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Everything posted by Susana

  1. The Population Research Institute https://www.pop.org/ Also how could there possibly be too many people? too many sociopaths in charge; probably. Too many people? I invite you to become a hermit where no doubt you will be scrounging around in the dirt or something, greatly suffering from a lack of other people to enable you to thrive and survive.
  2. Calling in a judge to force a surgery on a 9 month pregnant woman who does not want surgery but who does presumably wants the child since she did not abort for example?.... Why is the baby life in danger? Who decided this and how? The bigger question is WHY there are so many cesarean births? Are women being given any natural or holistic options? Why would an expensive surgery be the best solution? Cesareans are already over half of the births in many places in the United States. I'm glad you brought up the issue or men and fathers but I am just mostly horrified at judges forcing women to have surgery. I mean pregnant women are already being pushed into cesareans for all sorts of reasons like "convenience", larger fees, gestational diabetes, doctors convenience etc. Edited to add these two links: Here are two articles, The first one is from 2014, an article about Miami-Dade with cesarean births at 49% of births, it goes into medicaid costs and other points relating to the trend. The second article is a graph over time from 1989 until 2013 of cesareans. vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean) increasing so that as of 2013 in the United States cesareans are about 30% of births. http://wlrn.org/post/miami-dade-moms-among-highest-c-section-rates http://www.childbirthconnection.org/article.asp?ck=10554
  3. Have you seen https://www.startjoin.com/ Max Keiser of maxkeiser.com is one of its leaders and you can invest as well as get funding for your own idea or business. There is a "going galt" community of sorts in Chile. Here is a large forum with more information for Americans who live in chile or want to move there. http://www.allchile.net/ Peter Schiff has set up his brick and mortar business in Puerto Rico. This is just one of the businesses I see being built in the Caribbean by successful businessmen. Check out the Craigslist boards everywhere you might want to go. Shipping, logistics and Spanish makes me think of port cities like Miami. What kind of skills or experience are needed for jobs you would like? Write them down and work on these to add to your resume. Sales skills are always in demand especially for international companies looking to expand (versus the united states for example which is already saturated). Logistic and shipping are very exciting concepts but from my experience its a job with a lot of daily responsibility and moving from company to company is not always easy since global shipping is declining and different companies use different systems. Anarchapulcho 2016 is coming up in February 2016 and the Dollar Vigilante is also an advocate of leaving the united states for "better opportunites" I'm not sure as Stef has pointed out its always best to spend time learning new languages since that time could be used elsewhere but I personally enjoy being a chameleon and being fluent in Spanish and English I would have to suggest the best way to learn Spanish is immersion. That is being immersed in a Spanish culture by living somewhere Spanish is spoken exclusively. No cheating and spending all your time with expats! Also aside from taking classes or formalized study workbooks a very quick and useful way is to use current culture. For example pick a song in Spanish that you enjoy, Print the lyrics and then as you sing and dance along look up the words you do not know and that way you will learn both current vocabulary but also sentences and phrases that are used everyday rather than just "textbook sentences." If you have a group or at least one other friend another thing that works is to pick a Spanish language Tv novela and while watching write down words you do not know. Again look up the words you do not know and talk about the show with the friend. Finally I would like to say that if you decide to travel and become a jet setting international man of adventure that in the future for your children it might be a big stress. For more on this you can look into "TCK, trans-cultural kids" Also there is Joel Skousen "Strategic Relocations" book which goes into different regions in great detail.
  4. Obama: How about a rule that says...not everyone needs a gun. Carlin: How about a rule that says...If you have murdered children, bombed weddings, blown up hospitals, and supplied guns to drug cartels and isis....you don't ever talk to me about moral issues ever again.
