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Everything posted by Anuojat

  1. Spot on Stefan I cringed the the french accent part but then realised you had agood point: The politicians in there may have aswell said what you did. Not giving a crap about germanys and frenches past execpt for how it can be used as political weapon. Also video like this (and peter shiffs recent episode 94) are exellent preludes among other sources for statist and socialist to NOT be able to say libertarians either saw nothing coming or that this has anything to do with the free market or capitalism.
  2. Fear of others would be my guess. The state is to many artificially molded together or of both the politics and rest of human developement. AKA schools, medicine, academia, police and so on. I dont know why specifically he beliefs the state is necceriry but id wager a guess that lumps all progress of mankind that he speaks of to agencies not induviduals acting by themselves. Which is absolute and total contradiction. Its like treating humans being as morally fragile creatures which at moments notice in the absence of the state will jsut revert to rabid wolves like domesticated dogs. And in that scenario the wolves arents even as bad... :S AKA it seems he is also speaking humans as if our nature was to be in the absence of rulers like unruly children! XD
  3. Sound like using using irrational behavior of some to broadly classify and then silence other. Sexism is bad, racism is bad. Therefore anothing that MIGHT be racist in totally indirect and broad and vague way is SEXIST and/or RACIST. therefore peoples thoughts and intentions are bad. This is thought police. This is taking words an assighning meaning in them completely arbitarely AND not only that by suggesting these idea are either wrong or bad.
  4. A lot of assumptions there infact all of these are assumptiosn and assertions without any proof. Also Austrians ecnomists was totaly straw man, none of them are trying to construct any society. No libertarian or austrian is trying to justify the current system and you should know better than that making such allegations. "Power corrupts, the iron law of oligarchy is inevitable." Non-sequitor. You assume people will exloit one another in a free market society. We have never had free market just close to it or remnants of it. I am done you have clearly demonstrated that you have no ACTAUL arguemtns but web of assumptions and assertions. Especially the last one where you dont seem to understand that "market" is simply free human interaction as well as ecomic and otherwise. Happiness and trust IS profit. Both ecnomic for company and personal. But i am done i shouldnt continue if i feel theres no reason to try to change your mind.
  5. Libertarian socialist. I feel that while i could write more on the subject there seems to be an undertone to all that you write about capism and about exploitation that could be discussed in simple matter. Do you feel that there is perhaps something like that? Because i am concerned that we could go on and on forever and there would never a "what would convince me otherwise" on either side. I say this because i do not wish to go into statistics or enless arguements about what COULD happen.
  6. Time out is not explaining or negotiation. As kid i have them several times and every single time i felt negative guilt and shame for my personality and feelings about what i did, NOT about the fact that i had done soemthing wrong. Nothign was explained, nothing was made clear. Time out to me seems like a copout of the parents (pardon the pun) first find out the values you had placed upon the child. Why did he/she do it? Does he know it was wrong? If he did then why would he do it if he cared about such things? Why doesnt he care about wahts good and bad if he didnt? Were there alleviating circumstance? Does the timeout benefit your feelings or does it in anyway make the situation better?
  7. Id say the "point of not return" comes when a person you talk to doesnt even get angry at you for illuminating the choi8ce he/she has. If there is ZERO resistance from such person to get help or get to theraphy or to get angry from you pointing out how bad his/her life is... th either theyve genuinely seeking help or they are so far gone they go by whatever whim comes across them. As long as a person can get annoyed for being offered a choice to help themselves they KNOW or have capacity to choose.
  8. I think the big issues is the word coersion with all your posts. verb (used with object), coerced, coercing. 1. to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition: They coerced him into signing the document. 2. to bring about through the use of force or other forms of compulsion; exact: to coerce obedience. 3. to dominate or control, especially by exploiting fear, anxiety, etc.: The state is based on successfully coercing the individual. Now can i coerse anyone with my own property? No i cant. And neither can they. So we negotiate. The scenarios you speak of require massive broad states where in the the capitalist "just owns" all/lot of land, all/lot of mahinery, lot/all currencies. Which is only possible if there is a state. As long people can compete in any ways (be it trough differant currencies, labor or property they create themselves) every single scare scenario collapses, so it will never ever happen. ESPECIALLY since there will be so many people like you who will make lots of noise if any person or company even thinks about owning lot of land or capital equipment. All this really sound me like the "a starving child steals bread" scenario. If you truly care for these people then ina fre society you would go help them right? You would have lot of other people helping other people and maybe even kickstarting campaing to buy up more land use and perhaps even become the best factory owner ever yourself. I know this is all pragmatic things ive said but ive said it because if you really care about those who are poor or those with less choices...then you are a living proof that there will be people who would not "exploit". Also one last note: Think of how many rich people who live now in a free society would remain rich without the state? Think how many land owners of companies would remain rich that rely on the state to keep competation out? They would be done for.
  9. I am assuming then that if youre curious about these sudden feeling that youre taking/being in theraphy? Not because youre feelings must be adressed but if you want to
  10. Hello, i dont know if you missed my comment but are there any scientific evidence to waht you are saying about ionide? And vice versa about fluoride?
