Hello FDR, it's a tough question for me to ask especially now in my life but I am unsure of how to go about it.
Last month I quit a job where I had worked for over 8 years, this was due to the stress from trying to appeal to authority, I couldn't bear the thought of working a retail job where judgmental people in my life (parents, peers from school) would see and recognize me working a low skill job. I couldn't say the truth to any of my work peers and merely told them "that retail jobs suck."
I told them that I would be a writer, and over the time of a month I did actually produced a novel which is in the publication process, however the costs were high for this and I will not make 'any' profit. I am in the process of writing another novel, I doubt I'll profit much from it.
I am burdened down from a previous school debt (which i dropped out because of poor stress management, I actually dropped out of post secondary 4 times).
I also, have not had a single friend in my life where I connect with. 26 years old, never even had a single date before (I believe that I am handsome, I am not ugly or repulsive). My parents and siblings are out of the question. In the last 5 months I think I have left my house once or twice to socialize with others, nobody calls or offers to visit me, I feel like I have to force myself on others to simply "talk".
From here I need to quickly identify, understand, and choose my options carefully.
I have enough funds to survive a few months. I can either continue with my writing in hopes of barely staying afloat. Or I can try to find another part time job, but deal with the possibility of my mind falling in paranoia again and slowly save up so 4-5 months down the line I could afford therapy.