  5. Let everyone get Free Houses. can we go with this idea? Free Housing " "Before the 'Housing First' model, people had to change their lives, and then we would offer them housing. Now what we do is we offer them housing and allow them to change their lives if they choose to do so," Walker said. In one state/study 91% reduction of the problem of chronic homelessness. The homeless and their issues were solved by solving this one root problem of housing. So maybe cash in your pocket, cash income, BIG, is just a branch issue rather than a root problem. What is the real problem here? http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865627447/Chronic-homelessness-in-Utah-down-91-1percent-under-decade-long-Housing-First-initiative.html?pg=all
  6. Garden Dreams: Let us live like Kings, not Pawns with control over our domain, health and nutrition. I’m looking forward to the future where the cost of living will dramatically decrease due to continued scientific innovation, automation and hopefully lots of an-caps but the clash between collectivist centralization and decentralized Independence continues to unfold and I would like to share the research and resources I have collected by seeking out other gardeners both online and in my city as well as detoxification techniques to increase the quality and length of your life/health. Your body does not need junk food, it needs nutrients. You don’t have to run away to the wilderness or own vast acres to be able to have a high quality high nutrient dense food. You do however have to seek and to be informed to know your options and take control of your own food and nutrition. There are easy options that are self watering, use no electricity as well as inexpensive options that give you amazing results. I’ve started a small garden indoors and outdoors as well as potted fruit trees and volunteering at an urban garden and nursery. 1. When you decide to grow, you will soon have an abundance of high quality food. By Growing your Greens or Herbs you don’t need that much space and you are starting with the highest quality food for your body which is also the most expensive at the grocery store anyway. Growing your greens such as sprouts which takes a few days or leafy greens in a raised garden bed indoors or outdoors. Edible flowers and Herbs which add high value to your food are also the easiest to grow. Think arugula, cilantro (detox heavy metals) chives(super easy even half rock soil), basil, oregano (anti-cancer), kale, swiss chard, dill, garlic, marigold flowers, spinach, regrow your celery roots, regrow your onion roots, grow garlic etc. Its actually very easy to even grow potted fruit trees indoors in pots such as olives, meyers lemon, limes, apples, cherries and more. 2. Use High Quality WATER! Filter your water because shocker, the chlorine and fluoride from the municipality (tap/city) water has fluoride and chlorine that kills beneficial microbial life in your garden. If you are starting feel free to water your plants by hand, a cup of water per plant, water the roots/dirt not the leaves. Here is an example of an inline filter from Boogie Brew that attaches to a garden hose http://www.boogiebrew.net/water-filter/ 3. High quality food needs high quality minerals and growing mediums. The Square Foot Gardening Method by Mel Bartholomew is the favorite book of John Kohler from Growing your Greens. To this method he advocates adding in “rock dust” and other options that increase the nutrients available to the plants. Raised Garden Beds Square Foot Gardening “OMRI Listed” are your options for organic non-toxic growing medium options 1/3 Compost (fungal dominated and vermicompost (worms)) no animal manure 1/3 Pearlite or Vermiculite 1/3 Coco Coir or Peat Moss +Added minerals such as Azomite Rock dust, lowest prices from www.Rootnaturally.com 4. Make your own compost!! If you enjoy this post, you will eventually be tempted to get a “compost tumbler” and I highly recommend starting off small and productive with a worm bin you can build yourself. Here is a link to the lovely Cali Kim. If you are a juicer or avid organics eater then composting is definitely for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjHxt7kfPWM EASY OPTIONS TO GET STARTED 1. No watering or weeding, set up indoors, easy set-up there are a few options. The Kratsky method has been around and it does not need electricity, just water and nutrients. The health ranger from Naturalnews.com has come out a system that runs about $100 and/or use your 3d printer to make the parts. http://www.naturalnews.com/048727_Food_Rising_grow_box_Health_Ranger_revolution.html http://www.supplysource.com/Starter-Kit_c_66.html 2. Raised Gardening Options a. Using cement blocks, low cost, easy to move around or change in the future b. Build your own raised garden bed, ideally from untreated Cedar wood c. Use these connectors to easily make a raised garden bed without the need for any tools http://www.gardeners.com/buy/in-line-connectors-for-raised-beds/33-247VS.html#q=garden+bed&start=13 d. Cold Weather- there are cold weather crops such as carrots but also build a garden bed with a hoop house and/or a greenhouse or indoors e. “Smart-pot” just unfold and fill with dirt. Easy to set up and uses air pruning of roots but will not last as long as wood or cinderblocks. f. Use nursery pots as the border of your garden 3. Aerogarden- this is initially how I started gardening, very easy grows quickly. If interested sign up on their websites as they will send you discount offers 4. Patio Picker/City Picker – good option to start, gives you “raised garden bed” advantages and also has a feature to “self-water” so that it is more forgiving if you do not water every day. 5. Garden Tower Project. Fits over 50-60 plants in 4 square feet. Will run you about $300 but this is a fabulous option if you have limited space. http://www.gardentowerproject.com/ 6. Potted Fruit Trees, go with potting mix of (quality compost + pearlite + cococoir) or Al's Gritty Mix 5-1-1-1-1 Fruit trees such as meyers lemons and citrus do not like having "wet feet" a good draining mix is essential and Al's Gritty Mix is 5 parts pine bark (aprox $3 at home depot for huge bag, larger pieces better) 1 part vermiculite/Pearlite 1 part cococoir 1 part gypsen 1 part lime Also an easy "gritty mix" is 3-1-1 which is pine bark and cocoir and vermiculite. This gritty mix is also good helping over-watered plants in the ground that are not well draining, add this on top of the dirt at the base of the plant so that the soil can incorporate the draining properties of the mix. 7. Living Forever – looking to link a recent article about life extension technologies including nutrient therapy. It also mentioned membership clubs in London offering these services to their clients. 8. Other resources Fruiting, rare and tropical plants https://www.logees.com/ Employee owned garden company https://www.monstergardens.com/ John Kohler Growing your Greens website for dehydrators and juicers www.discountjuicer.com 9. ASMR sounds of the organic vegetable garden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn9XO6u4suU Please add in any tips, tricks, advice, comments, criticisms. Please feel free to Reuse any and all information you have learned from this article.
