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Everything posted by VolT

  1. I am sure that both parties have behaved in manners to which they agreed to. When he debates people like Peter Joseph, they have both agreed to a debate. So if Chomsky didn’t agree to a particular topic then its kind of ... ****ish to push in that direction. Also what is the value generated from these debates? It reminds me of a boxing match, its as if people just want to pick teams. To no fault of Stefan the argument with Peter Joseph was extremely frustrating! That man does not know how to debate. I would also add, has some attitude problems. The only value that I see and Stefan has made clear is that, it pulls people in for the message of peaceful parenting.
  2. I have found a fifth member, my wife will be joining us too!
  3. Advertised: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42128-online-book-club/
  4. Hello! This post is an advertisement of another post: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42101-fdr-online-book-club-objectivism-the-philosophy-of-ayn-rand-leonard-peikoff/#entry385775 (First and last advertisement) We are looking for 1 more people, The book that we will be reading: Objectivism: The philosophy of Ayn Rand - Leonard Peikoff Synopsis: A bestselling novelist, prolific writerm and world-renowned philosopher, Ayn Rand defined and developed Objectivism: the powerful system of thought which holds that human beings can and should live by the guidance of reason. In this epochal book, leading Rand scholar Leonard Peikoff presents the first comprehensive statement of that philosophy. Here is the most definitive guide to Ayn Rand's brilliantly reasoned thought on all the crucial philosophical issues of our day. With Chapters on: Reality Sense Perception and Volition Concept-Formation Objectivity Reason Man The good Virtue Happiness Government Capitalism Art To motivate you further here is a small abstract from "Playboy's Interview with Ayn Rand" Playboy: Miss Rand, your novels and essays, especially your controversial best seller, Atlas Shrugged, present a carefully engineered, internally consistent world view. They are, in effect, the expression of an all-encompassing philosophical system. What do you seek to accomplish with this new philosophy? Rand: I seek to provide men- or those who care to think - with an integrated, consistent and rational view of life. Playboy: If a person organizes his life around a single, neatly defined purpose, isn't he in danger of becoming extremely narrow in his horizons? Rand: Quite the contrary. A central purpose serves to integrate all the other concerns of a man's life. It establishes the hierarchy, the relative importance, of his values, it saves him from pointless inner conflicts, it permits him to enjoy life on a wide scale and to carry that enjoyment into any area open to his mind; whereas a man without a purpose is lost in chaos. He does not know what his values are. He does not know how to judge. He cannot tell what is or is not important to him, and therefore, he drifts helplessly at the mercy of any chance stimulus or any whim of the moment. He can enjoy nothing. he spends his life searching for some value which he will never find. Firstly if this is is the first time you heard about this interview, like me, you could be thinking "Playboy has changed a lot hasn't it!" this truth aside, I really liked the interview. My reason for wanting to read this book: I feel that the concepts in this book, be it definitions, processes, and/or standards, through analyses will make me a better human being through every meaning of that word: Happiness Better capacity to think Chasing whats truly important in life, Having the capacity to resolve whats important in life. Having a compass in all meaning of that word(other than a physical compass(I sure hope there is no other meaning, that contradicts this)), that actually works. Being able to help others in a way that is actually effective. I have no idea if it will actually fulfill all of this, but this is one of those books that deserves my patience. As long as you are a human being, then you are welcome! (Making sure no aliens are among us) If you are interested please check the link above for more information. Thank you for your time!
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  5. This post has probably died out of peoples view by now, I will advertise once in general topics to grab 2 more people. If this fails we will start off with the 4 of us here. To improve organization I will also give you guys my email, and when you get a copy of the book send me an email =).
