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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. I find 'debt' a little abstract. Replace the word debt with 'future enslavement' and reality gets less foggy.
  2. Torture puppy=reallly bad man. Torture a person for not obeying arbitrary rules/law= he's "just doing his job." Public schooling has really warped people's idea of justice. Of course that is expected when one is forbidden to think.
  3. Basically there are around 1% of hard core masochists floating around. It's the sadists we have to worry about.
  4. The difference between truth and falsehood is sometimes easy to spot. Had he omitted the words "It seems..." that statement flips from rubbish to gold. That would have pointed out the elephant in the room. That requires courage and would have made many folks uncomfortable. Good thing he didn't do that.
  5. Sorry to hear you landed on earth with a female owner like the one you have described. Reality is she's not your owner, but it sounds like that is how she has treated you. Gonig against the instiutions of culture and family is not for the faint of heart as you already know. If you haven't already, consider seeing a therapist. That is an effective way of processing the radiation you are and will be exposed to should you choose to split the atomic mythological bonds of family. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you keep us updated. BTW, podcast 311 'Mother, Part I' is one of my favorites.
  6. Not so common for a lefty make the leap into the abyss of reason and evidence. Congratulations.As for the 'fair tax.' Like dsayers has implied, it's an argument from effect. The problem is it would quickly be reversed or even worse, have an income tax added at some point in the future when any number of special interests experienced a negative effect. The power to be a victim and claim others owe you is too ingrained in the western world.
  7. She is unlikely to be fired because she has double protected class status.
  8. That sounds quite challenging. You know you are in for a struggle when you have to resort to communicating via pre-language methods.
  9. Lians - Thanks for posting. That is quite a comprehensive and detailed description for the importance of exercise. Not surprisingly I didn't learn any of that in public school. It was just go move around because it's good for you. Which reminds me. I live near a high school. When it's sunny out I walk down to the track and field where the staff often bring students for gym class. What do they do? They play some sort of Capture the Flag game which has about the same amount of activity as a typical American baseball game. It looks tedious and I feel horrible the kids are forced to play this non sense while the staff are off chatting amongst themselves or looking at their iphone.
  10. Diversity is one of those foggy terms folks like to toss around to feel morally superior. Yet I have never seen those same people call for diversity when it comes to atheism, voluntaryism or anarchism. I don't know if this is newsworthy. But I have found Ramzpaul a humorous and interesting fellow. In this video he touts reasons to visit Hungary. I guess you could call him a libertarian nationalist. Nationalism is his biggest flaw. Aside from that he is good at pointing out the absurdity of 'progressive' newspeak and the general hypocrisy of the left.
  11. Hulse is big. He is loud. He's good at getting hits. He has a decent vocabulary. He has little or no understanding of first principles. I doubt he would want anything to do with Stef.
  12. Somebody call Elizabeth Warren. We need is Snow Justice! Where there is little or no snow, those people need to come help move the snow from where there is too much snow. Time to shovel your fair share.
  13. The freewill thing is something I find interesting in the context of addiction. Let me get right to it with some rhetoric. Can addiction and freewill coexist? Is addiction another term for determinism?My opinion on addiction is it seems an argument from effect. If habit produces negative effects, call it addiction. If habit does not produce negative effects, do not call it addiction.
  14. Statist magazine publishes article supporting statist schools. What did you expect, honest journalism? Warning: It's so full of delusion and confirmation bias it could make you sick. Take this gem as an example: Religion aside, why are parents spending so much money to send their kids to private schools? CAL: That's a great question, and some economists that have looked at these types of conclusions are really confused by that. Why would somebody pay money for a service that is apparently inferior to one they could get for free? http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2013/10/are-private-schools-worth-it/280693/
  15. Exactly. This is just typical PC crap masquerading as sacrifice for collective health. The first problem is financial. The board of directors has an obligation to share holders to maximize profits. By not selling tobacco, a legal product, they are foregoing some $2 billion in revenue. They are ripping off shareholders. Crazy theory time. Is it possible they, along with Rite Aid, are on the verge of bankruptcy. By doing this 'good deed' they are sweetening the pot for future bailout?
  16. Who is this fellow? And how does he have 10 million likes? He might have something meaningful to say, but cogent and direct are not his strengths.
  17. I beg your pardon as I have not yet had time to hear Stef's podcast on this matter and cannot compare and contrast his take vs. Mr. Albow's. Albow's position has what most of the media lacks: moral condemnation. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/02/06/drug-dealers-didnt-kill-philip-seymour-hoffman-hoffman-did/
  18. Like Stef says, parents are responsible for the mistakes of their children, to a point. Not teaching your children to stay out of the street, let alone hide in a pile of leaves could be considered more negligent than the driver doing what drives do going down the street. Boyfriend is ex post facto. It makes no sense he's the only one being punished.
  19. Not sure about the sensational headline, but this seems like a sure thing for every new car regardless of what herd of tax cattle one originates. It's possible the Govt. Motors On Star bugging device might already have this capability.
  20. Agree. It's not comedy for comedic sake. It's comedy with a distinctive lefty political bent. They will never admit it, but empiricism don't lie. This is the result of 12 years of statist school. Folks have some intelligence. But they have little/no philosophical perspective or moral compass. Everything is relative and subjective. So they use sarcasm, snarky comments, and have the whole nothing really matters nihilistic approach to matters of substance to mask their confusion. Enter the Jonathan Leibowitzs of the world to capitalize on their disconnect from reality.
  21. Slightly OT, but along the same lines of how retarded and conformist TV has become.
  22. You are correct. It was posted to be viewed and commented on. Sorry for not being clear in my response to you. I meant to say the message is irrelevant if they have to use violence/fear as a marketing tool.
  23. xelent- thank you for instructions to embed. I agree, the video is disturbing to say the least. dsayers- not exactly a model based on the free market, now is it. corpus mentium- when bombs come out, I (and most rational folk) tend to lose interest in exploring the message, yes? Wesley- How many sociopaths does it take to make a ridiculous video? I could be wrong, but I would guess everyone on that list has a dog in the fight/rent seeking. Shock value? Could be. Don't these people have anything better to do? Wuzzums- More revolting, vile, rubbish. That one is even more obscure. WTH? I guess freedom has been reduced to blood and guts. Makes sense. Nerburg- that makes sense. I find it gratuitous violence which I suppose is an effective means for propaganda. It did its job as I am thinking about it and discussing it on a message board.
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