  7. Roads and zoning are one of the worst goverment inventions. So many health issues created by suburbia and zoning. zoning is so strange that unlike most other countries where a business is in the bottom front of the house.
  8. Young Proffesional Apprenticeships. Also how is it in such a totalitarian place like China?
  9. Currently stay at home mom, volunteering at an urban farm and starting my own garden. BS(lol): International Finance and Marketing Audited Graduate Courses in New Urbanism Business Ideas: -Grow your own food! square foot gardening method etc -REIT, urban development and redevelopment, housing
  11. So are there updated versions of the leaflet? Would love to see them.
  12. Congratulations on being honest with yourself and others. Also I recommend reading "Real Time Relationships" freedomainradio.com/free Its a great book and directly addressing anxiety, how, why, what, where, etc Also I saw you wanted to write a plan to deal with anxiety. How does it look? Is it deep breathing? What else are you incorporating?
  13. Also look into the book "Clouded Titles" about the MERS mortgage scams going on natio
  14. IFTTT, push alerts, job alerts, local buy and sell, content generators, small business tools Prospecting New Jobs, Cash Flow: In general, the sooner you want to make money and cash flow the more places/people you need to apply to. Your time is best spent being alerted to new opportunities and deciding to use your time to APPLY to as many jobs as possible that meet your minimum requirements, a resume or a cover letter and a catchy subject line are essential to get noticed and interviewed and hired. So here is your most useful Recipe from IFTTT. Get Alerted by SMS, Email or any channel, for example Indeed, Linkedin or Craigslist, Idealist etc https://ifttt.com/recipes/223620-craigslist-email-alert-www-interviewactionkit-com. Get Alerted by SMS, Email or any channel, for example Indeed, Linkedin or Craigslist, Idealist, etc. At this point you also need a notebook to jot down any new information you need to keep track of. Here is an article with other “recipes” but don’t limit yourself, search engine to find the recipes you need: http://interviewactionkit.com/step-by-step-guide-automate-job-search-process/ Other ideas(Non-email): Make daily phone calls from a list, Walk and apply locally, Look up your bus routes and apply where there is the most money. FOR BUSINESS OWNERS/ small-medium business: This is a great article to get you started, below I will recap some highlights: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4919-ifttt-for-business.html#sthash.P9akohw7.dpuf For instance, if you share a photo on Facebook, then it triggers the action of automatically posting that photo to Twitter, Instagram, Flickr and other photosharing services Tracking and alerts, for example automatically collecting clips of news coverage This method works for other spreadsheet-related tasks, such as backing up your contacts from your iPhone to a SkyDrive spreadsheet or logging receipts from your Gmail to a Google spreadsheet. Schedule social media campaigns. (Also tools like Klout) Automation system completes such tasks as adding client information into the company's contacts, creating projects, maintaining client files, invoicing and more. "I'm trying a new IFTTT recipe that adds all of our blog posts to a spreadsheet," Seiter said. "It includes the date published, headline and URL. I plan to use it for content archiving and auditing purposes." - See more at: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4919-ifttt-for-business.html#sthash.P9akohw7.dpuf MORE ARTICLES If you enjoyed this information, Here are two other articles that delve into the usefulness of IFTTT below but tons of people have created recipes so create your own or do some research!: Turns out that many job sites have RSS feeds, and that happens to be one of the triggers on IFTTT. That's the start of the process — the end result is all up to you. http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-to-find-a-new-job-with-ift-164124 Setting up the SMS channel http://www.digitaltrends.com/how-to/automate-job-searches-find-work-faster/ ------------------------------------------------------ Hope this was useful. Love to hear other comments or helpful suggestions.
