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Everything posted by Culain
A well constructed article that actually got my blood boiling for a moment. Enjoy http://thelibertasproject.liberty.me/2014/08/18/i-spank-my-child-and-so-should-you/?refer=libertyme
If there were a contract that you could sign, that would imply 'choice'. You're not allowed to have that.
I'm sorry for you man, what a painful history to have. You obviously were never exposed to any empathy as a child, you felt alone at both school and home because you wern't able to develop social skills. You are then labeled with a mental condition (Aspergers) because your family had no bond with you. Your mother continually abuses you mentally, by trying to force you to take care of her through guilt . Your sister attacks you for pointing out this poisonous relationship. You try to talk to your mother and sister about how you feel yet they just attack your integrity. This quote right here is so painful to read. I think that you care so much about the feelings of your family that they are using that vulnerable side of you to inflict this 'ice cold' personality onto you. They want you to start believing it, they need you to believe that you are an unempathetic bastard because it protects their own delusion. But you struggle against that by practicing to project empathy onto everything, if you stop you fear you will become this 'ice cold' monster. Your family is using your empathy as fuel to attack you and I guarantee that eventually you'll run out of fuel and die inside. I don't know your current economic situation and I can't make decisions for you, but it sounds like you still live with your family and I think you should get out now before it's too late.
To help you understand why you have this problem you'll have to go into much greater detail of your childhood (parental relationship, siblings, ACE, etc,), all you've explained is the symptoms, none of us here have a magical 'answer' button.
Porn Star beaten by MMA fighter ex boyfriend.
Culain replied to aFireInside's topic in General Messages
Unfortunately I no longer have access to the study so I can't go into the specifics. Though your primary disagreement as I've mentioned was that because your MMA friends are good people that it is incorrect for them to have abusive childhoods. Bad childhood does not equal bad person. I've also mentioned that the sport is voluntary so I am not claiming 'bad sport' either. -
I did a persuasive research presentation on the legalization of marijuana and it was very well received from the class. I will caution you that the more controversial your topic is the more effort you will have to put in to it or you will face harsh attack. I ended up putting the most effort in my class into my presentation because it was the most controversial. Most people will do persuasive essays on unimportant crap such as 'which product is better', they will likely score just as highly as you but spend a fraction of the time. Just consider that when making your presentation and whether it's worth your time covering area bit of information you put forth.
Porn Star beaten by MMA fighter ex boyfriend.
Culain replied to aFireInside's topic in General Messages
While not directly related to professional fighters, there was a study I found a few years back in my College's database which linked aggression levels in students in martial arts and their success at the sport. On average the students whom had more aggressive traits performed far better than the students who were less aggressive. While this does not go into their childhoods or spanking, we know that aggression is largely correlated with adverse childhood experiences. In order to be a professional level fighter one must find success in physical combat, if success is linked to aggression, then most MMA fighters would have a background correlated with aggression. In an earlier post you mentioned that you have some friends in the field of MMA that were good people, I don't disagree with this. However I am curious as to much you know about them on a personal level, did they talk to you about their childhoods? If you've watched the call-in-show on fdr you would know how many people who call in that have normalized their abusive childhoods and it takes quite a bit of digging for them to admit it. -
Porn Star beaten by MMA fighter ex boyfriend.
Culain replied to aFireInside's topic in General Messages
Do you disagree with the claim I put forward or are you just curious? -
Porn Star beaten by MMA fighter ex boyfriend.
Culain replied to aFireInside's topic in General Messages
The thing is that most mma fighters come from some wretched backgrounds involving a lot of abuse, they turn to mma as a way of venting their frustration through physical combat. This also gives them the mentality of coming back into 'control' as they were dominated by abusers. (Imagine the high of being in a ring with tens of thousands of people roaring with applause as you beat another human being senseless, it is a drug). MMA however does not treat the underlying cause for their aggression, it only serves as an outlet. While none of this makes them 'not good' as it's voluntary, it is not helping them to recovery. -
Is Taxation Violence?
