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Everything posted by Anuojat

  1. For anyone still interested, i and few others on the FDR discord group have been mulling over starting a campaing with dnd and specifically with pathfinder. Suggestions for settings abound but easiest naturally is 5th edition dnd in the realms/planescape/The Demiplanes of dread ect. Esperimentations with other ventures such as Cyberpunk/Cuthulu would occur most likely on later dates AFTER the initial campaing.
  2. I am 28 now and i am still supriced as i was when i was 5 how much (adults then) people seem to regard admititng mistakes as some sort of ego death. And curiousity as some flaw or weakness...
  3. IF it indeed was The syrian government whom EITHER bombed the place with chemical weapons or as they (Syrian army and Russian claims) was dues to bombimg the citys chemical ware house. (Which based on theyre own claims seems to be valid based on all the video and photograps and witness evidence along with the fact that assad didnt claim it was the rebels. Infact both Russia and Syrian army said: Ooops our bad. Whcih in this region of the world is not enough to get you scot free.) And IF trump DID call russia (and maybe syria too altough id imagine Russians probobly would have informed syrians) about the incoming tomahawk responce... (and if nobody died in that base) Then id say we all need to calm the hell down and realize this is the most mild mannered responce and we all just Got #TRIGGERED. If not... then well. We shall have to wait for the evidence.
  4. I think the right fats mixed in with Low carbs is the answer and has been known in the Reasearch field for long time. Its just that its made needless complicated due to actually being RELATIVELY simple: Human diet has not evolved nor optimised for Grains nor high carb diets. Rather for animal meat, certain fats, berries, fruits nuts and Vegedables. And Before anyone points to the "well humans didnt eat X back in the day and its healthy now" Thats because the properties of some moderm foods are close enough to those we evolved to eat with. More Great videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/lowcarbdownunder/videos?sort=p&flow=grid&view=0
  5. Spot fucking on. And timely too since now is the time for me enter University for Architecture (evidently no toher choice to be building desinger) Or Higher Vocational training... or just fuck it, work something/somewhere else until EU collpases and laws change. I know we have talked about this before Dylan, and i am... wawering over it. Gonna die one day so should i use up 5-7 years on this thing that i Like very much? (though admittedly edited this post to say i dont LOVE it since id probobly already be doing it.) Ya think "already doing it" is a good sigh of if somethign useful? Find it personally useful motto? Only i can figure that out i know, just saying this very timely video for me. PS. Incidentally this comments was posted BEFORE skype but shown only AFTER... :S
  6. Seems like we have plenty enough players but conflicts when it coems to setting and ruleset choice. 0xAA55 has useful links for those still not convinced about 5th edition. But even so i think either its gonna be a vote or some more negoatiation thats required to solve what setting and waht ruleset.
  7. Originally a slave religion so... PRIDE would be something slave couldnt have and would look unkindly for king to posses in excess. Usually with dire consequeces, also the pope and clergy were considered humble and could "judge" kings whom were "too arrogant and proud to stand over god himself"
  8. Well information is a good then right? And service is the production and proper communication/delivery of said good? (Programmingwise) Just checking because i dont think i was saying they create the same thing, merely drawing comparison i could come up with similiar qualities to poeple's inevitable objections. I think i should have stated my goal clearly there.
  9. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ https://coinmarketcap.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nxt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethereum Ect. Possible Canditates then perhaps?Cryptocurrencys employ some aspect of the fiat money but are from the free market even in the absence of state have value for conveniance and for certain anynomynity AND variety of being used for different set of tasks. "How valueable is your education in programming?" "Nothing evidently cause it has no intrinsic value and is completely arbitary if people need it or not." This is not to say CURRENT cryptocurrencies are the way of the future but concept and principle sheds light in my opinion to free market currencies based on USE, COVINIANCE and PROOF-of-STAKE.