  6. K.o.t.H = I am very happy to hear, having at least one person which has read the book can be very valuable!ParaSait = Neither have I, I read the first chapter and It was very confusing for me. So we are on the same page!Avalanche = It is to discuss each chapter after we have read the chapter. I also updated the post to add this point. Thanks!Updates made to the original post:* We will have the club meeting at the end of the 2 weeks, discussing the most recent chapter that has been read.* Support time to answer questions to clarify a particular concept that the reader may have found difficult.* Changed to 6 people maximum (due to also providing support to clarify concepts)* We will first wait for full member sign up. Then sync to know when all members get the book, then talk about meeting hours. We can also have an initial meeting where we can introduce our selves and start the book club off. Also can we think about what type of tools we may need. So for communication we have 1) Skype 2) Hangouts, Shall we also arrange a shared whiteboard? If we decide to do things like mindmaps, or highlighting a particular concept, then it will be useful for the discussion to have the concept highlighted and listed with its points. Also possible makes figuring out test cases easier. Also reduces possibility of conversation going off topic. 1) https://awwapp.com/ What about a method of tracking our outputs such as whiteboards or documents that we may have produced? (not sure of necessity) 1) Redbooth
  7. Hello Ladies and Gents! I would like to invite you all to participating in reading Objectivism with me through a book club format, but online. The book is heavy for me, so it will be nice to socialize the experience and conquer it together! First of all I'll mention what the format will be, Objective of this book club will be to: * To support/encourage the group of readers to thoroughly comprehend the concepts given by the book.* To motivate the group of readers towards the completion of the book.* To extract more value for the reader by:---- Group Activities -------- Support time to answer questions to clarify a particular concept that the reader may have found difficult.-------- Discussing extracted concepts - ( Which will encourage thorough concept extraction )-------- Discussing definitions - ( Which will increase eye for detail)-------- Discussing test cases - (Playing with concepts in the book) We will do this by: * Meeting online once every 2 weeks, to discuss about the next chapter with some of the topics mentioned above (these are preliminary values, can change for majority) ---- At this rate it is a 6 month commitment. ---- We will have the club meeting at the end of the 2 weeks, discussing the most recent chapter that has been read. * Maybe meet online using Skype? * Currently I think that there should be a maximum of 6 people in group, else discussions may become difficult. * We will first wait for full member sign up. Then sync to know when all members get the book, then talk about meeting hours. We can also have an initial meeting where we can introduce our selves and start the book club off. If you think we can extract more value by thinking from another perspective? Let me know! If you are on the fence about joining due to one of the above requirements? Let me know! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  8. How can something this inefficient last for so long.
  9. You are correct it doesnt get colder, to explain the full effects here are some links. This is an over kill of links but here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_effect http://www.micropelt.com/thermogenerator.php http://www.micropelt.com/downloads/datasheet_mpg_d655.pdf A very good point!
  10. The problem with heat based powering up is, for this device to be energized, it needs to take heat energy from you. Meaning it needs to feel cold to your touch, depending on how much heat flux has been engineered in. Can you imagine your X box controller feeling consistently colder than your hand consistently, never warming up! I would want to put a glove on, but then the device wont work!
  11. Hello Pendrokar, Have I taken action that has offended you? Am I doing something wrong by posting these news, without my own opinion? Thank you for your time.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/01/nato-high-readiness-spearhead-force-counter-russian-threat
  13. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/26/nato-east-european-bases-counter-russian-threat
  14. I think that technological improvement can come faster when a human being wants to improve something that they have interest in, rather than having the threat of life. The same reason I do not believe the cold war gave us anything. Having the threat of life doesn't improve technology in my mind, it creates short term "How can we solve this problem RIGHT now " solutions, which are not real solutions, they are what can I do with duck tape(not literally). This also extends to say that, there was no real progress made during the cold war, what we saw (in my opinion) is previous RnD, completing it self, maybe acceleration towards completion since politicians saw something they liked, and increased funds during war time, KNOWING that it will be complete. Another argument to support this is that, we never really know what the military is working on right now, their tech is supposed to be 50 years a head of civilian tech. So lets say WW3 happens and we start to see some new things, this is not because WW3 innovated, its because they knew the possible scenarios that can arise and started the RnD maybe 30 years pre-scenario. When a human being wishes to show passion towards something they are interested in, then real discoveries happen. It is only through the motivation of this passion, will you give it the time and energy necessary.
