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Everything posted by marius

  1. Damn good thought to writing skills. Thanks for sharing, will look into it, im still fresh in the field of philosophy. BTW, are there any other people who are criticising current system? by looking at the base of the problem? video channels i mean, i feel its easier to get what the author meant.
  2. my impression is that every forum has trolls
  3. It will, but not at full potential, from what i see in the trailer... In the period when i first heard about anarchy, I regarded myself as a sceptic because i was an atheist, knew about false flags, some things about fiat currencies. But still when i heard anarchy i was thinking its absurd, i was too dependant and too deep inside current system. Im trying to say that it should be presented more gradually, but again, maybe this is only first confruntation, its not the full movie yet. Instead of saying "national debt" is "enslaving children", which i agree with, Stefan should make this as a conclusion not statement. Maybe in the movie its explained further I feel overly responsible maybe cause it contains my contribution.
  4. yes zeitgeist created robots. this documentary is not for the average listener, this is for the 1% who are not sheeple. so whats the point of making it if you wont expand the audience?
  5. Myself i never truly believed the so called culture, i used to argue about lots of things including religion. Probably helped a bit that i was in a private school. And the recent changes in my opinion of the world started to happen with the so called bin laden death, after that a train of subjects and themes led to anarchy. The main reason is that i feel that the current system has been tried for so much time, moreover its not right from a moral point.
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