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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. No, you will be interested in what you are interested in doing. I tried this once with social dancing classes. I fear social dance because I associate school dances with many negative memories from childhood. I thought I could fool myself into liking it or overcome my fear because you meet a ton of women there, the majority of them attractive and not overweight. It wasn't a well thought-out plan in the long run. Women are smart, and can usually figure it out when you are being phoney. It was not a fun experience overall. Join a social club that you actually enjoy first, then find the women.
  2. Shall I submit a picture of my sunburned back as evidence for the pro-argument?
  3. I didn't claim that it was a long-term solution. Does the word, prepping, connote long-term? I explicitly mention that 14 gallons would be the bare minimum amount for me to survive 3 weeks. I provide links to government documents and webpages in the video's description. FEMA, for example, suggests that everyone store at least a 2 week supply of water. They use the gallon per person per day rule of thumb (half of it drinking water). Personally, I store more than 50 gallons because I am fully aware that it isn't a long-term solution, but it is the most obvious first step to survival in an emergency. The purpose of the video is to make people think about how much reserve water they want to store for an emergency. Discussing advanced tools for purifying lake or river water is outside the scope of this video.
  4. I did not say that spanking is insignificant, just a small part of the overall problem of abusive parenting. Even if half of those parents gave up spanking, there would still be child abandonment, psychological mind games where the parents deny reality in order to control their children (raising children in religion), and sexual abuse or genital mutilation. These three examples of abuse are far more insidious than spanking. It's all bad parenting, but we shouldn't overlook the less obvious examples of abuse. Like I said in my previous post, no parent starts flogging their child in public for all to see, but you can pick out small mind games all over the place if you are looking for them.
  5. Barbell Shrugged weigh in on the question of the Dad Bod. Perhaps this video will offer some clarity to the thread, since my words did not.
  6. Those are some eye-opening figures to be sure. However, it is important to note that spanking, while completely non-effective and abusive, is just one small facet of irresponsible parenting. Cajoling, neglecting and demeaning - making a person to feel invisible - are far more damaging to the child in the long run. I don't want to endorse corporal punishment in any way, but personally, I think it is less harmful in comparison to the "mind games" involved in modern parenting, intentional and unintentional. I was in Target two days ago and I overheard a conversation between a mother and her son. One of the son's friends or acquaintances was also in the store waving to them, trying to get their attention, but the mother completely ignored it. "Mom, do you see Travis over there?" "Who, honey?" "The person who we met recently at <social function>." "Oh, no, I didn't see any one I recognized." "Well, mom, you had your head down the whole time when we walked past them." "Honey, I was focused so much at the task at hand." The mother and child continued walking past, leaving the people they knew behind. Apparently, buying a new pair of hosiery was more important than to investigate what the child was interested in doing. I would not characterize this a strict abuse, but it belies a profound lack of interest of life in general (people you know in your vicinity) and it a soft denial of what makes a child excited about life. The difference in the tone of voice between mother and child was palpable. The son was excited, and then mildly disappointed, and the mother did not seem curious about her child's emotions at all during that particular span of time, as if she was pushing a shopping cart while in a mental fog considering only what she wanted to purchase at the store. I would be shocked to see any parent beat their child in a public place, and I have never seen it in person, but you see denials of existence and reality all the time, not just with children and their parents, but with everyone. They are so common that you have to be tuned in and looking to find them in order to notice them.
  7. What about the words athletic, muscular, and fit? Is lanky acceptable? How about toned? Can someone be labelled a waif? What about the ectomorphs? Will they ever think of the people with eating disorders? I'm curious... doesn't the phrase Year Zero connote the second coming of Jesus Christ - like Book of Revelations type happenings, or am I mistaken?
  8. Add a little drumstep to your day! This is my morning wake-up song. Best heard at 1.25x speed, me thinks.
  9. Did you miss the part where I said to use water jugs to store clean drinking water?
  10. I did not imply that at all. Someone with tattoos covering their face would freak me out because the face is how you determine someone's mood. I was sexually molested by a ladyboy (or so I suspected) in an alley in Bangkok. Other than that, I don't think I've been acquainted with a trans person.
  11. Whoo-hoo! I'm peaking, baby!
  12. I would not associate with a man with tattoos all over his face, but otherwise, what do I care about him? What people do to make themselves happy is not my business.
  13. Yes, I have often pursued sexual relationships where there was no true love and little real intimacy. My models for human relationships are my parents, and aside from sometimes violently arguing or fighting, they acted coldly and uncomfortably around each other. The phrase my mother used to describe herself springs to mind again.
  14. They were likely aliens only posing as humans. The concept of human extermination is so antithetical to personal self-esteem that this sentiment can only come from a place of deep pain and the active resentment of the self. From where does it come? My former housemate told her seven year old son that driving cars kills polar bears while driving him home from daycare in her car. Apparently, he had seen or heard something about anthropogenic global warming in school and his mom confirmed it for him as fact. For the rest of the evening, he was very upset and she couldn't understand why his reaction was so severe. She subsequently bought him a plush polar bear to make it up to him that she had to kill polar bears with her car so that she could feed him. She will not be in contention for the Mother of the Year award any time soon.