  15. Which sector? -Food, -Ammo, -Self-sufficiency farming and aquaponics and permaculture -Housing -All of the above?
  16. I think there are some excellent points mentioned above such as incorporating french cuisine or another aspect of french culture such as traditional organic clean food/living. I am slightly confused as well as to where you are located and what your client base would be. Are you of French origin located in Wales? First I would look at the current cultural and business relationships between where you are located and French speaking countries/people. MAP out the System and these relationships, get a dollar notebook for this and journaling exercises. :Ha: I had to drop that in since I heard you are avoiding RTR revelations but please read my next paragraphs below about working in linguistics. Linguistics/tuition business is an fascinating career choice and based on linguists I have met it is also a profitable career choice and degrees are not needed. The older linguistics from the BabyBoomer generation I have met have had stable positions in the public and private sector and the younger ones are entrepreneurs , converting home space as well as mobile "in your home" service. Often they also expand and have tutors working for them to cater to "mobile in your home services". Strictly as a linguist/ language tutor there are two basic choices I have seen in the free market(rather than academia). Of these two choices I would highly recommend looking into and creating a profitable client base on the first niche market listed below. I would like to know more about your local demographics but these markets apply worldwide. + High End Customers(niche)- Ambitious professionals looking to improve their speaking with the goals of promotions and career advancement. Most clients are business professionals or owners who may also be awkward but highly intelligent such as engineering or other sciences. They are already working in their profession but want to advance in their career and expand their networks and are looking to improve their accent and social awkwardness. People working in this niche market have told me they often do language exercises and coaching. This might also apply to performance artists but ambitious dedicated business people are a much better client base. Again MAP out the system going on, the language and business exchange between French and your local culture. +Conventional, tutoring, school setting, "in your home setting" and education industrial complex. This is your typical "language(or math or standard test etc) tuition business". Very popular for young adults colleges and schools for young adults are an amazing place because they are filled with vibrant young people but the issue here is its not connected to the free market as I see it. You can often get work as a tutor but the parents are paying you. Hoping for good test scores, for confirmation for the educational industrial complex for approval. But again at least in America this is a great way to make money, you basically have to have the highest 95-99% test scores for standardized testing. Sometimes you also need a good GPA but for the most part they want teachers with the best test scores which you get by studying hard and retaking the tests as many times as needed. Hope this was helpful.
  17. Lots of isolation and "bullying" in school. Lots of TCK "Trans-cultural kids" who feel left out, who feel they dont belong anywhere. Who Hyper-identify. Lots of sadness in not fitting in, lots of wasted years, lots of conforming to "politically correct" But really this happens by just leaving your children to public school, multiculturalism exacerbates it. How many boxes are there to categorize us all, which box do you fit into? Will you fight for your identity? Do you deserve to live in society? Will you fight for who you are and what you deserve? FUCK THE GODDAMN BOXES!!!!
  18. I have to get off of CIAbook, Orwellian land but I have accumulated so many arguments and memes. Speaking of disturbing behavior, why are there articles talking about pedofiles as anything but Monsters. Here is an article about "Meet the pedophiles that mean well" http://www.salon.com/.../01/meet_pedophiles_who_mean_well/ However on this issue of guns, when you look into the research gun control is actually used right before a genocide in so many cases as you can see from the attached graph from I believe the genocide museum in Hawaii. Also all the mass shooters have been on SSRI drugs, and instead of the pharmaceutical companies getting into trouble people are blaming guns. I'm sorry but liberal democrats are wrong on this issue and I think they are covering for all the pharmaceutical companies
  19. The republican and democratic candidates are all friends, they send their children to the same small schools, live in the same neighborhoods and even party and vacation together. Vote for the puppet on the right? or the left? O wait, the same guy is holding both puppets!!!! - George Carlin The last president was like an abusive relationship.... now that thats over, cant we get a break and be single as a country?! Why do we have to jump into a new relationship? -Kat Williams Politrickery, Why bother voting in machines that don't count when you can be a peaceful parent and figure out your own life instead!?
