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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. Wouldn't you want to go to the place where liberty is not? That's what Thomas Paine did. Now we have the US.
  2. New MMT video with WARREN FUCKIN' MOSLER. Nima and I got Warren Mosler on to discuss the topics that we went over in the previous two videos. Warren drops economic truth bombs that rattled me inside and out. Including by not limited to: Why MMT is so distasteful to conservatives (and everyone else) How US bonds don't fund the government How interest rates ACTUALLY affect the economy What quantitative easing does to the economy (virtually nothing), and why everyone freaks out about it (and why they shouldn't) What actually happened during the banking bailouts of 2008 (it's nothing like we've been told) Basics of the banking sector How the US is utterly overtaxed and the damaging economic effects of transactional taxes (sales tax, VAT, etc.) Proposing an idea: wiping out ALL federal taxes and replacing it with a base 5% property tax. No more IRS. Federal spending isn't restricted by taxes and a country needs a national debt in order to have money. The country isn't going broke, it's not selling off our debt to our grandchildren, hyperinflation is not around the corner, and China doesn't own US debt. #learnmmt
  3. Do you mean "increasing the money supply" by inflationary? If you're just going to keep pounding that increasing the money supply by any amount automatically means inflation, then we're not going to get anywhere useful. Because issuing more currency doesn't automatically equal inflation.
  4. Obviously I would admit that something is equal to itself. The Reflexive Property Also, I don't really know what "disrupt" means when talking about the value of a currency. Lose value? Gain value? Shake value around a little bit?
  5. Did I suggest this? It wouldn't dilute value until full employment and full production capacity are reached, everyone has enough to pay their taxes, and everyone has enough to meet their desired savings.
  6. Because there isn't any evidence of the existence of non-fiat money, yet. I think cryptocurrency is leading the way in becoming the first non-state currency (i.e. where the value of the money isn't based on force), but I also think it has a long way to go. We've had 5000 years of state money to understand and, what, 9 years of crypto? At this point in the game, we simply don't know what a private money system would look like.
  7. Literally the second sentence of the Wikipedia article reads: "In a free banking system, market forces control the supply of total quantity of banknotes and deposits that can be supported by any given stock of cash reserves, where such reserves consist either of a scarce commodity (such as gold) or of an artificially limited stock of "fiat" money issued by a central bank." Thus the "free banking" era was the same as it is today. Bank products called "loans" were and are essentially IOUs that the bank agrees to exchange for real money (a.k.a. government-issued money) on demand. There difference is that in the free banking era, there was no regulation dictating to banks how much had to be held in reserve, and no federal insurance for any deposits. If the bank couldn't produce legal tender (federal notes or gold) when it was demanded, then it went belly up. When did I mention that there wasn't a world economy before 1914? Me neither. Who suggested this? Nuclear bombs, satellites, and money are a few exceptions to this.
  8. Step 1. Eat as much high-quality collagen as you can. https://blog.bulletproof.com/collagen-reverse-aging/ I buy it straight from Asprey. I'm essentially a cult-follower at this point: https://www.bulletproof.com/collagen-protein-net-wt-16-oz#prr Step 2. Learn about your hormones and your gut biome. I recommend Beyond Wellness Radio a lot. It is two doctors that get together to talk about "functional" medicine, and they hammer the importance of the gut and hormones every single podcast. I understand that you're married and obviously not looking for new men, but if you can pheromone men, you won't be able to keep them off of you, even if you're not as hot as the next girl. (Note: Men, this works the same way in the opposite direction. Get your testosterone up and you won't know how to deal with all the texts you get from girls.) I would also scroll through Dave Asprey's Bulletproof Podcast, because he often has guests on that address issues relevant to this. Step 3. Learn about nutrition in relation to Step 2. It turns out that the nutrition "education" that we've received through the school system, the media, and even from our own medical system, is so inside-out and upside-down that it gives you the opposite of what you need to know. There are certain foods that will wreck havoc on your endocrine system (example: soy), and there are others that do wonders for it (grassfed butter, pastured eggs, coconut oil, etc.). Simply getting your diet worked out can do wonders for your whole existence, including beauty. Step 4. Mitochondria, mitochondria, mitochondria. Mitochondria are the power plants of our cells, and the rate at which they break down is about the rate at which we age. Anything that you can do to boost your mitochondria is good for you in all ways, aging and beauty included. Intermittent fasting, HIIT training, cold water exposure (I recommend looking into the Wim Hof Method), proper sleep--all these things will help keep your mitochondria healthy. Starting article for mitochondria: https://blog.bulletproof.com/5-antiaging-secrets-for-your-mitochondria/ I know it's not the popular thing around these boards to not accept aging as a deterministic landslide that we must give whole-hearted acceptance to the second it rears its ugly head, but the reality of it is beauty is a sign of health. After your body has taken care its needs, it can use the extra energy to make you beautiful. I think it is a much better usage of time and energy to focus on things like diet, gut, hormones, and exercise rather than makeup, liposuction, facelifts, and breast implants. I think women who do plastic surgery have been sold a bill of goods. Looking like plastic doesn't make someone look more attractive--it makes them look like an alien. (Note: I think for the most part, those 22 year-old bimbos turn out to not be as attractive once you get their makeup and clothes off. Maybe I don't think like most men, but for me, a hotness score only really counted when a girl was naked and without makeup.) Now, of course, all that being said about physical beauty, you've very clearly pointed out that you've been conditioned to feel that you don't have any value unless you're beautiful. This might be something a therapist is going to have to get you through, because it's not something rational for you; it's something beaten in deep down. Just as practice, have you thought of not spending so much effort on making yourself look attractive and see how your husband and others react to you? I can see from your avatar you're very attractive, and I'm guessing you spend a lot of time making sure that's the case. Maybe try doing it a little less, and see how you handle with your new look. You're probably very used to people interacting with you based on your attractiveness, so become a little less attractive (by makeup/clothes/perfume standards) and see if you can learn how to handle people interacting with your new look. Also, regarding your age, my wife is 35 and I'm 31. I probably could have married some knock-out 22 year old bimbo, but I didn't. I needed someone with a certain threshold of intelligence and wisdom. You're a mother, so this is even more important. Additionally, if you get your body system down, I don't see any reason why 29 needs to be "the wall".
