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Everything posted by Anuojat

  1. I guess my arguement would be that since thr author makes so many vague, unscientific or outdated claims and Assertions in the book with no sources to back them up, especially in the section about children, then he is not very creditable author to lisen advice from and also be emotionally manipulative. Because talking abotu children heal and then being vague/false in your assrtions or let alone make any assertions without proof is just a way to make people emotionally suspectable and not think critically.
  2. I think he shouldrewiew the show and the books for just how well thye descrive the insanity of statism and nature or corruption and power. There are people in the show with principles and whom are good. But in contrast to that we have these peopels lives ruined by the false arguements from mroality all the time in the show. We see good people die, we see normal avarage people suffer and morality of the "throne" and lord and religions used as justifications all the time in the show, it is in my opinion the best show that talka bout the nature of power and violance. How it is ALWAYS cloaked in the light, but always evil within.
  3. I think last i checked it was around negative 2 billion
  4. How on earth did that quote end up ther not being quote from someone else? Sorry guys ill fix mah comment.
  5. Me from age of as long as i can remember till this day. Also i didnt find the book you recommended very scinetifically sound: Lots of anecdotes about the affects of diet changes (section on children comes to mind) using vague statements like "detoxification" and claiming that vaccine's contain mercury along other sopposed dangerous materials. (Of those some taken out long time ago some not being really dangerous in doses they are in.) Among other similiar vague or undefined terms. So maybe you found some use of this book but id highly apply great salt to whats being said especially since it seems to be making GRAND long case for something really basic but with lot of filter vague or unscientific filter in it.
  6. I would highly recommend looking up Stefan idea for POTENTIAL DRO service and how it would work (Book practical anarchy)
  7. Freedom from fears of others.
  8. Ah darn it. I made mistake while writing What i should and emant to say was: "Because DEFAULT POSITION/LACK OF KNOWLEGE (such as lack of belief in god) = ISM, IS like saying innocent until proven guilty is an ism. Instead of a fact." So thanks for replying Libertus! I... hmmm. What i was trying to point out that a default position cannot be an "ism" of any kind. And thus is it inaccurate to talk about "atheism". And since you never said atheism in your description of the issue id say that your comment would be good in regard to accuracy/correct language.
  9. I am an atheist. Atheism is to me bit baffling unless used in differasnt manner. Because DEFAULT POSITION/LACK OF KNOWLEGE = ISM. I like saying innocent until proven guilty is an ism. Instead of a fact. May my fellow rationa minded strike me down if i made mistake here. I think its right but i also feel uneasy...
  10. Bella from twilight... ...naah just kidding Aqua - Birth by Sleep (Creative and brave and persistant)
  11. How do you ostracize large group of people? You dont associate with them, you dont speak theyre langue to yourself or to you loved ones. You speak out whereever possible and dont back down because usually majority dont have spine induvidually and even in large groups planting your roots and principles deep and not apologizing is enough. You do a variation of the above as circumstance permit.
  12. Replace "world" with "people" and now its more clearer id say. Also she seems to treat herself and her children in the equal playing field. Which is morally and especialy nto emotionally true, unless if she is willing to say that is she is LESS mature than her children.
  13. NULLIFY THE ZOMBIE WITH OSTRACISM AND NOT TAKING THEYRE CRAP. And yes all caps because i felt being assertive already in my thoughts
  14. I am not quite sure. I think i saw it in some of the Core rulebooks even during 3.5 ESPECIALLY the book of exalted deed. So whats your source/example youve come across?
  15. I care about being alive too but often i care more about what i true and logically correct and consistent. I wouldnt kill you but if i suspected you were an evil person (or crazy) then id most likely just try some other way or guarding myself. However i dont see where the moral issues comes up here. I cannot JUSTIFY killing you pre-emptively. Its not upb. I can choose to kill you pre-emptively but i cant say it was in self-defence or that it was morally justified. Infact it was by all intents and purposes immoral, however ofcourse if you have given me clear indication that youre evil and desire to take my life and threaten me in some fashion i can tie you up or kill you in self defence. And the indication must be very clear. I deal with moral theories and theyre UPB;ness or correctness but i also deal with induvidual motivations and wants/ifs. Whther this would be "good advice" i dont know, it depends on many factors in the situation. I would certainly advice peopel to NOT jump to conclusions without evidence but also to guard oneself. I dont see how this is directly has moral connotations though. NAP is logically valid and so is UPB and thus moral theories can be tested thereupon same reason and evidence and logic as they are founded on. Yeah i wish that ones i love survive. Does it help though? Maybe... but that doesnt determine the mroality of the situation or action since my preferance that i survive and people i love survive does not make action moral or immoral (UPD or not UPB). I accept the advice maybe sound based on waht i and other loved one wants, but the morality of things is slightly seperate thing.