  15. As I offered earlier, it is possible that PUA and ostracism are related and part of the same call. One of the tenets of pick-up is that the artist shrug off female rejection and treat it as another test of their manhood. Can we look at social ostracism as a form of shit test?
  16. How about xenophilia? Yes, I know it can have a sexual connotation.
  17. A feminist, obviously. I'm not sure what the above has to do with self-motivation. The doting on your mother requirement is all about the woman herself and not the man's mother. Women generally get turned off if you try to cook and clean for them, at least in my experience, but if you eat their food (and like it) and let them clean your apartment, they will want to fuck you silly. However, I concede that my choice in women has historically been very poor. As a related footnote, my father is a much, much better cook than my mother. The rest of the article smacks of the feminist double standard. Let me know if you disagree. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. Any man who has been called a cheap bastard by a woman is probably shaking his head. Marriage vows usually read, "Til her discontent with you do you part." Didn't she say that men and women are absolute equals? My brain hurts.
  18. Are you the Anti-Christ as well? The video is well edited. The narration sounds a bit robot-like, but perhaps it was intentional. I know the video is a minute long, so it must skip over some finer points, but flags or geographical areas are not two of the most concerning problems for anarchists. In a free society, there will still be flags, dirt, and people who are passionate about their homes and communities. Rather, anarchists oppose the force of government stripping away the sovereign rights of individuals. Patriotism and nationalism are the manifestations of people erroneously believing, due to brainwashing in the formative years, that coercive force is virtuous. If you find someone who is a patriot or nationalistic about America, you can easily demonstrate how dangerous this mode of thinking is by bringing up Germany, or Japan at the height of their imperial power. Guess which country is at the height of its imperial power now? I once told a woman, who was of German descent and likely a few generations removed from immigrants, that we were currently living in a country not entirely unlike Nazi Germany. The reaction on her face was one of intense discomfort. It was an unempathetic choice of words on my part, considering her heritage, but I could see her mind briefly connect with the truth of the statement, and immediately shy away from it. She didn't bother to make a counter-argument, and wanted to drop the topic. If I watch a sporting event or see a parade on a national holiday, I simply imagine the revelers goose-stepping and throwing their arms up in salute, and it all makes perfect sense.
  19. While I haven't seen all the threads and replies or the one you referenced, I agree with everything in the first paragraph, except MMX was arguing in this thread that downvoting for moral reasons is harmful to the forum or community. I don't see the voting system as a form of real ostracism, rather it is a basic tool for performance metrics tracking. While it is possible to downvote with a moral justification, I don't think that the system can accurately track a member's relative morality. It is just a tool, nothing more. The end user will decide for himself what the tool indicates. Like others members, including myself, MMX needs to work on consistent use and application of philosophy. I agree completely, and we should encourage him to reflect on it. I am reflecting on my use of philosophy and self-knowledge daily. Ostracism, manifested in a forum, would be an account suspension, expulsion, or if necessary, IP banning. In the real world, for example, MMX was ostracized from one of the New York City philosophy clubs, and was asked not to come back. My statement about pick-up artistry was rank speculation, of course, but I am willing to entertain the possibility for now that the extent of the downvotes he has received is due to more than just inconsistency, abrasiveness, style, and text formatting. Perhaps I am totally wrong about this, but I've never looked at the structure, grammar or words someone picks and felt the need to hit the green or red button. I consider content and the motivation behind the post. Obviously, other members may use this feedback tool differently than I do. I am not suggesting that the community as a whole is spiteful or petty because I honestly can't assess it in that manner. However, it is possible that there are individuals who are capable of this behavior. Again, the feedback system is a tool, but for whatever reason, this tool is failing him. He is requesting honest feedback, so I hope that we can offer him some great insights.
  20. Do you mean The Fuzz? How was he driven off? If he is no longer posting, it is his choice. No one forced him away. He voluntarily decided to sign up here for a reason. I upvoted his post when he started the thread because he showed vulnerability by saying that he had doubts about his decisions, which demonstrates self-knowledge. However, when I (and others) began to ask questions about the effectiveness of "fight tyranny from the inside", he retreated back to the standard justifications for the need for police and the state. He wrote later in the thread that he did not find the NAP to be completely valid, and thought that spanking was an effective behavior deterrent for his children. I did not accuse him of any wrong-doing, but he took my first reply to mean that I thought he was evil. That revealed his defensiveness and showed that his conscience was gnawing at him. It is clear to me that he is very conflicted, which is why he is here. He is as welcome to the forums as everyone else, but I'm not going to pretend that coerced funding of law enforcement is a modern necessity that society cannot go without.