  15. I would rather not have a fight drivin mechanism, if there is nothing else to fight for, great, means I can actually begin to focus on other things that matter to me, Improving my livelihood improving my self, there is no short of other objectives!
  16. They also recently purchased the UK AI company Deepmind. They are saying that the cause of this is because search engines can still improve, since the search engine does not usually know the context of a search. But with AI, it will be able to better understand you and have that implied context. However if the building blocks for an ultimate AI exists, so lets say for the sake of argument it is capable of doing anything a human can, then its not really hard to embed that into embedded device such as you have shown. In fact this tech alone is the one that scares me the most. I personally see this as the single largest threat to what Stefan is trying to accomplish in the long term. The non-virtues that government applies with their interaction against civilians really predicts the path that, civilians will be seen as a burden on resources when these guys are being popped out, and have similar capacity to what we can do, but with greater sense of control over them. They will simply pick and choose the blocks necessary and will ensure that they do not fight back. To be accurate the tech it self doesn't scare me, I would love to work with AI my self, and even plan to do so, but it being in googles hand, and frankly they are skynet arent they xD?, and the force that they are under to accept government contracts WITH this tech.. that scares me. Also in the last video whats interesting is that even thou the mule is not moving in any directions, it still has to jog on the spot. a deer for example doesn't do this and some deer's very likely weigh the same amount! (assumption). So I wonder what the design decision for that is? Maybe in some ground types it starts to sink? a deer has the senses to say well i better start spending energy to fix this problem, where as this guy is constantly spending energy in hopes of not getting into that problem? Well that's not true jogging on the spot wouldn't really prevent you from sinking. I don't know. Why do you guys think they took the design decision to make it jog on the spot? Or maybe there is control system inside that is constantly trying to establish a certain distance from the transceiver in the front, so it is not really jogging on the spot, but rather constantly adjusting to achieve that number of distance. but this cant be true too because with a small hysteresis effect, they can save on a lot of energy and sound.. , and I am sure they are smart enough to consider that
  17. What I want to know is, how did the police become aware of the situation to begin with? *Parents of the female complained? *Police was just browsing local cell phones, found a *insert Stefan quote for male private parts here*, traced to a 17 year old, and created work for them selves. *System X detected high level of pornography in message, informed local cops to investigate. What is the their capacity of local police for invasion of privacy?? and doesn't everyone below the age of 17 count as a child? How does child pornography, generated and used by children play out? Poor guy sounds like he is being hunted out of partial hate(if the female parents caused the pressure). If they have been dating for some time I am sure that the female responded with some of her own too, what would be the outcome then? and if 17 is a child, how do you put a child in jail?
  18. I am moving to the US! When I tell some people this, they look at me as if I am mad. "Why on EARTH would you ever move there??". But even me, without actually living in the US, will not consider it a last stop. I will be applying pressure to move around the 5 year mark of living there. My reason is that, I feel like there is acceleration towards events that will unfold, that is counter productive with respect to survival. I have not decided on where I will go after, but southern america, new zealand, scandinavian countries, Iceland. I think the biggest deciding factor for me is, how much freedom can I get, how happy I might be in this new place.
  19. Hello, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/09/us-ukraine-crisis-russia-nato-idUSKBN0EK0VJ20140609 I guess the west has anti nuke tech that they have begun to trust. I sure hope they will protect their work output citizens! I do not see how these blood-lust intentions can be de-escalated.
  20. So to summarize its about, identifying what is bringing you to a stressed state, then relaxing will be the removal of that stress. Depending on the type of stress the actions that can be taken to relax (if the cause of stress is present in your focus): * Acknowledge it and accept it in the short term, - The acceptance will probably even reduce the level of stress. * You can remove the cause, then knowing that the problem will not arise again(assuming all causes of stress is due to a problem perceived by the individual) will allow you to relax. * If it is avoidable in the moment, then avoiding it and brining your focus to something you enjoy will momentarily also relax you. Would you guys agree? This is slightly different to the psychology definition provided by the link Pepin, however I prefer the definition in here more, its more of an instruction. I cant really relate to the wikipedia definition. I am also interested in knowing how meditation is relaxing? I hear this a lot but don't quiet understand. If what I said above is true for all stress, then meditation will do one of two things depending on the person: provide them the time and atmosphere to process the stress, understand the problem with more depth, and find solutions. But if you are focusing on the problems then is this really meditating? You can achieve the same effect just by having an atmosphere that allows you to think. Would you define thinking(problem solving) as meditating? Or provide people a distraction by making them focus on a pleasant feeling, in which case this would be the same category as distraction.