  16. And yet another time we see religion or peace and religion of the state and the religion of relativism/PC/multiculturialism at it FINEST. As i like to call it: "Religion of peace strikes again!" I am very tired of feeling helpless after attack and attack like thes and the complete lack of outrage (or outright denial and avoidance) of the fact behind the ISLMAIC, IQ and WELLFARE based problems in society and mindless dronign on about the needy and poor and the "helpless" refugees. Because there only 2 abusers in the room. One with a bomb. And one with words. And the words are there to CLUB any moral or rational person with guilt over things one is not responceable for an one which the Ortator from the left and from the PC crowd does give flying monkey about. People whom defence islam, multiculturism, excuse the wellfarte state or compeltely deny any fact regarding incomptabatability (spelling?) of this crisis in europe dont care . THEY DONT CARE, ABOUT ME OR YOU. Except simply as niiiice moral still somewhat thinking lifestock to hurdle abuse and insults at to order around. To shame and to blame and project endlessly. If they cared (and they dont) they would have lisenned to reason long ago... not project irrationality and faint at the slightest sight of balls and sight of actual courage and actual emphaty.
  17. Do you want to be moral person? Do you care about morality at all? If yes then you shouldnt. Because otherwise you are in error. If you dont care abour being moral or morality then... hey ill take some steps the FUCK back away.
  18. I was christian until 21 and statist socialist until 23. Reason i became an atheist is simply turned my always present desire and yearnign for the truth and honest INWARD and saw my emotions, deep strong ones for what they were. And i saw my psycological manifestation also for waht they were and i accepted them. It was slow, it was hard and most of all i too did feel a sort of nihlism around me but strangely enough there was always certain tenderness in myself that i found soothing and now ive learned that it was the unyielding love for myself, the idea that everyone whom still is capable of love can change and without "the belief" in this concept of God i could easily after some struggles see what it was: A internal desire, an echo chamber for self talk, self love and coping mechnism to protect my trueself in IFS theraphy models these are called guardians. And mine were, both good and bad. (aka self attack self blame, shaming ect. False and so on.) This idea that i can be at peace with myself and love myself and care for ME similiarly like parent that i never had was such relief because i could express and enjoy both my deep seated emotions of joy and sadness and anger without coming up bandate known as god. But it was jsut me and if icould love myself, if i could care for myself, Death was again as it was when i was a child: Matter of fact that is scary, unwanted but NOT unberarable not soemthign to run away from in my head not something to shield my mind from. So thats how i deal with it. Intergrity, self love and honesty... for myself first and foremost. I dont need to believe in something like this, i dont need the bandate because i have the natural self healing of having love for myself.
  19. I have done it aswell and it was very good experience. I also WENT there walked around and talked to a guy who lives there for most of his life still remembered me But that about it
  20. Yet again someone who clearly had children for not such good reasons at all... why hve something just to hit it? Oh wai an emotional punching bag...
  21. Well besides the story and music associated iwht the chracter of Asriel, i think the fact how both "parental" characters in this game had committed the errors i see so much in the world "mothers shushing of childrens freedom and question for sopposed safety when its THEY who are afraid and wont confront that fear" and the "cynisism and sacrifices must be made but i hate myself for it" part that were adressed. It was so pleasent and liberating to witness. Also the fact that the game constantly with its characters and secrets and quirks constantly is AWARE the 80s and 90s kid group its aimed at and thus as the writing is so good it make me feel like my inner child and adult self at same time in way that felt HEALING as i cried and felt strong genuine emotions in many scenes and when other players experienced the same. It felt as if... id found a way to feel again like a healthy child. NOT like my abuse or neglect didnt happen but that my inner child was NOT felt behind and that i didnt become "flowey" (nihilist/cynic) or some sorrowful mix of that and my trueself. Always and forever in fight with my feelings. THAT with the depection in the game of certain child character... sealed the deal with me and i felt ALIVE. That is in context to Stefans referances to zombies and undead and vampires in people. Song for those interested, THOUGH I RECOMMEND PLAYING FIRST LISEN ONLY IF ALREADY PLAYED OR IF NEVER GONNA PLAY.
