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Everything posted by Culain

  1. I was able to get 2,3,4,5,6,9 Then i watched the solution and saw that no matter long I pondered I would have never gotten the rest because i didn't have enough knowledge of math. So I consider this a victory for myself.
  2. Can you link me to this one?
  3. Why isn't the most popular question asked? Was 9/11 a Government set-up?
  4. I'm personally still on the edge of buying a Bitcoin, a part of my curiosity wants me to invest in it, but another part scares me (mostly because I am quite short on funds). I've watched Stefan's videos on it and I we can all see the potential. But Peter Schiff believes otherwise; His basic argument is that Bitcoin will implode because most people are buying and trying to hoard it just to make profit instead of actually using it. It's also scary to start into because the price is getting so high already and there's little in the market to spend it on. A lot of peoples' daily living goes into taxes, the government doesn't accept bitcoin as a valid means to pay for those taxes. Thoughts?
  5. poution, it's like corporate feces.
  6. Can I ask a single question before you go? Was there anything said in this discussion that will at least make you second guess or change some of your original stances? Regardless of whether any of us 'won', both sides can have a victory as long as they felt hat they learned something new.
  7. Please don't debate this AmazingAthiest guy, I see Storm Clouds Gathering happening all over again. He agrees with the 'Morality' but wants solid Practical proof, so it's all going to move into theoretical solve every single x issue.
  8. I received a message from my older brother earlier in the year detailing about how it changed his life for the better and that I should try it.
  9. I am currently entering into a bit of financial difficulty, over my life I have collected and played/read through HUNDREDS of video games and graphic novels which I still own many of. I know I will never read or play any of these again, but seeing them as part of my collection brings back good nostalgia. Do you guys think I should start selling these, or keep holding onto them?
  10. Can you edit your post by shrinking the size of the text to a normal size and add a few breaks or spaces in the paragraph because all I see is a massive wall of painful over-sized text.
  11. My argument was too perfect, it was so complex yet simple at the same time as it not only denied God but all Gods. There are too many similarities between your religion and other false religions to be a coincidence, the list can go on. It's ok to admit that you don't understand how everything works, I guarantee that you don't even know how a pencil is made. (Watch ipencil on youtube). Human spontaneity can create such complex systems without the individual actors knowing nothing more than their part. Using God as a placeholder does not dismiss the logical contradictions raised in the Euthyphro dilemma. But if you're going to dismiss the scientific methodology than I will not continue this, goodbye.
  12. Is there a particular reason? Do you live in one? He has examined Detroit. I don't see the reason to do them individually unless there is a unique point not addressed in them.
  13. I've only ever lived in 2 cities. Newmarket and Barrie, both in Ontario Canada. I moved every other year in Barrie though, my parents had this idea that houses were an investment and would raise in value, every time they moved they grew closer and closer to debt. The moving also meant it was difficult to develop a solid foundation for friends. The furthest we had ever been on a vacation is Prince Edward island on the east shore of Canada. Though i never had any freedom to do what i wanted on these vacations. I have lived in Barrie for the last 15 years. Moving is scary for me, I keep thinking that I need a lot of resources. I don't have a passport, or even my birth certificate. I've been really interested as of late in Jeff Berwick's Acupolco Mexico, but I've never been able to make the plunge because of fear in an unknown environment... though I guess now I don't have much to lose. I'm considering it for my next novel if I ever finish. A lot of them seem to be saying much of the same thing. But I'll elaborate on a bit more of my childhood and the difference between my parents. Both of my fathers, never acknowledged any of my strengths, my real father was critical of everything I did, I can;t recall a single suggestion for life I had ever received from him. My Stepfather pretty much invalidated my existence, he had his son, I was the kid who was falling behind and so he gave me physical labour, i would do all the cleaning for a house of 6 (mowing lawn, shoveling snow, dishes, sweeping, etc.) Later in life when I had my first retail job, after dropping out of school, he and my older brother tried to push me into the Military, I was fortunate enough at the time to refuse. I believe that if he asked me a few years earlier i would of accepted, I had this idea as a teenager that I could be this emotionless killer, a tool. My mother... always had this, "you can do anything" attitude towards me regardless of whether I could or could not. This created a well where I actually did not know what I was good at, I consider myself to have one of the worst singing voices in mankind, but my mother would tell me that I could be on these idol shows. She never really knew what I was actually good at. She would even tell me all the time that I would become rich, then I could 'get' a beautiful actress as a wife. It was never "find a virtuous woman". She never placed any realistic expectations in me. So while I 'received' a lot, I was never able to process any of it. The only hugs I had ever received were from basic greetings or from lap dancing strippers.
  14. But we have proof of both evolution and atheism occurring at the present moment. Our bodies are constantly evolving to adapt and survive in different environments. For atheism, it means "Without a belief in god/deities/supernatural", we are born atheist, theism is a "learned" state. Do you have to be a christian to qualify as a theist? There are hundreds of millions of people around the world whom believe in different Gods. I assume that you deny those other gods, thus you are giving credence to atheism. It's impossible to prove that something does not exist. In the Euthyphro dilemma it goes through the logic of 'God' being a logical contradiction. So how about you either correctly define your understanding of 'God' in a way that it is not a logical contradiction, otherwise you're just speaking out your ass. Find me the invisible pink unicorn. Later.
