. When you suffer a panic attack, does it cause trembling and an escalating feeling of numbness around your extremities?
  3. This song affects me a bit.
  4. "...although you know, if I did have all my nose-hairs pulled up and tied in a top-knot with my ear hair, I might actually look like a very old hot Asian girl" (FDR1006 Late Night Shyts n Giggles; 11:06)
  5. I'm pretty sure you're not suggesting that killing a fetus with Down Syndrome and trying again with a new egg is the same as curing the disability. Yeah, as far as everyone else is concerned they're the same, but not internally the same consciousness. Technically speaking, the preemptive abortion of disabled children can't be considered morally good since it affirms positive action, something which can never be universal. It can't be considered morally evil either since killing a potential person is not the same as murder, although the line between 'potential' and 'person' is quite blurred. There's no objective reason to deny these people a chance at life, even if they must be given up for adoption. It may be quite a hassle for mothers in question, but it's all part of the risk you take in becoming pregnant (especially at an advanced age).
  6. How would you break it down in terms of UPB?Should we kill someone if we know for certain that they will never live up to our subjective standards for a happy life? Humans below a certain threshold of rationality deserve to die? What is that threshold? Raising a Down Syndrome child is evil? How does it violate the NAP?Why should we strip all potential personhood away from a fetus with Down Syndrome? Their capacity for economic contribution is limited? You could say that about any type of disability.It's sickening how some mothers think they own a developing fetus just because it's inside their body, the baby is not her property to dispose of as she wishes. Being unprepared to raise a particular child does not mean the child must die. Obviously, if you don't want a child, you should take the necessary precautions to block successful insemination, be responsible
  7. Yes, children often find connection through shared experience playing video games, especially nowadays considering they can play with people from all over the world. Games are a distraction from anxiety and loneliness if someone is addicted to them.
  8. My parents are pretty damn ignorant when it comes to peaceful parenting. Lately I've observed their anti-intuitive methods from an outside perspective since I have a little brother (8 years younger). Direct confrontation has made little difference. My mother tries to excuse herself with the idea of 'seeing red' in the heat of the moment, although she has expressed regret. My father has a limited connection with his kids, so he ends up wielding guilt, family obligation and hierarchical authority rather than negotiating, he also becomes rather defensive and dissociated when topics regarding proper parenting arise.It is tough to change people, probably impossible for an adult child to change their parents.My little brother is still frequently subjected to this confiscation nonsense, it's just a way for parents to deflect responsibility for their own mistakes. Accept the responsibility otherwise your kids will resent you, especially if you're constantly threatening punishment.
  9. It's ridiculous to judge a person's value by physical ability or appearance in the first place.
  10. Atheism is humble, religion is arrogant. What's there not to get? Relative to our scientific understanding of the universe (truth) of course.It's the difference between leaving a page blank and pretending to know the answer.
  11. That is pretty funny.The watch-maker analogy proposes the principle that inexplicable complexity necessarily requires a designer, this would apply to omnipotence above all else, representing infinite complexity relative to a created universe. It's automatically meaningless.You don't just find a stray deity floating around the boundless void of non-existence, it must have had a designer!"Everything baffles me, therefore God did it" doesn't exactly deserve much attention in the first place.
  12. Feminists choose to ignore and downplay male issues as if it's like an obese person whining about running out of maple syrup for their delicious pancakes.
  13. Typical feminists completely blind to the fact that men are stigmatized as well (in a far more destructive manner, comparing gender suicide rates). I would guess the reasons why they're so concerned about this 'like a girl' rubbish is because 1. they selectively associate with assholes 2. they wish to further usurp the position of alpha males in society.Whatever, they'll just have to deal with it when all the good partners turn zeta due to their incessant arrogance. Sure, tough single mother, aim for the top of the business world or perhaps devote all of your time to economically worthless hobbies - follow your dreams! Those kids you had on the side will be fine dumped in a daycare. Makes me sick.
  14. Perhaps the mainstream usage of the words "alpha" and "beta" in relation to wolves is incorrect, but that doesn't exactly challenge the notion of prioritized courtship in humans.
  15. That is true.Too bad nothing we say can to stop the faithful from asserting whatever they like about the infinite capacity of their god to defy contradiction.
  16. I supposed it would be axiomatic if we are to assume the universe is infinite, both macro and micro.So, to possess knowledge is to be certain of a given topic and omniscience implies universal certainty.An omniscient entity would supposedly be aware of their own future choices, although possessing such knowledge would also come with the ability to choose otherwise which invalidates omniscience through a lack of certainty. We must assume that a creator deity possesses free will otherwise an infinity of unknown causal factors must be accepted. Either way, omniscience is invalid.Also, it's a bit difficult to ascribe the capacity for knowledge to a deterministic robot.As it has already been mentioned, there's enough reason to dismiss the idea of god without exploring the concepts of omniscience and omnipotence.
  17. I am an atheist, just a little perplexed by this. Why are unknown unknowns a necessary aspect of knowledge?
  18. That was increasingly difficult to watch. Manservant? More like mangina, why the hell would a woman need to pay for one of those?You're right, Frosty, Feminists would go absolutely nuts if the genders were flipped.Equality
  19. While not exclusive to male feminists, they do seem rather Immune to statistical/logical counter-evidence against their claims. There isn't really much to be said, so it's best to disengage.As Feminist ideology continues to rip apart the stability of nuclear families and men from women in general, I expect people to abandon it out of necessity... lest disaster?
  20. Watch your back and the water in your wine, senators.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFBeN72q04k
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