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Everything posted by Mishelle

  1. So Wesley did such great work on it today and anyone who wants to look/edit just message me your gmail. Looks promising already after just a day, yay! After a bit we can post it here for more general input?
  2. OK here is the link to our work-in-progress, but I've still got it set to private -- maybe it's best to "invite" people to edit so we can track changes better? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M-HyI58ulObZRst5U0sVZJiJCGp9h8Gz8zoX_HYb1-Y/edit?usp=sharing can you send me your gmail? I do think you have to have gmail to get in, right? If this is too cumbersome for making edits we can try some other way if any suggestions?
  3. LOL! Thanks for the laughs and contributions. Should we include "Stef" : Short for Stefan, as Mad should be short for Madonna. I don't think I know all the acronyms above, but will start with the list and we'll keep filling it in. Meeri, I included that one because when I first saw it it took me forever to figure out what it stood for. I'm not that bright though--the first time I heard someone say FDR I thought, "Why are they talking about Roosevelt?!" For sure Carl, we should include brief definitions--that will take some cooperation! I will load it on googledocs or dropbox so anyone can edit---any better ideas or any preference there?
  4. Please collaborate with me, anyone interested in creating an FDR Glossary for new listeners! There are so many acronyms and new terminologies in the FDR community so it seems like a good idea to help new listeners navigate all the material just in brief definitions. But I am pretty new myself and so ask anyone to add words they think should be there and I'll compile a list to post somewhere on the site. Thanks for any help! So far, not yet in order MGTOW NAP UPB RTR FDR PUA I also thought just adding ill-understood words as they are meant in FDR context, but in brief--like anarchy, libertarian, agnostic/atheist, minarchy, constitutionalism, solipsism, homeschooling, the matrix and "red pill", self-ownership, feminism, etc. If you think this is not helpful, please feel free to say that too, so I don't waste any time on it!! As you add please don't assume I know it and include the complete phrase or meaning! Thanks for any contributions
  5. I know someone here will surely like this one?! The title says it all http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/homesteading/2013/12/16/feminism-must-die/
  6. yay, polls are fun!
  7. On that note, of The Game, it reminds me that for the average Joe and Joleen, we have no personal experience with this. What we know comes from books and television and others' anecdotes on occasion. So, I'd just like to point out that fewer than 18% of Hollywood's writers and directors are women and when it comes to producers, I believe there's like 2. This really drives how we view these things--not the stats or real-life experiences--how these roles and images are being pumped into the population. no pun intended
  8. Meeri, congrats on your defoo and wishing you well this xmas! I spend the holidays alone for quite a few years now and at first it was difficult and I would say I felt sorry for myself a bit. My husband works half the month offshore, and always works the holidays, and I stopped visiting family about 7 years ago or so because I just didn't enjoy it. I had to start being honest with myself about that and take action. Of course, that action had consequences to deal with! I spend weeks sometimes without seeing anyone, because we live out in the country and are quite self-sufficient with food, so there's really no reason for me to even go into town. At first I found this depressing, now I find it exhilarating. I treasure my time alone as a great gift to cultivate myself, my interests, my health, my learning, my writing. I know it sounds like a lot of "ME" lol, but by really getting deep with myself and nourishing myself in this way, I become a better person with others. It makes it easier to stay true to my goals and focused on my intentions. It's not that I don't get lonely, not at all, I do. Then I use that loneliness as a jumping off point toward greater levels self-knowledge and compassion. And when I can't stand it anymore, I go down to the city, rent a room, get a mani-pedi, cut-n-color, go to the ballet and shop all the next day. Suddenly that feels like therapy too! Some things I used to totally take for granted is like a great treat!!! Anyway, maybe this year I'll listen to Stef, yay! Thanks for sharing on this, I'll be thinkin' of y'all and hoping any loneliness will lead to great depths of knowledge
  9. Hi Rock, welcome and thanks for sharing your story! So happy to read the happy ending after so much trauma. I'm so impressed by your level of self-knowledge and great articulation. Looking forward to reading more about you and your new woman in the coming months
  10. My latest ramblings--this time on how Love is greater than Happiness http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/homesteading/2013/12/09/requiem-part-deux-transgression/
  11. Another really good one! "I can't believe they let you do that in Texas!" http://youtu.be/nZwJGRdbJ6c
  12. HC, that's just gorgeous! What are some of the crocodile traps and black holes and the strategies to avoid them? I was very involved with a New Age community of women for several years called Feminine Power and they are trying to do something similar in regards to relations with men and each other. It's all about getting women outside victimization and co-dependency to create "evolutionary partnerships" with men and women of high consciousness. This is all in order to culturally evolve and fulfill the needs of both sexes as long-term couples. There are women of all ages and around the world and the coursework was very intense, deep in self-knowledge and spiritual awakening. I know that last part doesn't fit well here, but it absolutely changed my life and relationships for the better. So, just so you know, women are out there trying to solve this too, and in whole new ways.
