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Everything posted by Culain

  1. So it's essentially the Canadian Patriot Act
  2. Let me guess, politicians will be exempt from this?
  3. From what I understand about currencies, you can NOT create wealth. If I go and create a crypto- currency called Culain Coins and give myself 100 million of them, I am not wealthier. What i can do with currencies though is transfer and invest the wealth I already have. Money can not be donated into existed because money is stored value. Value is a representation of labour. In order for a currency to gain value it requires investment in the form of labour. I really have no idea what you mean by create or donate money into existence. It definitely sounds like another fiat scam and I'm pretty sure that the Greece population are going to be wary of lingo like that after they go through another collapse.
  4. Finished it's 3rd and final season. It's definitely zeitgeist inspired. It depicts Japan turning into a closed off nation where citizens must be granted approval to come into the country or to leave. The society is monitored by these electronic devices called "Psycho Passes", which scans the brains of it's citizens, the devices then displays a digital number showing how likely they are to commit a crime. Crime is never accurately defined. All the citizens in this society must act in a way to keep their "Crime Efficiency" number down, as the number begins to rise citizens' will be informed from the devices that they need to calm down or seek therapy, when the number rises to a set point they will be taken into government therapy, and if the number continues to rise even beyond the point of no recovery then they are murdered. The shows follows a young newly hired female investigator, Akane who seeks out a dangerous criminal who threatens society. Her partner Shinya is a male enforcer (ex criminal), who will assists her in apprehending this individual and coming to truth on how how their society works.
  5. How does the state get that money it redistributes? It takes it through force and coercion. How can you talk about harmony when you advocate for aggressive force, perhaps the day that you put down the guns will be the day that you truly understand harmony.
  6. I think you forgot the video
  7. I wouldn't mind playing, provided someone explain the basics of how to play as I've never touched anything dnd like.
  8. This forum doesn't have any rules stating that statists or theists are banned; we just be respectful to each other.
  9. Thanks for the replies I seem to have a slightly better grasp of it now.
  10. From what I understand, a bond is an I.O.U. People purchase bonds with the goal of receiving a profit in interest at maturity. The government issues a bond out to investors (foreign or local), to pay back the bond (with interest) the government attempts to profit from the principle amount. The US runs an annual deficit so it resorts to either printing or borrowing to service the debts. Printing raises the rate of inflation while borrowing adds further interest because you must borrow at a higher rate to pay back the previous loan plus interest. The current national debt is total amount of funds owed through government bonds, not accounting for inflation or unfunded liabilities. Anyways, I have some friends who have invested into bonds and are adamant that they will receive a profit at maturity. They argue that even though inflation is rising by roughly 2% a year the government will pay them back 4%, a gain of 2%. This shouldn't be possible. Is there something I'm missing here like hidden costs or taxes?
  11. The current leader of the libertarian party of Canada Tim Moen has come out and said that he fully supports anarchy. He believes that change comes from the people, citing the 10% of population statistic. His stance on politics seems to be simply a platform for educating people on state violence. As an Anarchist I did not vote for the party, but I do often share his messages. He's not hard, you can probably contact him through facebook. He appeared on Jeff Berwicks Anarchast and will be speaking at Anarchopulco next month, definitely can't wait to hear from him.
  12. No. There really is no way to determine whether an action is best. UPB simply is a way for measuring the consistency of ethical/ moral propositions. It is descriptive rather than prescriptive. UPB does not tell you how to act, it only explains whether the action you performed can be preferred universally.
  13. Their lifestyle involves stealing from others and the more they do it the more dependent they become on it. Their numbers continue to grow by the day and they continue to advocate for policies which steal from the working class making our life more difficult, the end point being when they take us all down the path of financial collapse with them. These people are parasites who would never advocate for secession because it would threaten to end their addiction.
  14. I wonder if this should be applied to all the parents who send their children to all the corporate photographers (huggies, fisherprice, etc) to make some cash. I get the shivers just thinking about the possibility of some of these photo shoots being sold on the black market.
  15. Don't forget that in the trolly scenario 'Someone tied those people to the tracks.'
  16. An anarchist is an explanation of what we are not, rather than an explanation of what we are. Anarchists do not oppose hierarchy, because hierarchies can be non-violent and voluntary. An anarchist is simply someone who does not support a violent/ coercive hierarchy (relationship). I've given a few thoughts myself on why I hate having to call myself an atheist/ anarchist because they're terms that only mean anything when the opposite is the norm. There will only be people whom call themselves atheists as long as theism is the norm. Similarly there will only be people who call themselves anarchists as long as archy's (governments) are the norm. When we describe ourselves it becomes more accurate to explain what we are rather than what we are not, there is an infinite amount of 'what nots'. When I first explained to my brother that i was an Anarchist he thought that meant Marxist. >_>
  17. When people give me these lifeboat scenarios that have no use, I try and offer suggestions of lifeboat scenarios that many of us experience on a regular basis. "You're at a large and important family dinner and you share different religious beliefs than the rest of your family, assuming your family is devoutly religious and you are not (or believe differently) and they ask you to perform a ritual such as prayer that you do not support, will you perform the ritual to conform and appease them or will you refuse?" Questions like this are truly lifeboat for us, for often we feel extreme terror at the thought of not conforming. I'd rather offer these types of question to people as because it's something they'll likely face in their life and these actually do work as mental preparation. If people choose a conforming type of choice I can tell that they do not feel respected by their peers and then we can talk about that lack of respect. If they choose the non-conforming option I ask them if they've tried it before and the results of that decision, did it strike hostility or did the family give a mutual level of respect back?
  18. Adam kokesh recently posted this article http://www.libertybriefing.com/articles/adam-kokesh-and-our-abusive-relationship-with-the-government/293 I'm kind of disappointed with how much potential this article could of had if he would have focused on parenting but instead he took the back door out early into the third paragraph "On some level, your parents will always love you and a bad relationship with a parent is unfortunate." Really Adam? The government does not physically exist and simply consists of people who make choices. Those choices are influenced by the lives of the people who are raised by parents/guardians. The Government exists because there is a lack of love in the world which parents are responsible for providing.
  19. ...is twice the size of Texas and underwater http://grist.org/climate-energy/americas-newest-national-park-is-twice-the-size-of-texas-and-underwater/ The ol' Keynesian scheme to get people to spend money; because spending obviously saves the economy.
  20. Almost all of us has been through this; for some, have managed to strengthen their relationship with their family and for others they've realized that there is no connection left. It's natural and in our genes to seek comfort from our previous care givers, but now as adults we have a choice to weigh and act on the cost of delusion vs honesty. If you have 'heart-felt' talk with your parents and be as honest about your feelings as possible (I feel that) then you won't have any regrets. The longer you avoid being direct open and honest the more regrets you'll foster.
  21. Funny Stuff
  22. http://www.evilbible.com/Murder.htm
  23. I think the most painful thing about these conversations is that it only reaffirms for me their ability to think, but their moral cowardice to apply it in life. You watch as they apply every rule of logic and scientific theory to their roster building, predictions, and competitive strategies; then you continue watching as they surgically dissect the fallacies of opposing parties through debating about the issues. But then the moment you bring something which actually has importance to their lives and suddenly that logical side of them evaporates, they make every fallacy which they just spent a minute previously combating. The hypocrisy is sickening.
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