  22. I dont know what the cure is... but maybe i do know of an innoculant. People whom defend theyre abusers fundementally deep down have to believe that nobody is coming to save them or is on theyre side or cares. Or tha tits wrong to care because then youd be marking someone EVIL and wrong and that in itself would be evil. So the innoculant would be emphaty and curiousity towards such victims with open clarity of how screwwed up someone is and NOT entertaining anyhting for second that is nothing more than defence mechanism. And most importantly NOT giving attention to those whom double down without a trace of reason in them. Those who double down as you call in front of violance or abuse DO NOT deserve anything but genuine anger from you.
  23. After recently going through an indie game called undertale I’ve had lots of feelings come spur inside me that seemed to melt away my cynicism about "the world". I think this is because of my 1 year in therapy, dealing with self-knowledge relentlessly and totally new and better healthy company of acquaintances and friends. However the game was yet another spark that after listening the soundtrack trough also felt really good and came to this realization. The track in the game that finally broke the camel’s back called "Hopes and dreams" followed by "SAVE the world" And it hit me, we often speak of, wish, dream or try to save the world and fight evil or/and defend freedom trough reason evidence and logic. In my own mind i felt hopelessness about my own life and future because fundamentally i felt despair having to combat the seemingly impossible task of fighting evil. The desire in me to be good and spread goodness and to save others. I believed it was not only MY job to take on evil of the world but most importantly that it was the World that needed saving. I was wrong. The world is not needing of saving the "World" is cant have peace any more than sun can calm the fuck down. I was anthomorphising human corruption and evil STILL to reality itself. And when i finally said "Save the humans" or "Peace among humankind" i felt switch in my head like someone had suddenly turned the light up and shattered all the shadows around me. I felt as if i didn’t NEED to save the world because it was impossible, a way of making it a false hope inside me and thus greatest source of despair. If humans are the ones in trouble and human ones that DO evil then saving the ones i can save or HELP is enough. Suddenly it’s enough to help/save few because it’s no longer about being the hero that saves the world by destroying evil and overcomes all odds and come out on top. But rather about not believing in false hope or obligations that are impossible, believing in goodness that is possible for me here and now. That my life, MY hopes and dreams arent in the chains of despair, of cynicism, of nihilism, of others "eye rolling and world wearyness." That my hopes and dreams, my goals, what i value is not IMPOSSIBLE TASK and forever evading me elusive like heaven or some paradise somewhere yet out of reach. And the game itself Undertale deal with this notion exactly. It’s about society, childhood trauma, betrayal of innocence and origins of war. It deals with cynicism, with violence, pessimism, nihilism about goodness and is in many ways about the PROJECTION of ones experiences unto reality itself. I’d recommend playing the game for its profound way to speak to your feelings while taking the fourth wall and kissing it goodbye.
  24. Feeding the growth of single motherhood and family hellish court systems could be a start to look into. I do not have the statistics but i am pretty sure looking into mens rights issues and also to how the wellfare increases single motherhood and also feeds its "aceeptance" by basically making the women in communitys NOT rely on theyre husband s or friend and family for tough situations but rather TAKE RISKS they otherwise wouldnt because of the state. And also there public schools which create nothing but quarrel between kids having been forced in theyre for theyre own good given mind bendingly boring homework and so on. If (these and other) logical or rational parts that you talk about before you give any studies or statistics to your friend doesnt rouse atleast some curiousity then i am not sure if the conversation is worth having anymore after a while though
  25. I am strongly reminded of Stefan "Look at the form of the arguement not the content first." Becuse by even posting and talking here a person asserts and accepts alot of things. Just like PTB above pointed out. It seems there was no correct understanding or agreement on that part for everyone. And as for the question itself? Why be moral? If you want to be correct or IF you try to correct others... you are bound to reason evidence and logic and also to truth statements. You are bound to UPB by your preferances and your action and in this case "correct" and "truth" are objective claims about reality. But technically even talking (coherently) with someone asserts that mean one is accepting objectivity of reality and sense validation.
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