  9. MMT for Conservatives Part 2 - What You've Never Been Told About the Economy Nima and I discuss: -The concept of Credit Money and the Statist origins of money -Sectoral Balances: how foreign trade can affect money supply and economic conditions -Floating vs. Fixed Currency Systems: the arbitrariness of the gold standard -Why do governments sell bonds? Do they actually fund spending? No. They are essentially risk-free assets for rich people. -What do federal reserve interest rates do? Nothing. -If interest rates do nothing, why does the Fed control them? -What does Quantitative Easing do? Turns out it's nothing to worry about. -The basics of the private banking system
  10. Anyone who wants to. If Bitcoin doesn't become the first private money, I bet it will be the pre-cursor for the one that is. I know it gets a little confusing when I talk because I say that money is a state-created concept. For the sake of simplicity, I do this when talking about the basics because I don't want to throw too many elements in right at the beginning. However, Nima has argued this and I agree, anyone can make a money system by simply demanding the tokens that they create for services. Bitcoin does with bitcoin miners: in order to access the blockchain, bitcoin miners only accept BTC. This gives value to the BTC in an analogous way that taxation gives value to fiat.
  11. No, this is not my theory. This is Modern Monetary Theory. I addressed Weimar and Zimbabwe in a post above. Did you not read it?
  12. Normally I discuss something in the post in addition to the video, but I think the title alone is compelling enough in this case. Have fun with this one.
  13. In Washington State, there is a program called Running Start where the state will pay for you to go to community college your junior and senior years of high school. Best school decision I ever made. Maybe something similar in your state?
  14. Woo! Nima was able to get an interview with a lefty about MMT! While I, like Nima, totally disagree with Grumbine's solutions, this may be the first time I have ever seen a REAL left vs. right discussion about anything that didn't start (or end!) with the left throwing ad hominems. Totally worth watching.
  15. It should be more than tingley. I openly said statist. Understanding how the current statist monetary system works is vital if it's going to be used for anything, particularly defending and resuscitating the West, and if we're ever going to be able to replace it with something else. Nothing. What have I said or written so far suggests that there is something wrong with allowing free market emergence of trade? My goal is statelessness. Literally in my previous post I wrote: "If we want to move on to a stateless society, we're going to need to understand how money works to redesign it without the state." Many things. I don't see BTC replacing fiat any time soon, especially now that I understand what gives fiat money value. We simply have no idea what the future is going to hold for crypto. Statist money has existed for 5000 years, crypto for... what, 10? It's the wild West out there for crypto now and we're going to need a few more years of dealing with it before we start to see a clear picture of its impact.
  16. Yes. It's also a matter of moving significant amounts of power of the democratic party. I suspect that there are a large number of left-of-center voters who would switch sides if they suddenly heard the republics saying "you can keep you benefits AND we're going to cut your taxes". This could massively stall the communist/globalist threat staring down the West. Furthermore, understanding the actual functioning of a money system is vital designing and planning any societal structures, statist or otherwise. If we want to save the American republic and the West in general, we will need to understand how to do that properly. If we want to move on to a stateless society, we're going to need to understand how money works to redesign it without the state.
  17. The reason I find it important is because if if MMT is an accurate view of the economy, and I think it is, then conservatives are encouraging disaster thinking they're spouting economic virtues. Liberals, of course, are also encouraging economic disaster--but I think they're either too stupid to know what they're doing or they know exactly what they're doing and they want that economic disaster. I have a strong suspicion that conservatives are simply working with bad information. My intention of creating these videos, and specifically posting them here, is I feel that someone like Stef is "low hanging fruit" when it comes to someone with a large media presence, because he will spend so much time with a single listener. I'm thinking of requesting to be on the show with this topic. Nima has already called in. Stef seemed very open to his ideas, but continued to spout the same "we're putting our grandchildren in debt" nonsense afterwards, so we know he didn't get it. I think I would get it across better than Nima did, my knowledge is simply lacking in comparison. :/
  18. Thanks! I really appreciate that. The mic is an Editors Keys SL 150. I love it. It's specifically made for vocals and was a great price. Under $200 USD. The mic stand I bought is kinda shitty, though. Should probably upgrade soon.
  19. I'm actually not aware enough of the situations in Cyprus and Argentina to usefully comment. However I will say this about Venezuela: it's socialist, and therefore by definition doesn't produce things. You can't compare it to more free state in the West. What I'm saying is, if a balance were discovered (I doubt it would be, especially by government), as long as the producers are producing more than welfare recipients are taking, then making sure the "welfare doesn't run out" is just an accounting problem. PonĀ·zi scheme noun a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors. Who are the first investors being paid with money from the later investors in the bitcoin ponzi scheme?
  20. A common problem I see among reasonable people is that they're too reasonable. In a win-lose situation, "being reasonable" is a recipe for failure. Why? Because reason requires two willing players, and in a win-lose situation, you're actually in a fight. By continuing to be reasonable, you continue to not show up to a fight, and you will lose by default. It's time for reasonable people to learn how to take the gloves off.
  21. Make it personal. "You want white genocide. So you and I are at war, then?"
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