  20. I would like to give back to the FDR community by sharing my experience and research in locating, applying, interviewing and excelling in the workforce. Everything from corporate, to small/medium businesses, information companies, to the service industry, telecom, hidden organic co-ops in Washington DC, and even gardening and fundraising where the possibilities are endless. Yes the economy is a disaster, but there is still money to be made, skills to learn, networks to leverage and life to be lived. Let's break out of our mental chains, get focused and productive and prepare the freethinkers and peaceful parents for this economy! "Maximize your mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income, Trust the network, not the corporation or the state." (see article below) I will be posting in the bronze, silver and gold sections so if you have not already please donate to see more posts! freedomainradio.com/donate or pop over the post office and mail in a money order. Please comment or post your questions below. To start my posts on this topic I would like to share a section from some excellent articles re-posted to maxkeiser.com by Charles Hugh Smith about an emerging group referred to as Mobile Creatives: " Mobile Creatives. This is an emerging class that ranges across many income classifications and thus cannot be described by income alone. Some earn Upper Caste incomes, others are Working Poor. This class is self-employed, free-lance, entrepreneurial, sole proprietors with adaptive skills. They may collaborate with other Creatives rather than have employees, and may have part-time jobs. There are roughly 5.5 million incorporated self-employed people in the U.S.; these tend to be professionals such as attorneys, engineers and physicians. These self-employed are generally members of the Upper Caste. The Mobile Creatives (which include small farmers, craftspeople, independent programmers, etc.) number around 10 million, or 8% of the workforce. I use the word mobile here not to suggest mobility between physical places (though that is one factor in this class’s flexibility) but mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income. Members of this class might take a short-term paying gig if the pay and circumstance is attractive, and then return to self-employment. They tend to foster multiple income streams and in general operate by the principle trust the network, not the corporation or the state. Some members of this class joined the cohort involuntarily, as the result of layoffs; others pursue this livelihood for its freedom, flexibility (important to parents of young children or those caring for elderly parents) and potential for self-expression. This is the “wild card” class that falls outside all conventional class/income hierarchies. It includes those seeking outlier wealth and those who have chosen voluntary poverty as a means to an independent life that they “own” lock, stock and barrel. Though this class wields little conventional financial or political power, it has a potentially large leadership role in social and technical innovations. This is the 4% Pareto Distribution that can exert outsized influence on the 64%. The other eight classes are hidebound by conventions, neofeudal and neocolonial arrangements and a variety of perverse incentives, false choices and illusions of choice, including democracy itself. " Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2015/04/the-changing-world-of-work-i-americas-nine-classes/#j28MyBtgqwQbbcIR.99
  21. https://www.facebook.com/iloveclee/videos/851966964881494/ Clip of Dr. Umar Johnson about "The mother and father of violence" : Miseducation and economic castration He brings up a lot of important issues like black on black crime. He has some great points and passion, and he actually majored in Child Phycology but he does not take it far enough to talk about violence in childhood.
  22. Peaceful parenting is the new it thing anyway so you can be the cool friend by giving them quality books since they are bookworms anyway. Sounds like a great idea to give them books because they can really get into the best authors and research if they ever read it. When they get pregnant they will scramble and buy tons of stuff and books like "what to expect when expecting" and maybe they will get into baby wearing and breastfeeding. But when they get pregnant they will start to prepare. There is the book by Dr. Faye Sneider "The Guide-for babyshowers" and she has other books and panflets as well. http://www.drfayesnyder.com/shop/
  23. I just saw this, and I dont think I can watch the videos since its so stomach churning to think and visualize the horrer. But I constantly see "crunchy" mama groups on facebook just absolutly against circumcism, absolutly against it. I'd be happy to help you find the groups if you want to join if you are on facebook. You can share the story and maybe get some more support. And that sucks your relationships did not last past 20 months, have you read real time relationships yet? And at least you did not end up with someone who would ignore or downplay something that affected you so much.
  24. Here was my post, still have to look at my podcast. It says you cannot recieve messages? https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/44088-socialism-liberals-democrats-and-stefbashing/
  25. Hi, saw your post. I had a similar one a few months ago called "Socialism and Stef Bashing" and I’m not sure your background but I grew up surrounded by professional social justice warriors, i/e leftists, globalists and liberals. But anyway a week after my post Stefan released a video/podcast which I can forward to you if you like where he point out: "Why do you find yourself engaging with social justice warriors and communists" what is it about you? maybe like me you have an easy excuse to point to but that still does not answer the main dynamics. But for example what happened to these people in their childhood that they are feminists? Why dont people confront issues in their own life instead of starting charities or being collectivists, forcing other people to accept their point of view/mindset. Also have you tried to keep it simple and exclusively stick to the "against me argument" And I just read Real Time Relationships by Stefan and it was even better than I expected in terms of insight
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