  21. Hello, I would like to find out what relaxing means to you, as with every word, it has its own meaning for different people, and their own method of implementation. However I have a feeling there really is only one path to this process. * So what does relaxing mean to you? * What needs to happen for you to consider your self relaxed? * What do you do/seek to relax. * Routines?
  22. Hello, Does anyone here play DOTA2 thats interested in partying together? I am in the Europe west region, usually play a round or two on the weekends, or when I get home after work. I am not a pro and I just like to play it casually, no inspirations for the $7 million prize pool! let me know if you are interested =)
  23. VolT


    Im afraid I dont know anyone, I think I got the idea from experience day packages that exists in europe, example http://www.smartbox.com/fr/ A successful outcome is (since this is more so to spread bitcoin then to make a profit), * Will the cost of all the processes be met by demand. ---- procedure Identification/research ---- procedure implementation (technical) ---- labour ---- marketing The demand for people who want to spread bitcoin is really set by people who are pushing bitcoin and motivating people such as Stefand and Andreas Antonopoulos, I am sure they will not stop any time soon, I am also sure they get to a lot of people but who knows if it will be enough, and this is also only usefull in this introduction phase of bitcoin so this may not be necessery in a couple of years? Maybe folks in this forums can say if they would like to spread bitcoin to friends and family through a company that will convey the information to this person clearly, motivate them and teach them how to be secure.
  24. VolT


    When I said a "few click solution" I was imagining something along the lines of, *A user wishes to buy a gift of a bitcoin starter package for a friend. (The whole purpose of this package is to motivate the receiver and get them to use bitcoins, the sender can have similar motivations to you) *They log on to a web site and enter some information that will allow you to configure a packet to be delivered to this user. ---- Male/Female(I dont know how this can effect motivating the user currently) ---- Age (I dont know how this can effect motivating a user) ---- Possible interests (so that the package can suggests possible areas where they can use the bitcoins) ---- Location (Local interests) * A packet is prepared ---- That shows users with clear readability -------- How to set up -------- How to use basics -------- How to secure basics -------- What they can do with these bit coins -------- How much of a bitcoin has been gifted to them in this package The flow of the actual bitcoins is a bit more tricky where will they come from? if its from the person that wants to send the gift, you could say, well why dont I send it to the other person directly, but then you might be able to defend the motivational value and secure uptake from the information you provide. All of this can be automated to the point where you only handle filling up a package and posting, I have no idea if this will actually work out it was just a lunch time vision --EDIT-- If you wish to converse with people localy regarding bitcoin, you can checkout meetup.com and there may well be a local bitcoint group,
  25. VolT


    I dont think that the motivation is lame. But this is a thought process that you have to go through. I can give you a few hints what that might look like, So your motivation is the same as the success of bitcoin, some initial thoughts can be: How do I increase uptake, in a secure fashion? ---- How do I motivate a 20 year old to use bitcoins safely? ---- How do I motivate a 40 year old to use bitcoins safely? ---- what is the best method of communicating the idea? ---- can i use birthdays as opportunities? -------- I can prepare a package that walks people through in a easy to read, and motivating fashion, with a gift of 100$ of bitcoin. (example) How do I increase daily bitcoin usage? When you have gone through these type of questions then you really do have direct value to add and sell, I am sure other people would like a few click solution to increase bitcoin uptake, securely(hint hint). Let me know what you think -- EDIT -- Once you have a clear thought on what this might look like, you should also check to see what is available and how they compare with your vision
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