Culain replied to Existing Alternatives's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
At least it's obvious that they're a gang of thugs. -
I took me a minute to get it
I had a recent job interview where I spent hours researching the company's history, competitors, busisness plan etc. The one thing I did not do was work out a response for "what is your weakness", I felt so embarrassed because I fumbled through it. I managed to get the job but I was terrified that because I messed up that one key question that I wouldn't get it.
http://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2014/7/29/an-anarchist-style-family-versus-a-militant-statist-family.html An episode where unschooling mother sensation Dayna Martin swaps places with a militant mother to bond with the others family. (I'd post the direct youtube link but there is a privacy warning on it)
Hopefully this won't come off as a rant. As I understand it, the government (state) is a reflection of the populace. It's not that the government is corrupted as I am the government of myself, but rather that the people in society are corrupted. But how does this manifest? I've been thinking about "The Button" thought experiment, it's an idea that by pressing this magical button somehow a problem will be solved. The specifics are never explained nor can they be. An example, "If you could press a button to end the government would you press it?" When one talks about how the idea is simply not possible they are usually criticized with a lack of abstraction. Do I lack an abstract ability? I decide to test out their abstractive ability "Please explain how this button could possibly solve the problem." No rational explanation is ever given, you will commonly hear things like it will remove all the corrupt people, which i persist with the 'how' over and over and over revealing that eventually they can not in any way visualize a realistic solution. Why? Because Magic, The word magic, it's the representation of everything we want but can not visualize how. Stefan has recently done a few video reviews on magic in movies and how it's related to insanity and I'm starting to see the relation. The more corrupt a government can be is inversely related to how much a society desires magic. The state cultists hammer the signs down in their yards; they perform their rituals and their chants begging to be saved but with no clear idea of how. This type of magic can be compared to alchemy, the ability to change the properties of one object to another. In this case they are trying to change the properties of their insanity to reality which is simply not possible. The conclusion is an inevitable failure, a monstrosity. The people attack the image of the monstrosity when it was their lack of image which created it. The Button is Magic, and Magic is Insanity.
Trick question, they're the same thing. Governments are Religions and Religions are Governments.
That kind of Oasis has yet to exist anywhere, wherever you go it will be a struggle to find good people. Unless you live in an area where you're being attacked then I probably wouldn't recommend moving anywhere, but I would personally be worried if I lived in a busy US city right now because both economically and mentally the future looks bleak for the country.
2492 Zeitgeist vs. the Market - Peter Joseph "debates" SM
Culain replied to Dagney's topic in General Messages
From what I understand about zeitgeist and Structural violence is that good entrepreneurship and advancements in technology will put weaker industries and people out of business. The people that go out of business will suffer depression and their family will fall apart as a domino effect (structural violence). In other words they want to create an environment in which consequences do not exist because consequences are tough and make people depressed. But what they're missing is that we learn most and evolve from these consequences. -
From what I've seen in these shows is that goal is for Stefan to help you connect with yourself. Don't try and think about how you can conform and please Stef's/viewers expectations because the show is not about him, In order to feel and learn from empathy one must be willing to expose themselves, but know that it is a two way street or double edged sword.
Ngardner I feel for you man. I sat down one afternoon and spent 3-4 hours composing an e-mail of all my thoughts and adverse childhood experiences for my mother to read and understand how she was involved in those experiences. It was a very difficult message to write but I wanted to write it with the intention of leaving myself with no regrets and saying everything I needed to. The reply I received was not unexpected, actually I almost fully expected it but it still dug at my heart because I still had some hope that maybe if I exposed myself enough she could learn to have empathy. She replied in a manner where she took no burden of responsibility for any my adverse experiences, it was all my fault. Some people are completely devoid of empathy and the ability at which they attempt to fake it is truly disburbing. As Stef said in a recent show (paraphrased): It's the insidious dangers that you need to worry about the most. The evils which present itself as good are the most harmful to us as a whole.
Did you purchase the bundle because that number could be related to the current sale he has on them. I purchased his books through a bundle sale last year, great reads. Totally worth having one as a handy resource.
I've seen about 7 different videos of his while going through highschool/ college, all my unionized teachers love him.
Whenever confronted with that question I've always said "Whatever you make it out to be, but sex often tends to be most satisfying choice."
NOT SO FAST! J/k thx I enjoy phoenix wright but back tot he topic. You must be careful when looking up definitions for words, as most definitions are translations with interpreted context, when you see a range of definitions for a term it is best to seek the original etymology (where the term originated) when in a debate over semantics. Entropy: En: Inside trope: transformation When applied to: The etymology of entropy holds up.
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