  11. I personally think that theyre are fine and enjoyable. I like the fact that smart people will see the content for waht it is and people who are eithe rless intelligent or more easily drawn in by images and text of the video will watch em and maybe get hooked in. I also think that it is totally appropriate that thumbnail especially since its about exactly what has happened to the caller and what Stef descrives happening in general. It to me speaks to the nature of people wiggling theyre fingers at stef OR any othe rman whom dares to try to speak theyre mind or act assertively ect. Now the idea of this being misleading and lieading to bias... well certainly if that facts of many peoples behavior and thepast experiences of the subject matter DIDNT match then it would bad, but still nto biased. Infact i dont see how exactly the of confirmation bias would even be ´relevant here: If the video about matrialcal guilt trips? Yes. Do matrialcal women use guil trips and try to shame totally innocent person in the world? Yes, id say so. The only thing i get from the thumbnail is that guilt tripping is jsut wawing your fingers at someone to make them feel guilty... and that Stefan wont jump in, wont buy it or feel guilty.
  12. Flouride, bromide, chlorine being harmful in what doses? Potassium ionade useful for anything other than thyroid problems and against radiation? I think id like to know where you got said information since this is pretty substantial and huge thing youre claiming (or the sources youve read) is claiming.
  13. Natural news dot com? Oh no... http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/NaturalNews Now while i think theyre hearts and mind MAYBE in the right place by being skeptical about the government and it sprograms that doesnt remove theyre history of really bad science and incorrect medical advice. I was feeling seriously concerned and the articles in question... and yeah they rarey give sources to the studies and when they do as i checked they misquote or leave some vital detail out (such as sample size, context and the perioud) and msot importantly quote other sites (not always but often) such as DR. Oz in the second link. I would be very very skeptical of natural news because of these other factors listed on rational wiki.
  14. Makes total sense to me! Here in finland children go to school at age 7 and pre-school at age 6 and every single time maths and numbers and reading was prsented to us we were bored and wanted to jsut get it over with (in pre school or in daycare that is) But math and reading was way more easier to understand when we went to shop/market with our parents and sponteniously read what the products were, waht they looked like, what symbols they had, how much did they cost and how was cost differant between sizes, kgs, liters and say chips vs potatoes So when they pushed this on us it got us nowhere. Once we ourselves were interested at looking at numbers and langue THEN and only then was it at all successful
  15. Did some digging and evidently not so for all super of encryptions: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/48022/what-kinds-of-encryption-are-not-breakable-via-quantum-computers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-quantum_cryptography https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/709.pdf (painfully detailed analysis on it) Disclosure; i am noob and laymen at the subject i hope the information is valid.
  16. My hands are shaking as i type. I am so happy that someone, you even in the position that you are could overcome the MASSIVE pile of barriers there are for reason, curiousity and emphaty for other and for your own principles. THANK YOU.
  17. What motivates me? Good and rational (and honest) people around me and also opportunity to ear money by doing something i like and/or is fun too. Emphaty from others, for terror that is the fear of failure especially in work places.
  18. Well if said unjusticies are carried out by abusers then i think it important to remember. However anger which surrounds everytime you see or hear of abusers or anger which "haunts" your steps is not anger, but somethign else. Like pain anger is a responce, not a tool like a shower but mroe like alarm clokc to alert you of abusers around you. If anger persists or you cant help but look at abusers and get angry then theres something else going on than mere anger if one seeks to feel angry by seeking those that anger us to the point that it DISTRACTS from other feelings/emotions.
  19. If i walk unto someones property i am not threatening said property unless if i refuse to leave of be led out. Hell, basic human decency of saying sorry and asking for best directiosn for way out seems to be the mso tlikely outcome in 99% cases in free society. Also... self-ownership being negated is impossible. Thats like me renting an apartment and being told that it costs 500€ a month and then being told i am not responceable for effects of my actions. I then dont pay my bills. Land property cannto negate self ownership because then the said "violator" would not be responceable for "disobeying" said rules.
  20. I think it is the case though ,mainly because government is a concept and concept do not exist as physical enteties. Government does exists as a concept that can be understood (aka comprehensiveable description of certain point/s in reality.) Now the people government is composed of cannto "own"the money because for group to collectively own anyhting someone had to first induvidually own the money. One has to give unowned objects value to attain prperty (and transform it too) and the people in the government certainly did NOT do this with FED in 1917. And the fact that the ownership chances secretly and affects ALL people in arbitary geological are whther they were involved with it or not. I compare it with an analogy: "People are forced to swim in a lake which is "owned" by the people doing said enforcement. They own it by the means of stealing money from said forced swimmers great great grand parents all the while asking the people forced to swim in the lake who should continue th ownership of the lake." One cannot own anything trough violence, only posses just like a thief. If i steal your car and then force you to drive around with it and use it and DARE claim ownership i would be 100% wrong.
  21. Well the state is the one judgind people so.... most likely lessened ranking penalties... unless ofcourse if said politicians dares to step out of line even with personal opinions.
  22. If the state makes use of another legal tender illegal and heavily discourages emplyoers from using anything esle and manipulates everything to use it... then id say this is forced association with fiat currency and the state. Also government doesnt exist. People in government do, so to say these randomly secretly selected induviduals "own"anything is dubious at best dishonest most likely.
  23. http://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/china-rates-its-own-citizens-including-online-behaviour~a3979668/ Hello George Orwell. We meet again Big brother. This is chilling. Lets puts some FIRE! to it. This is the most immoral heinous backwards ass idea ever. The moment government rates people its one small group becoming thought and social police. PS. And not merely economic ranking. So yeah as i said, social rankings aswell.
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