After a typically futile court room experience that resulted in me deciding to give up driving rather than go begging for another permission slip, I set about reaching out to as many others that might have a latent interest in monkey wrenching the machine. With no prior media experience, I got involved with a community radio station and have been hosting my own, albiet *very*, early morning show for about nine months. I had to compromise re: my original idea for the show but, as it is, I still get to put out a certain amount of voluntaryist content each week and, if nothing else, I've at least gotten to a point where the idea can be developed further. Forgive me, as I've already made this request elsewhere on this forum, but if anyone can identify the recent freedomainradio call-in show in which the following material came up, I'd be much obliged -Stefan Molyneux:How statists soundSaying rape is always wrong is just idealistic. You're going to grow out of this anti-rape thing. Rape is very often necessary. Society cannot be organised in the absence of rape. If you try to eliminate people's beleif in the virtue of rape, you'll get more rape, so we have the minimal rape by organizing a central rape agency and throwing people in prison who don't rape. Having trained rapists that go around the world raping prople and having 720 rape bases all over the world -- that is the best way to not rape. This came up on my facebook wall and I'd really like to grab it as a sound bite to use at various intervals each week on my show. Of course, with proper attribution and context... Thank you for reading this far! Matthew. was originally going to be 'The Big V', as in two finger bird flipping but, like I said, there was a compromise... )