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Everything posted by Anuojat

  1. I was once such a moron, I was christian socialist quasi communist. All pro feminism all pro goverment control all pro this and pro that. However as i said "those that are in error" i think for those compassion + facts would be the bes policy. Now i should clarify: If they are willingly avoiding new information beforehand or not skeptical at all then its not the same. I agree that showing compassion to those who genuinely arent in error/uninformed would be a bad move and would serve to inflame theyre sophismism even more.
  2. I think One infowars guy said it best: "Now is the time to come to your fellow men and tell them offer then the truth and stand by them." Since they live in error msot of them, by showing compassion you MAY be able to get to few of them. They believe trump is all the bad things media has told them? Well show videos and facts abotu trum and hillary by askign if they want to feel better? Though... shoudl they turn hostile even if youre reasonable and caring then NO time move on and especially no symphaty if they attack you.
  3. Have you looked at https://www.squarespace.com/ ? Seems to be pretty decent.
  4. Isint this question for Stef and Mike? Why post this here? Also i am pretty sure you have seen the "Freedomain radio is the..." ect ect in several places.
  5. The state. AKA someone or some some group with the sopposed "right" tp iniate the use of violance againts you. And as flavor of statism as a whole socialm puts foward the idea that positive rights are valid. That if you dont help person X by institude X then you are immoral and should face jailtime or be shot if you resist. Now all of this in socialm HAS to be put inder the blanket "for greater good" in order to hide the violance because otherwise the evil is so obvious and obviously insidious. To put it short: The Free market ASKS, socialism DEMANDS.
  6. Better yet: Compared to what/whom? Compared to what standarts? And even if it were true (which by defination it isint)... aaaaaand?
  7. My brother saw trump as Bush 2.0 until after few discussions and days worth of going over things with him in the news and showing him how mainstream media is dying and in theire upcoming deathrattle twisting ewverything trum says... he now is neutral to trump. He would possibly vote... but we are both in finland! XD Hmmm i wonder if theyd allow illegal immigrants voting from europe? XD #fatchange
  8. So government created bubble and worst crash and great depression was "solved" with Glass Steagall? Or is it jsut another law draped over governments failures? If so, why nto go straight to free market system BEFORE the fed? Or is Trump asserting baby steps bakwards is needed?
  9. Dsayer have you wathed all (or atleast some of) the truths about hillary clintons private plans and positions? I would say peoples lives are on the line in this election far more so than trump, in fact the comparison of danger of nuclear /covert war and 10-34 million violance prone low iq population being nationalized is perfect analogy of falling down splat on the concrete vs bursting trough the wall with trum and sustuining few cuts and shards. And before you claim (if you were to since ive seen you do it few times) that there is no guarantee that trump is going to enact any of these policies (aka be honest) or is unable to one simply has to look at mans character and background for such trust in competance and historical evidence of peopel who did rein in the power of thes tate or/an also completely gave new leash on conversations in society. We do that with doctors, writers, bussnesses, teachers, philosofers and others all the time. There is no 100% guarantee theyll succeed or be honest but we dont care about 100% guarantee with any of them.
  10. Ive read some of that stuff but could you clarify to me how would putting in a "protection" by government make thing better? Didnt government create this messin the banking system with the FED and Fincen in the first place? That artictle curiously doesnt even mention regulatory capture as far as i could tell...
  11. I agree with this artictle/post. Being pragmatic in statist system against a state granted and enabled imminent disaster is key to survival as thinkers and rationalists. And what stefan has done is simply focus on what is happening to undermine everything he and others have worked so hard on. One does not land in a free and civilized society by ignoring those parts of reality which undermine messages of peaceful parenting and reason as a whole. IF you have that as your priority.
  12. I believe he shifted his position (his words not mine) dues ot the fact that what can still get us into free society is childhood being better... but to protect such conversation and ability TO reason with people he focused on feminists and women and then on immigration and then on terrorism and islman and then trump. Anti child, andti even merest capacity for reason does not free society nor better parenting nor childhood make.
  13. I am very weary of theraphists though i am currently seeking one. Does anyone have any experiences of dealing with this anxiety beforehand since this kind of service would seem useful... AFTER getting over such hurdle.