  10. Ok thanks anyway If anyone else has experience or even IS a theraphist here please let me know.
  11. I am not from UK I am from Finland. Besides government or state theraphists arent good at all in my experience.
  12. 1, interesting point to bring up insurance, i hadnt even considered it before but no actually, i do not have insurance that would cover that. I could afford about a 100€ a month. 2. IFS, Coherance theraphy or any theraphy/theraphist which/whom recodnises childhood ills especially the pain and suffering and boredom of public schools AND bulllying AND procrastination due to fears of being attacked again ect. 3. I have done my homework on theraphy thats why i sposted here asking if anyone knows of a good theraphist and thus has had said good experience
  13. AAAAAND the topic didnt load prorperly! Using reply to psot my orignal post. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, i am here seeking therapy. I’ve been brought humbly down after making some seriously bad assumptions about my own mental clarity and also about how much i do need outside help from specifically therapist. Needless to say i was wrong and have paid the consequences as i struggle to gain employment and do what i finally love after procrastinating for so long. It’s very painful due to having not done such earlier, though i am 100% committed to accepting this pain. And fear too incidentally as I’ve found. This is me owning my inaction and inaction to acknowledge the painful truth of avoiding the humiliation and pain associated with getting job, earning your own money and success. [Currently working on and making 3d models public, studying CAD software, studying building (and construction) physics, researching copyright, contacting companies left right and center and networking]. What are your experiences with therapy and what are the best people/places to seek for? I don’t have lot of money atm, so can’t afford the highest askers, but i will not cheapshot this i can pay something and whatever i have that i can pay, i will. Thoughts? #IfyoudontlearnbyReason...
  14. I think the phrase "Free market of ideas" needs to be included to clear the confusion since, its not a Free market if the state or state sponsored entity like the church restricts the printing press of speech. (aka new ideas)
  15. Indeed it was Well mostly, though 4th did have some lasting good thing and some that are used in few homebrews. Now 3th edition is taking i finald lot of good from 4th AND combining it with the originals (Advanced DnD) 2th and 3th 3.5th editions ITs really cool though i sugges reading de books yourself if youre curious, google is your friend ------------------- Now as for Bacon and everyone else: I think we need decide on campaing setting before or after gaining google plus group i was talking about? Would you rather talk specifics AFTER groups is assembled of toss campaing idea around? Suggested so far: - Call of Chtulu (Donnadogsoth) - Curse of Strahd (Me) - Storm Kings thunder (Me) - Planeescape (Me) - Undermountain (Me)
  16. Since this debate/examination is still going strong have you considered calling into the show and correcting/pointing out to stefan this? Or perhaps you may have already emailed him about this post on the forums? Seems pretty important thing to atleast get behind the authors ear IF your critism are valid about anything concerning universal objective morality.
  17. My thoughts exactly. I got loandry list of false/fake news about trump all of which a in the style such as: "Trump again shows why he never opened a bible before" "Is trump walking into a mexican trap?" "Is Donald Trump SOFTENING even more on immigration?" "Trump is big Fat liar." (From "Even more untruth about DT" and "Solinckes Rules for radicals [rule 5]")
  18. Due to lack of evidence there was nothing to be taking anything place. All we have for evidence is atm is quantum mechanics. (to be combined with gravity and clasiccal physics as our knowledge increases). In short we got loads of clues but not a definitive answer. No need to insert the ghost of selfknowledge there.
  19. Oh wow. Why do companies still think this is a good idea? XD Not ENOUGH boycot? Fortunately i dont drin alcohol.
  20. Lord of the M* rings! + Silmarillion + Homeland (and subsequent dark-elf novels) by RA Salvatore
  21. Maybe i jussed missed it but all i could find is you explaining WHAT it is not when it is right or not right. Am i missing something crucial/obvious here?
  22. Looking back wuzzums i have to concur with RichardY, you didnt answer his question. To me it seemed like you were trying make case for something for which he said nothing about. He may genuinely not know how an idea is right or wrong. I am bumbing in because ive seen this rockslide in FDR since 2009 and i think it comes to down consistent lack curiousity and acceptance that the other person is genuinely curious simply doesnt know or doesnt beleive you know until you make the case.
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