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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Tservitive, have you read Real Time Relationships? I found it to be extremely helpful and Patrick's suggestion is in line with the methodology in the book. Don't compromise imo. Wow, why would you do that? Pretty sure you could go to jail. There are way too many good single women out there to risk getting murdered by a jealous husband/BF. Your analogy doesn't fit because if she lies and says "I have told my BF" OP can test it by approaching the BF...
  2. It's the responsibility of the casino to shuffle the cards. Gambling is ok if the casino has an edge but not if the player does? If everyone agrees to the terms of the game and there's no fraud you can't go back after the fact and say "Wait, I wouldn't have agreed if I had known I was a big underdog" http://youtu.be/khCM9WmI0uQ
  3. nonsense, use it wisely the same as any other money.
  4. Hi Other, Welcome. Do you accept the validity of the Non Aggression Principle?
  5. Were the Jews in concentration camps using the force of naziism if they ate the food given to them?
  6. I had a similar response when people asked if I was going to do a "killing" job in that I wasn't seeking out the opportunity but wouldn't be opposed to the idea. Some people I trained with joined because they wanted to kill and that bothered me even then. I was Christian and after I told him I was talking to the recruiter my father gave a sermon in church singing the virtues of patriotism and honor...
  7. I was a soldier and this describes my childhood pretty well. I've been saved OP, your arguments are valid but you're arguing from efficiency rather than morality. I'd ask if he thinks murder is wrong and go from there.
  8. I wasn't making any comment on the amount of crime, just the fact that they thought not writing petty tickets would be seen as a bad thing. The public is not going to see this and be like "get back to work writing parking tickets". I'm hoping they're going to realize how much of what the police do is completely unnecessary.
  9. it would be great if they'd refuse their salaries while refusing to work, but lol at that idea. Taxpayers will just keep funding the "7th largest army in the world" http://www.salon.com/2012/09/28/nine_terrifying_facts_about_americas_biggest_police_force/
  10. http://nypost.com/2014/12/29/arrests-plummet-following-execution-of-two-cops/ Unions tell cops to not work unless absolutely necessary "for safety". They don't like the anti cop sentiment of late so they want to show us how horrible life would be without them, except it's a low nicer...
  11. Do you have evidence backing this statement? because I'd say imposed equality is probably unsustainable and definitely immoral. You need a license to be a plumber.
  12. Inequality is not inherently bad, but government exacerbates this inequality through things like professional licensing requirements and protected monopolies. In my area it's illegal to fix a toilet without permission from the government. from vid "Some people say the debt is immoral, but people borrow for good things all the time!" STRAWMAN It's not immoral to take out a loan, it's immoral to take out a loan on behalf of a non consenting 3rd party such as an unborn child.
  13. I was responding to your post that said Christians haven't started wars or whatever you said. It's a pretty huge deal for brainwashed kids like I was to hear that God wants us to go to war. Why would an anarchist not be against bank bailouts?
  14. Don't forget George W says God told him to invade Iraq
  15. You'd be better off spending your time debating how to win the lottery because it's a lot more likely and definitely more fun
  16. Should have sold her property for bitcoin.
  17. The free market way is without force.
  18. Is it saying people innovate to get around regulations and crediting the regulation for stimulating this activity? That would be like rapists claiming credit for stimulating the pepper spray market. Plus it's the broken window fallacy.
  19. Given its open source nature, anybody can start their own cryptocurrency. The hard part is getting somebody to accept it for goods or services. If you can convince people to use your currency you can do even better than the early Bitcoin adopters. A fun exercise I like to do is replace bitcoin with USD when reading skepticism of crypto. Oftentimes people have never thought to apply that critique to the currency they use regularly. What incentive do I have to feed into the USD system? What is to keep the Federal Reserve from dumping their digitized dollars and flooding the market the market and laughing all the way to the war hawk bank? With bitcoin there is a strict limit to the inflation (which goes to people doing work) and we know the total market cap precisely at any moment in time. Can your fiat currency do that? Edit: Potcoin is an example of one that was started by a community presumably with your concern about not wanting to enrich Bitcoin early adopters. It is basically a copy of litecoin as far as I know. I haven't found any reason that it's preferable over bitcoin or litecoin except that the entire community it's marketed to was given the opportunity to mine from day 1. Several businesses are accepting it in exchange for goods now.
  20. Right and wrong are what they are regardless of the opinions and wishes of voters.
  21. Do you see no distinction between driving on roads when there's no other reasonable means of transportation and actively seeking a position participating in the process of statist indoctrination? I'm not lobbying my representatives for road building contracts, I'm trying to develop a jetpack (in the metaphorical sense as it relates to public education). Your second statement is not true. There are plenty of teaching opportunities outside of public education. You are posting on a free educational message board... IMO soon it will be blatantly obvious even to bootlicking leftists that the state subsidized education is inferior to the free market alternatives. The fact that the best teachers (i.e. John Taylor Gatto and Stefan Molyneux) refuse to participate in public education will only help to accelerate this.
  22. Welcome Corey. I can relate. I was planning to teach also, but had decided against public school before I came to philosophy (mainly because I wanted nothing to do with unions). Then I became an atheist and that eliminated lots of the private choices. I have a problem with compulsory education in general and I don't want to try to teach people who don't want to learn, so I'm looking into private tutoring and/or language schools like English as a second language. So the reason behind your plan to teach in public schools is that you want to be a mentor and role model for young people while earning a living, right? Can you accomplish that in a setting where the kids are not forced to be there and your salary isn't funded by taxes? If you believe that taxation is theft and theft is immoral, would it be easier or harder to have a positive impact on the people you teach if your salary is funded through theft?
  23. How does an election make them not terrorists? Why do you think the distinction is important? I think the Israeli side is terrorist too fwiw.
  24. If you know somebody is shooting at you and force an innocent in the path of a bullet it's murder. If you know an innocent is between you and your target and pull the trigger anyway it's murder.
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