  13. Thanks sounds fun! Where are you?
  14. "all that I am saying is the system that we have now whereby an individual or organization can own unlimited amounts of land whether they're using it productively or not," There is so much unused, unowned acreage in North and South America I'm not sure I really understand how this would be an issue. Right now you, or anyone you know, could go out and buy acreage for $1,000 an start homesteading--farm, whatever you need to do to make a living--and then you'll see why so few people actually do it, or would have any interest at all. So, suddenly every anarchist will wake up and want to homestead?
  15. It seems perfectly in line with PUA culture I think, from what I understand so far. Stef has said "every man wants to be Alpha" -- and this actually shocked me in the moment. Could that be true? Is that true?! But just for argument sake let's say it's true and this is for most a basic, and so largely unconscious driver. So the goal of the "dominant" is to have his/her pick of partners, and this works the same for women and men. Woman gets her pick of relationship partners by being attractive, accommodating, supportive, nurturing. Man gets his pick of sexual partners by being intriguing, masterful, competent---this is where the funny plays in. That and you can tell A LOT about a man from his sense of humor, so it does indeed help women to discern. So, a dominant woman would take on the role of a dominant man, which he does elude to I guess, but I think there's more to it--women are not raised to voice themselves in public, period. Look good, smile, keep quiet, that's the tradition. The same thing happens to women in any mixed gathering, hetero women make themselves smaller--it's innate and it's a tactic of securing safety and relatedness.
  16. No, no, I got that, that's where I agree, along with we should try harder! My point was just to say yes, and, women are trained to be more reserved around men, and, much of the time men don't understand our humor, and vice versa. Get a bunch of men together smokin and jokin, and most women are not going to be laughing for long! I would also add that by noticing these publicly funny women are lesbian, butch, or jewish he's making an important observation that goes unmentioned, it seems--This is about showing dominance by eliciting attention from attractive admiring women.
  17. "Though there are different forms of birth control, anything that is chemical I would think is nothing more than an attack on yourself." It's actually extremely easy for a girl to know when she is fertile, this could be achieved by any 14 year old, the problem is this isn't taught to her. "It may be unfair, but none the less this must be the case that if a woman is not ready for the consequences, she should learn restraint. Therefore the decision with whomever she pairs with must not be whimsical." Hogwash. Let's hope the days where chastity until marriage is the expectation are long gone and buried! Folks are way to up tight about sexuality, imo. There's a huge gray area between restraint and nympho, and if most women fell somewhere in the middle instead of at either extreme, I think this would be a much happier world. Christopher Hitchens clip was great, totally agree in theory. Thanks for posting. But my personal experience is the women I like are hilarious and when we are together I'm often aching from laughing so hard. It shifts in the company of men, especially men they don't know. Ask some happily married men if their wives are funny and I'll bet they say yes!
  18. "Cheeky but I think you're getting at something here. It's definitely going to get worse before it gets better." lol! my grandpa used to say "smart mouth" but really, he meant well! and he did say it with care. so, for us nesting types, what does worse look like, that we might prepare a bit?
  19. I wonder if anyone has seen the Daniel Day Lewis film Nine? One of greatest actors today, imo. I ask because this is what I'm picturing with PUA, teaching a man the skills to have his choice of women--only somehow without the drama and heartache? Maybe I'm stuck on this Don Juan reference. In that case maybe it does make sense in reaction to feeling superfluous in society, or that society is headed that way? But it's just this kind of film that shows this still-repeated image of women as "one of many" -- unique but interchangeable--this is what feels like such an injustice to women. I would argue that women playing the field, even young ones today, unless very immature and not worth too much attention anyway, are not happy. Women are still nesters and want to settle down. This is obvious when you look at lesbian couples. What's the oft-repeated joke? "What do lesbians do on a second date?" "Rent a U-haul." ok wow xelent, that was sexy
  20. Yes true. So to bring it back to what seems so unsustainable about all of this. If we recognize that women are more vulnerable, and that we cannot accept that the State will try to compensate for that in any way, that leaves women more at the "whims" of men, if you will. If we must still feel safe, but loose our backhanded ways of manipulation and dominance and coercion, that puts the onus of good relations on us, if the relations aren't good, it's on us. But women aren't really accustomed to fixing things. It's broken, men and women both know it, in general there seems to lots of talk on both sides about the lack of satisfaction. Maybe PUA is the answer--then everyone can be equally objectified and we can wallow in that for a while before being forced to find a new solution?
  21. I think it's just great you met on the internet and it's developed this far and it's maybe even a inter-cultural relationship (wasn't clear to me)-- I say, Bravo to you both! Shows courage and a sense of adventure, I hope it works out for you.
  22. Welcome Jonas! I love hearing that debating on FB actually works to wake folks up! I don't know how to answer your question, but I think you're talking about doing some podcasting yourself? Great idea! I know Stef has talked on this in the past, and also you could check out James Corbett and also Richard Grove, they've done podcasts on teaching how to create podcasts. Good luck!
  23. Yes, good points xelent. But, when I was growing up it was men who had more sexual partners and this was considered very natural. The girl's virginity was her greatest feature, and still is in much of the world. The social pressure for girls to remain chaste was very powerful, I guess that's not the case now.
  24. I'm going to take a road trip in December and/or January from Houston to Miami, and would love to stop and meet anyone along the way. This is not for dating purposes, just for fun and friendship and fab convos. Any takers?
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