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Everything posted by Culain

  1. Ruben, I had been contemplating quitting for years. Everyday I would come in and work and talk about how much I didn't like the job to the employees. I kept doing that until just had one particularity bad day which i used as an excuse to hate on retail and quit.
  2. Hello FDR, it's a tough question for me to ask especially now in my life but I am unsure of how to go about it. Last month I quit a job where I had worked for over 8 years, this was due to the stress from trying to appeal to authority, I couldn't bear the thought of working a retail job where judgmental people in my life (parents, peers from school) would see and recognize me working a low skill job. I couldn't say the truth to any of my work peers and merely told them "that retail jobs suck." I told them that I would be a writer, and over the time of a month I did actually produced a novel which is in the publication process, however the costs were high for this and I will not make 'any' profit. I am in the process of writing another novel, I doubt I'll profit much from it. I am burdened down from a previous school debt (which i dropped out because of poor stress management, I actually dropped out of post secondary 4 times). I also, have not had a single friend in my life where I connect with. 26 years old, never even had a single date before (I believe that I am handsome, I am not ugly or repulsive). My parents and siblings are out of the question. In the last 5 months I think I have left my house once or twice to socialize with others, nobody calls or offers to visit me, I feel like I have to force myself on others to simply "talk". --- From here I need to quickly identify, understand, and choose my options carefully. I have enough funds to survive a few months. I can either continue with my writing in hopes of barely staying afloat. Or I can try to find another part time job, but deal with the possibility of my mind falling in paranoia again and slowly save up so 4-5 months down the line I could afford therapy.
  3. I wouldn't want Stefan to interview Ron Paul, but rather have a conversation similar to the Joe Rogan Podcast. If there is any interview to be done I think it would be for Ron Paul to interview Stefan on his show.
  4. Tom Woods just did a show on recycling. If you have not watched it, you should.
  5. It depends what else they can offer IMO. If they're always there for me or they can provide insightful then I will keep them around even if they have a few detached views. Tom woods and Jeffrey Tucker are two of my favourite economist and I believe they are both religious, but I would share dinner with them in a heartbeat for what they have offered.
  6. Personally while I would find it 'interesting' and also think that's it's perfectly safe, FDR is not about Stefan Molyneux, it's about achieving an ideal. Is there any specific question that you believe that requires psychadelics to truthfully answered?
  7. Was it not around 45% last year? That's just scary regardless
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