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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Drunk driving is an interesting question that speaks to risk and could probably be solved with insurance rates. Destruction of property and causing harm are clearly prohibited. What about driving and talking to a passenger? Driving while angry, sleepy, or texting? false, the NAP in logically verifiable.
  2. is it imposing totalitarianism if I insist that 2+2=4? Logic and universality don't care about your beliefs.
  3. I think it's inconsistent to do harm to a person who is completely incapable of doing harm to you. If he can be reasoned with, why do you need to do harm? It's absolutely inconsistent to say "it's wrong to hit" and then hit.
  4. Why isn't it enough to stop the child's aggression and explain why it's wrong? If the kid you so badly want to hit can't understand your reasoning, what makes you think they will understand why you are intentionally inflicting pain? Are you going to tell the kid "It's wrong to hit" right before you hit him? Why do you want to hit 4 year olds?
  5. Author is a statist public school professor who wants to justify taking a salary funded by taxation. He doesn't say the NAP is invalid, just inconvenient. Stefan has spoken extensively about all the points mentioned in the article afaik. 1. I'm not sure about pollution 2. Small harms for large benefits? If you have a great idea what you don't need is a gun. Billionaires are already funding vaccinations in spite of taxes. 3. I don't know about the moral implications of risk, but I think insurance/DROs could deal with it. 4. Fraud is addressed in UPB 5. Author is just spouting nonsense, I don't think there's any justification for ambushing a person strolling through an empty field. 6. If you create dependent children you have a positive obligation to care for the child or find someone who will. Since a 3 year old can't feed himself it's the same as kidnapping an adult and locking them in your basement and saying "feed yourself" to the hostage
  6. Why do you want to hit 4 year olds? There's quite a lot of evidence (plenty linked ITT) that it does lasting harm.
  7. It seems like you're presenting a false dichotomy here. Obviously, a good daycare can be better than an abusive home. A kid I was in elementary school with got like 20 detentions every month. I asked a teacher how that could happen and he said "sometimes detention is better than home". The fact that some kids prefer prison to home with their parents doesn't speak to the virtue of prison... You forgot to respond to this ashton. are you suggesting that you are spanking in self defense? I can't imagine a scenario where spanking is not aggression.
  8. It seems clear that most vaccines are effective in reducing the risk of the diseases they target, but what about heavy metals? Many vaccines include mercury. I read about a person who broke a fluorescent light bulb and had to spend $5k to have the poison cleaned from her house. Forgive me if I'm skeptical when the doctor says it's perfectly safe to inject something labeled as hazardous waste...
  9. Nice work. I enjoyed it.
  10. compared to my conventional garden. I don't need the FDA to tell me how much poison is permissible in my food. I'd like zero, thanks.
  11. What about herbicides? The food is modified to tolerate poison so doesn't that mean we're going to get poison in our food? The fact that the FDA is run by people who are closely affiliated with the companies that sell this food leaves me hesitant to trust them when they say "Hey, this food that we would lose billions from if it was deemed not safe for humans. It's totally safe for humans." edit: It infuriates me when people say "we've been modifying food for thousands of years" as if breeding the banana to be sweeter has something to do with putting bacteria dna into wheat. Until very recently scientists said 95% of the human genome was essentially meaningless. But yeah, I trust these psychopaths to know exactly what will happen when they cross frog and salmon DNA.
  12. article said he didn't know it was in his backpack or something.
  13. I read a lot of these stories and it seems like the common link to every one is the parents trying to get their kids back in school. WTF!? These people are clearly imbeciles who probably shouldn't be allowed to supervise themselves, let alone care for and educate children. The dad sent the kid to school the next day assuming they couldn't be that stupid and the school says nope, we really are this stupid. http://reason.com/blog/2014/06/06/first-grader-finds-toy-gun-turns-it-in-g
  14. I recently started translating "The Story of Your Enslavement" into Arabic. I hadn't heard of amara before so I'll def try to figure that out when I finish.
  15. "Do not initiate aggression against your fellow humans" ?
  16. Nope, I've only read Everyday Anarchy and UPB so far. I'll start now. P.S. I have not donated yet, but I recently started mining litecoin to send to FDR and would love to help anybody get set up to do the same.
  17. This makes sense, but could you elaborate on what a positive atheist world view is? She has commented on how I "focus on all the bad in the world" but it's just because I'm only recently learning about these things. I've just learned that I'm a slave and I've been trying to convince friends and family that slavery is immoral.
  18. That's good advice. We both speak Arabic and I recently asked her to help me translate some of Stefan's work, but that may be a little too much since she seems threatened by philosophy. I believe she wants truth but it's just really troubling to accept that she's been mislead by her family and church for all these years.
  19. So I was indoctrinated in the Christian church from the time I was a baby. I had the expected shitty childhood and met my wife while in the military. Her situation was pretty similar but more strict i.e. she wasn't allowed to wear pants. After intentionally not exposing myself to atheist arguments for a few years I found FDR and Stefan brought me to the realization that the Bible is not true. I've told my wife as much and convinced her that our son shouldn't be forced to go to church or told of the concept of hell. Obviously this is causing relationship difficulties. I asked how it can be infallible truth while saying kill all unbelievers and thou shall not kill and she said "I can't argue this with you" "you don't want to be part of this family" and "you're talking to me like I'm an idiot". "You're just all about logic, where's the feeling?" To that I replied, "I feel like this god isn't real, but if he were I wouldn't want to worship him." My parents were divorced when I was a teen and it was pretty much the worst thing ever so I'm sitting here crying my eyes out because she basically said she doesn't want to be with me because I don't go to church with her. Thanks in advance for advice.
  20. I think you're underestimating the ability of people to learn. Currently, a reduction in hourly pay in fiat money is a reduction in purchasing power. In a true deflationary economy it would only take a few trips to the grocery store or gas station to notice that my money from the reduced wage has the same purchasing power. This is something that could be very easily negotiated in an employment contract. The wal mart manager could set pay based on the price of milk or something similar and the employee's pay could be defined as the BTC equivalent of 10 gallons of milk per hour.
  21. Are you saying deflation is a bad thing? I think the government holds this view but only because they don't want anybody to save money that could potentially be spent and taxed...
  22. One of my concerns is the "Roundup Ready" crops that are grown in herbicide so the farmers don't have to pull weeds. I'd like as little roundup in my diet as possible... I've heard the argument "I like bananas as they are today, therefore GMO=good" many times from libertarian types and it's complete rubbish. You're never going to get frog dna into a salmon through selective breeding but that's what is happening with the recently approved genetically engineered fish.
  23. I always find this infographic infuriating.
  24. Jer

    New guy

    Welcome Daniel. I was also in the military and I had a problem with that term long before I had a problem with the military. I joined because I needed a job and couldn't even get an interview at wal mart. When I was in training I had to walk around in uniform and people would say "thanks for your service" and I'd smile and remind them that I get paid to go to school walking distance from the beach...
  25. Numbers is Old Testament. That link has passages from Acts and Romans which are indeed part of the New Testament. They don't say specifically what you are asking as it is found in the OT. 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness" and the above-mentioned quote that Jesus didn't come to undo the old testament should be plenty to prove the point.
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