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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. It appears you are looking for a comprehensive and exhaustive list, or definition, of what constitutes force and what does not. While that might be interesting from an academic standpoint, the world is burning all around us. Instead of having a debate on what is heat what is not heat, let's first put our energy into extinguishing obvious fires like the state and corrupt parenting. Maybe try to do something good instead of sitting around in the philosophical chair of ideal forms and ethereal realms.
  2. Refined white sugar is not innately bad. It's a source of cheap and tasty calories. HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) can be a problem, but HFCS is/was only introduced as a counter measure to sugar taxes and other anti sugar propaganda from years ago. Processed food would continue to have a market in a free society. Processing is a way to increase efficiency. It's part of the reason we can feed 7 billion people. To the anti processed foodies, try not using heat, cooling, or salt on any food for a month or two. Food luddites need to lead by example.
  3. Recent article supporting post #19 about benefits of nightly mini fasting. Is when you eat more important than what you eat? http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-americans-all-day-eating-20150924-story.html
  4. This will make for a great screening hashtag for future dating partners.
  5. One of the lame stream news outlets interviewed some VW owners who were visibly upset and self flagellating at the thought they had harmed the environment. It was quite amusing to watch.
  6. Is Donald Trump the spearhead in a war between cultural Marxist republicans and conservative republicans?
  7. Another example of sociology > biology. Testosterone good until an arbitrary measurement is achieved, then testosterone is bad. If that's a standard for women's sports, why not apply it to men's sports? Muh egalitarianism.
  8. The power of romance can overcome and fool even the best, given right set of circumstances. Anyone and everyone, regardless of self knowledge and philosophy, is susceptible at some point to making a mistake or being tempted by corruption. So, I would argue a well versed (for lack of a better term) FDR listener can be blinded/seduced by a non-virtuous person who masquerades as virtuous. The time and intensity of that seduction would be up for debate. But no one can claim 100% immunity from giving in to temptation anymore than one can claim 100% immunity from getting a cold.
  9. Monday morning quarter back scenario. She was one person, arguably the single most important person, but the board of directors had to approve the merger. They bare some responsibility, yes? That profits didn't immediately rise is not sufficient for criticism. It could be argued the merger was a short term sacrifice for long term survival.
  10. This is just an FYI for anyone who clicks on the link and it only lets you read the first paragraph (paywall. that was my experience). Copy and past the headline into a search engine and click on the story from the search engine. That should get you around paywall and access to the full article.
  11. Currently we find good arguments for morality based on self-ownership, respect for property rights, and the NAP. Will A.I. recognize those axioms? I don't think that's likely. I can't exactly say why, but it seems the foundation of reality and life will be altered by the presence of A.I. (silicon life forms vs carbon based life forms) is the best way I can attempt to explain my ambiguous feelings/thoughts on the matter.
  12. In-group preference, or any preference for that matter, is now racist according to new study. This recent slander/study is aimed primarily at the gay community. But in the name of diversity it can also apply to heterosexuals. No wonder people are reluctant to share their opinion on anything other than sports and weather. By this line of "thinking' gay men would also be sexist. Straight folks would be sexist. Philosophy has no use for the words of racism and sexism as those words are non-compliant with UPB and synonymous with the politics of identity. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/09/no-blacks-is-not-a-sexual-preference-it-s-racism.html?source=TDB&via=FB_Page
  13. The good thing is feminists are generally easy to pick out in a crowd, and thus easy to avoid. The bad thing is they are hard to miss with their boorish attire and gaudy hair coloring or shaved head. bleh. https://www.swedishweekly.com/feminist-goes-crazy-when-compared-to-swedish-nationalist/
  14. Good question. My take is social construct is a subset of the category of concepts. Social constructs deal specifically with concepts concerning human relations from one individual to another to any combination up to and including "society." Social constructs are sometimes true ie more likely true than not true, and conversely sometimes false. Since social constructs are not based on an objective standard, they are subject to bias, bigotry and prejudice. Social constructs are based in culture as opposed to philosophy. I don't know if any of that makes sense. Let me know what you think.
  15. UPB via an app! Chrome app changes words such as "Men" into "Jews" and "Women" into "Aryans" to make any radical feminist post sound like something straight out of Hitler's mouth! Mozilla shut down this app on their platform. But apparently, it still exists on Chrome. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/men-kampf/ndnldlglhppbllahhojfbmpokdipkihb?hl=en
  16. Anyone can demand whatever they want. The anger from these folks is misplaced. Historically when you invade another country and then become angered by poor living conditions, you are not in any position to make demands. However, since the discovery/indoctrination of white guilt, it appears beggars CAN be choosers.
  17. Yes. Just like velocity, there is nothing inherently wrong with consuming alcohol, in and of itself. There is nothing inherently wrong with driving, in and of itself. Therefore, there is nothing inherently wrong combining the two.
  18. Sure many of you have read the recent headlines. Any comments? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/results-of-many-psychology-experiments-cant-be-duplicated-study-finds/
  19. As an aside, FWIW, I wanted to throw this out there, but didn't think it warranted a new thread. Is it just me, or there is a rough correlation between the r vs K reproductive strategy and exercise strategy? This is just my opinion, but I have noticed that those who primarily focus on cardio fitness tend to align with the r side, while those who focus on resistance training tend of align with the K side. Way back in the 1970s Jimmy Carter was promoting this new thing called jogging. Contrast that with Arnold Schwarzeneger.
  20. They have to add more zeros because folks are so prosperous and their economy has a lot of monetary velocity which means it's like totally valuable and in demand. They are just adding supply to balance demand.
  21. Roosh and the MRM, in general, is a rebuttal to feminism. That is my premise. Please correct me if I am in error. MRMs and feminism are both camps based on the politics of identity or tribalism, as it has been referred to in this thread. Would anyone care anything about politics of identity in a free society? Roosh and atheists/secularists are good at pointing out hypocrisy (falsehood) of their respective adversaries, but without those adversaries what do they have to offer in the realm of philosophy? In other words does Roosh acknowledge feminism as existing primarily as an effect of and advocate of the state? Does Roosh acknowledge the state as a greater threat to men (and women for that mater), than feminism?
  22. Science is not what I know. Science is shorthand for the scientific method. It is a method for determining and observing behavior of energy and matter and the theories that can be derived from such. "Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know, and probability is the border between the two" Without objective definitions, that is a word salad assertion of nothingness.
  23. Speed is not bad. Repeat: Speed is not bad. The roads have been so poorly managed and continue to rob people of their most valuable asset: time, that the idea of penalizing folks for attempting to protect that asset is nothing short of unmitigated evil. Physics are the only laws worth noting in transportation.
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