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Everything posted by MRW

  1. I'm interested in joining the next hangout. Sagiquarius, I'll send you my G+.
  2. Hey we have a tentative date set for 6:00 PM 4:00 PM on August 29th at the Sculpture Garden. Come post on the meetup site! http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Washington-DC/1079572/
  3. This thread is for the meetup group in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. You can find our facebook group here. Of course, you can post here or private message me as well. Note: The free meetup everywhere service was discontinued in December of 2014. Hey everyone! I'd like to help organize a meetup for the Washington D.C. metropolitan area in late August. We'd have to decide on whether to meet on the evening of the 29th, the 30th, the 31st, or if we should push the meetup back into September. We also need to decide if we want to meet somewhere in the city where venues might be nicer or if we want to meet somewhere more suburban where parking might be easier. Feel free to post here on the forum, post on the meetup site, or message me! Thanks everyone. http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Washington-DC/1079572/
  4. Hey Joe I'll actually be moving to the east coast this fall. Welcome to the forum!
  5. Hey Brian welcome aboard!
  6. Hey everyone! I'm Matt and I just recently turned 18. I am a highschool senior in the Bay Area of California and I will be graduating in June. I was led to philosophy and Stef's show through learning about politics and economics independently over the past several years. I am gay, a strong atheist, and a market anarchist. I will be moving to Fairfax, Virginia for college this fall. I am a already a columnist for turningpointusa.net and I have a twitter for philosophical and political content but I plan to major in political science at George Mason University for my undergraduate degree. But I still want to do something entreprenurial soon. I also plan to defoo and become a donater as soon as I become financially independent. I recently listened to several podcasts in which Stef stresses the importance of using this board to network. Thus, this is where I begin. I'm definitely looking for general networking, friends, colleagues, jobs, other world changers, and a soulmate. I'm also up for an FDR meetup if anyone wants to help organize. Thank you for reading and I'll see you all on the board!
  7. I'm a senior in a public high school in northern California right now and basically anything taught in a liberal arts class is probably totally false, just as a general rule of thumb. On a similar note, I used to think all of the teachers and staff thought the same way, held very similar opinions, and planned curriculum together. But after becoming more aquainted with and seeing how inept various staff members are, I don't think they have the slightest idea of what they are doing at all.
  8. That's a really good question and I think you can expand the question to a lot more than just lobbying. I think the same thing applies to stuff like patent trolling and licensing as well. To answer your question, the practice is colluding with evil. However, I think the current business environment forces that behavior. From the company's persepective, they are at a severe disadvangtage if they don't pursue stuff like lobbying or various corporate protections.
  9. I've had a pretty serious question that has been bothering me for a few days already. Given free will, I hold individuals responsible for their actions and the effects of their actions. Although, Stef's documentary indicates how child abuse destroys the reasoning center of the brain, among other things, and enhances the "fight or flight" center - leading to a much higher potential for harmful behavior later in life. At the same time, forced actions are not in the realm of moral judgment. Certainly, no one is directly present to force someone to commit violence later in life but that individual's capacity for reason is severely corrupted. To what extent are the victims of child abuse morally culpable for violations of the NAP later in life; and when, if anywhere, does that culpability begin?
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