  14. Any updates to this?
  15. What kind of parenting and childhood do these people have? Are they treated with respect and given induvidual autonomy? AS far as i understand japanese boys and girls are GRILLED to perform better and pressure almost like no other culture (barrding chinese government "olympians") from very young age. Lots of expectation and self esteem is often completely ignored or violated or worse: Made into a person MUST undersuch demands. AKA, "To perferm better you MUST have strong self esteem oh btw your identity and value as human being is compeltely tied to success we determine" to an 6-8 year old japanese boy entering or alreadey in school.
  16. Hmmm perhaps id be willing to give it a shot. Though i say that with hesitation because in the past i, regretable used such "conversations" as way to procrastinate and thus talked and talked but did little in real life. This was around year ago. It has since changed dramatically by people holding me to account more rather than feeling guilty of doing so but i wanted to say that up front to aknowledge my flaws and shortcomings. AKA to/for living counchiously. (spelling?)
  17. Id change the "country" to society if i was you to draw the line betwen government and society. (Whcih are NOT the same) In case of society then id pretty muhc say US and Switcherland
  18. So youre looking for new friends in/for your life?
  19. How would "libertarian" handle sex trafficking? You mean how would free society or NOT government handle it?
  20. The "Introduction to philosofy" series is good but if its left leaning person we are talkiong her then perhaps: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0DFA802C66A4597E Though this DOES come with caveat they must accept 2 thing: They can be conviced otherwise and they are willing to admit if theyre incorrect without throwing a hissifit (tiggering) or delfect/fog/[insert logical falalcy here.]
  21. This really boils down to "empirism vs logic" in which case empirism wins. Because everyone must accept the validity of theyre senses. Otherwise posting here makes no sense and moots any arguement by self contradiction. Logic must thus always bow down empirism even if logic is valid way of pressing reality arguements and information. And also the LACK of curiousity from Donnadogsoth was particularly irritating. That is ofcourse not an argument but rather i find important Because it reminded of what i used to do almost to the letter, in the past when i was christian. Respond as if you cant be wrong so and pretend that this is somehow a debate. This like any defence of that which either cannot exist or has not been shown to exist is managing anxiety of childhood abuse. Revelation as you put it thus is born not out of something which exist outside of your mind but only in your head. I say all of this in desperate plea for you to not lose yourself to your own anxiety and long held beliefs which you know already lisening to stefan are ingrained so well theyre irrational origins have become blurred or to put it another way: I might be completely wrong and projecting but you for one have not entarined the idea for single minute here (and in other threads concerning religion) and given how important it sounds to you is very telling and frankly seems horrifying that such important issue to you doesnt warrant dout or curiousity about being possibly wrong/mistaken. http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/1638/the-ghosts-of-self-knowledge Whether you find this useful or not, know that this was simply me rection and thoughts to similiarities i see with your posts and mine in the past and call out of horror of such self foggin as i see it. In no way am i posting this as argument for or againts god but simply as my experience. If original poster find this not useful to the discussion please inform me.
  22. Oooh i heard (and seen some of it) thats an awesoem platform. And subsequestuenlt yeah i do like dnd, havent played in a while though But would totally be willing to partake and consequently meet new people.
  23. How about this: "If something is undefined or undefineable is doesnt exist."
  24. Used to watch em back when i was still a socialist... the constant forehead trobbings eventually alerted me to same decree of clarity about not being able to stand TYT.
  25. Hmmm i think what stef is talking with "irrational action" here is something that is still rational in OTHEr aspect of said action, namely its motivation. For instance when i was child i prayed to "god" (sky daddy, unseens entity, take your pick) that bad things wouldnt happen to me and that "heaven" would have coca cola that didnt ro teeth. As you can see my action was irrational, but the why i did it aka "the purposeful action" was absolutely rational given my enviroment and religions parent(s) at the time and for anyone else in similiar situation. The motivation or purpose of our action is always (at the very least on deepest emotional level such as fear, anger, hathred) rational. Sometimes doing the irrational can be the most rational thing to do for your safety ect.
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