  21. I love the community participation of reps and negs, but I have difficulty understanding the reason why MMX2010 attracted the ire of the forum goers at large. I've mentioned to him that his writing format is often hard to follow and his style abrasive, but I don't think this explains 140 or more negs over the course of five months. While my eyes often water and go blood-shot upon seeing his walls of text, I respect his continued contributions. I could see a neg here and there for being cocky or annoying, but he went from being tolerated to despised in short order. When Ken Cotton joined up and started touting the virtues of fascism, no one bothered to downvote him at first. Mike banned him after a few weeks, if I recall correctly. Perhaps MMX is being downvoted because of his appreciation for game and pick-up artistry. If anyone feels negatively about the content of his replies, the truth would be more useful in the long run than following him around and pushing the downvote button.
  22. If the aliens represent my parents, then it fits perfectly. My mother said to me last year that she never feels sad or happy, just "even-keel". I did not know how to react to the statement at the time, but I now see her as an unemotional robot. My father is the physically abusive, emotionally manipulative one. My mother also drinks a lot more now than she did when I was growing up. My father has been a daily drinker since before I was born. Therefore, my mother serves as my prototype for squelching life, the fire that wants to burn inside me that I felt several days ago. Driving around and picking up lost people is a projection of my desire to help others, and wanting to see them thrive, but I absolutely have to heal myself first! Without knowing why I want to help people, I risk harming them or myself. Last year, I had the idea that I could save my family. Now, I'm leaning towards the reality that nothing I could ever do or say could ever save them. They are going to have to fend for themselves, just like I must do now. Full disclosure... ...there is one part of the dream that I purposely omitted when recording it. It was very disturbing to me, and I am ashamed of it, but it may be the impetus for wanting to talk about this dream so openly. I should not have withheld this and I will talk about it in the follow up. In addition to abducting and "healing" people, I had sexual intercourse with the patients in what can only be called a clinical setting, a cross between Alien Autopsy and Masters of Sex. Consciously, my mind is suggesting that this means that my parents (aliens) powerfully influenced my sexual experiences as an adult. They were the ones who decided to have my baby foreskin amputated, at the very least. However, I fear there is more to it. I often fear and suspect that there is more sexual abuse in my past than my genital mutilation as an infant. I already equate neonatal circumcision to child rape morally, and it is likely more devastating to sexual health and wellness in the long run. When I consciously connect with my mind, I cannot conceive who in my childhood would have been a possible child rapist, so I cannot assume that I was raped as a child. If I honestly explore my dreams, however, will my unconscious reveal to me that I was raped as a child and who did it? This thought is very terrifying to me!
  23. What your father is saying is that he is unwilling to offer you the therapy that you have requested. "The government is making this available," is a way to not take ownership of the situation for which he is responsible. What are the chances that government-funded counseling will offer you the assistance you need? If your therapist attempts to hold your parents accountable for their actions, would they complain to his superiors? Perhaps this is projection, but I have the desire to ask your father why he decided to have children. From the way you explain your interactions with them, it sounds as if they oppose your wishes for everything. Is this accurate?
  24. Baring your teeth is not a genuine smile. When you are smiling and "showing your pearly whites" for a photograph, you are faking a smile. If you are clenching your jaws together, like in a dental x-ray, it reveals anxiety, not happiness. I could be mistaken, but I believe Malcolm Gladwell discusses this briefly in Blink. I'll have to flip through it at another time and come back to the thread. If you present people with wide open eyes, and an open mouth no matter if you are smiling or not, they will most likely interpret this as openness, like you are eager to talk to them. I find my jaws clenched together often, not just in social situations. I grind my teeth in my sleep sometimes. I have to do a lot of facial relaxation exercises to counteract my (un)natural tendencies. All of the bioenergetic videos on Elliot's channel are pure, unadulterated genius. These techniques have been pivotal for me in releasing a lot of pain, tension and joy that I'm confining inside of me. Philosophy enabled me to free my mind, but Bioenergetics training assisted me in discovering my inner self, what some might call the soul.
  25. The RO-90 is designed to purify high pressure municipal water. APEC has many other under the sink models that are purposed for different household scenarios. See here: http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/products.htm I don't think they make one for ocean water, but I could be mistaken. I have not yet looked through all the products they sell. This is probably the type of unit designed for drinking out of a river. http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/uv-disinfection/sterilight/s1q.htm I don't know the answer to the second question. I store purified water in the storage jugs so that I have a buffer in the case of an emergency, but the unit under my sink would be useless if my municipal water went offline. Actually, I would at least have the four gallons under pressure in the reserve tank. Foremost, I use the RO-90 to have water that is filtered of the usual potpourri of municipal additives, like fluoride and chlorine. I neglected to go over this in the video. I also have an APEC filter in my shower head. Having several inexpensive jugs to store emergency water is a secondary benefit, a kind of insurance policy. If the consumer is not concerned with chemical additives in drinking water, most of these units will have little appeal. It is much easier to buy bottled water from a reputable source, and this is what most preppers would use as a solution.
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