  15. The whole shutdown was an obvious scam to not save money but rather inflict fear on the populace.
  16. Giving fresh fruits like an apple is even worse with contamination and bacteria. I like the idea of properly packaged dry fruit, but that sounds expensive.
  17. Feel free to ask me questions. I looked at the emotionally needy/abusive mothers page, http://eqi.org/enm1.htm In a nutshell: When my mother gets into a conversation, it's like she's fighting a battle rather than trying to understand. She denies or does not bring any error to her part, completely invalidating my position, her case is the only case that exists in the 'argument'. She acts in this stance of, I LOVE YOU, we ALL LOVE YOU, you're hurting people by isolating. Never does she bring up my emotional needs or listen, she only wants me to return to the family to fix herself. In the last 2 years since, I have not spoken to her. I have accepted that she can never accept weakness herself out of some deluded sense of proper motherhood. She will never say sorry or bring any responsibility to herself. The link I posted above, is of my last conversation's with her.
  18. Ron Paul recently appeared on the Tom Woods show to answer listener questions. One of the questions was, Mr Paul are you an Anarchist and believe we can go on without the State? He says, "I have not accepted that tomorrow we can scratch it and have no government." This was a very disappointing answer in my opinion, mostly because not only did he collectivize it but he looked at the question as if it needed a solution tomorrow to be practical. Example, he would be the one who would say, "But without slaves who would pick the cotton?" Anyways I hope that Tom can get you on his show Stef to discuss peaceful parenting to achieve freedom. He has not covered that topic yet.
  19. <quote>He admits to the government being fundamentally flawed and that it will always be flawed, and has said he admitted government cannot operate without threats, violence, and coercion. But he separates his voting and participation in government with the evils that others do in with government. How can I approach his argument or am I wrong in my thought process?</quote> The government DOES NOT EXIST, it is simply a hierarchy of desire to control. Society is NOT a top down pyramid with congress at the top, it is horizontal. Congress only has power because people like him advocate for these people to use force. You probably won't be able to convince him because he has invested a lot of resources into the education field, if he were to accept that government= violence then he would have to accept that his job prospect is funded on the blood of children.
  20. I have no problems in regard to privacy, I think privacy has led to much of my painful learning experiences.
  21. Ruben, after thinking about it for awhile one of the most appealing aspects of working from home is the ability to connect to the internet, I am simply addicted. I have a set of about 10 websites which i just recycle and refresh constantly. If I post a comment on youtube or on a message board I will refresh the page every 10-30 minutes over the course of the day because I am very conscious of the replies from others. When I'm out at work I simply wonder about what is happening on the websites I frequent. Despite working at a retail job with many other employees it is incredibly rare for me to socialize with them because they don't connect with me, I try to work constantly to make the time go by faster while others take smoke breaks every hour and 30-50 minute regular breaks. Their abuse of breaks builds up the work load which I pick up, we can jest about them taking long breaks, but I never go to management because I am worried about their opinions of me; despite them never actually associating with me. This environment just makes me sick. Steve, I'll spend some time on that website. I have been regularly depressed my whole life, I remember that when i started highschool was when it really started to hit me and I would commonly get suicidal urges, even to this day I am still battling against suicidal tendencies. I am fortunate though to have never adopted the use of alcohol at any point of my life (though I succumb to peer pressure during the odd times I get invited to parties), though about 3 months ago I started using Marijuana because I felt that it gave me a more positive outlook, I've been clean though for one week. I have never taken any other drugs. I feel the main cause of all my depression has been a lack of emotional support over my life. Feel free to send me messages wherever is easiest for you, I've been frequenting the chat much more as of recent.
  22. The second video, "To be a host, good looks count but it's not enough. How you look doesn't bring you any money. it's hard work. You have to be attractive as a human being. Joel is Innocent, too innocent. Being a host is not for him." So innocence is not an attractive feature?
  23. I absolutely hate litter. Usually everywhere I go there are hundreds of cigarette butts or bottles lying the ground. I caught a few peers in the act of littering (some are libertarians/anarchists) and just just don't care, they defend with that it will cause a fire if their cigs are thrown in the trash. Why not put them out first? They throw stuff into forested areas as they walk because they don't want to wait until they get home to a trash. It's disgusting.
  24. I don't know exactly. But... I know that i have a LOT of unprocessed anger, I have misogynistic tendencies/thoughts, and I have sudden mood swings towards extreme depression and suicide. one of the other reasons that i quit my retail job was that i was constantly swarmed with people around me all the time asking me for things; and so I'd always give. I would see couples in all the time and that wold remind that I alone, I would see families and it would remind me of my abusive family. I find that being around large groups of people makes me feel mentally vulnerable. The city I live in has a lot of bars/clubs, I don't drink, and I find clubs deplorable. They are the primary sources of entertainment for people that I meet and so I don't partake in them which has placed a hurdle on my social life. Low income jobs are full of so many self-defeating people, I have my inabilities so I'm not excused but it's hard to find people locally that are not so openly abusive to themselves. When I finally get into social situations, I never get invited to someones house for a one-to-one friendly connection, I'm just on the mailing list for large events. I quickly find that I become detached because i can't connect with these people amidst their sloth and either soon leave or just crash.
  25. I've been living on my own for 4 years now. I've left my family. This is from a few years ago. http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/30924-tis-the-holiday-season-the-santa-is-here-with-guilt-to-give/
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