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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. I ran out of rep. Someone got my back? If there is a more convincing reason to not get tattooed, I've not heard it. The fact that an ex-Marine surgeon has expensive technological gadgets that he can use to make a comfortable living removing regretted tattoos by accelerating a process which the body performs automatically clearly indicates that way too much money is misallocated into the tattoo industry. I know a man in his mid thirties who easily has ten grand worth of ink on his skin already and continues expanding the ink acquisitions every year or two. Assuming he wants to keep it touched up over the years, and then finally get it all removed when he's too old for the tattoos to have the hipster effect (let's say retirement age 60-65), how much more will he likely spend on tattoos? This math question boggles the mind. It's a primitive tribal custom! Assuming all of this is true, he could easily spend $50,000 expanding, updating and then removing his tattoos over the course of the rest of his life. I'm not attempting to make a moral argument, as the decision to get inked is entirely aesthetic, but imagine how much more enlightened he could be if he spent all that money working on self-knowledge instead of being the quintessential middle-age hipster looking to get laid by twenty something women, which he does rather effectively. With that much ink on your body, women know you have disposable income hiding somewhere nearby. It's like wearing a semi-permanent Mercedes Benz on your body.
  2. When it comes to parental authority over children, it makes no difference. What is the likelihood that the child will remember abuse when it's the parents that are teaching him to normalize it? Cnce the child becomes an adult and starts to objectively assess old memories, he will be able to identify the abuse for what it really is. The negative emotional reactions parents have to implanted false memories is a desperate continuation of the normalization of the abuse. I remember vividly my mom having to go to the emergency room when my dad socked her in the face. I didn't see it happen but I heard a scuffle and a yell, then my mom crying and bleeding from her nose. I was six years old. My dad looked me right in the eyes and lied to me, telling me that my mom fell and hit her head in the bathroom. I knew he was lying to me, and I suppressed the memory for decades. This year, I asked him about it, and he admitted that he hit her. My mom, on the other hand, refuses to acknowledge that it ever happened. She whitewashed the memory from her brain, but it's still there festering. You cannot invent false memories or completely eradicate real ones. People have a tendency to suppress or alter memories to help them cope with feelings of guilt, remorse or regret. What gain does an adult child have to invent or allow other people to implant false memories? A child, as a healthy adult, should feel no guilt when it comes to how he was treated as a child. The child, unlike the mother or father, cannot voluntarily leave the abusive environment.
  3. When I was visiting my family last year, I let my little sister wash a paring knife in sink because she asked me if she could do it. She was careful and didn't cut herself. She was aware that they are sharp. I advised her to always hold the point and blade away from her. She was five, and she understood the safety concept perfectly. Apparently, my dad doesn't let her and my brother handle knives, but it's acceptable that they go to weekly Tae Kwon Do lessons where the teacher acts like a drill instructor, and he also allows them be brainwashed in public school. The greatest dangers end up obscured, while the little dangers are burned into our brain. Go figure.
  4. Can you compare and contrast Panarchism with the idea of self governance? It sounds like you are promoting voluntary and free association between individuals, to which Government (capital G) is directly opposed.
  5. On the surface, this is very similar to my last living together arrangement with a woman so I feel that this is right in my wheelhouse. I wanted sex once or maybe twice a week, and she wanted it every day. Usually, I was the one to compromise. When I started to assert boundaries and refuse sex, she turned it on me saying that I made her feel unloved. Apparently, her ex-husband would have sex with her once a month if he was feeling generous, so this clearly wasn't a problem with my libido, but her strategy to motivate men to have sex with her. Let me tell you something straight (You may or may not be doing this.) Being on the receiving end of a sex guilt trip does not motivate the man to give you more physical intimacy in the long run. It kills the intimacy for him. It didn't help my situation that on two different occasions I was raped ("seduced" in her words) after I clearly told her that I didn't want sex. The takeaway is that pressuring a guy for sex is a major mood killer. I doubt it has anything to do with his testosterone levels, assuming he isn't past 35 or 40. You are also framing sex and intimacy as a need that you have alone. There is a whole other person in this equation. What are his needs? It's not that selfishness is necessarily a bad quality to have, but the best way to get your man to open up is to start asking him about his needs. Be curious, open and inviting. Don't demand sex, but be honest that you enjoy sex with him very much. Make sure he understands that you don't expect him to be a dutiful sex machine - unless that is what you want, which would be unfortunate. I have a suspicion that he is sexually closed off from you because he is feeling dominated, suffocated or ignored. Don't automatically feel that this is your fault. You are only one actor in the drama. His distance probably has a lot to do with how he was raised as a child. Be prepared for parental issues to pop up in your discussions. Is he open to talking about his family and his feelings? Do you listen to him and allow him to feel safe with his emotions? There is also an outside chance that he is being intimate with another. It happens, and maybe his guilt of being unfaithful is manifesting in distancing himself from you. I'm not saying that you should go through his email or Facebook, but keep an open mind and heart to his words and actions. Are they truthful? Most importantly, why is he resistant to self-knowledge? How does this manifest in your talks? What are his blocks and blind spots? If these honest interactions start to develop between you and him, you will have a much greater chance of making this relationship work. Your honest assessment doesn't sound very reassuring. You should confront the possibility now that it might have to end.
  6. Your post made me think about something Stefan has pointed out about socialized medicine in Canada. The first generation under socialized medicine benefited greatly at the expense of the next. Feminism is just another state-funded social program. It's fantastic for the first generation of women, but the next generation reaps the unforeseen side effects, and none of the benefits. Since we are only halfway through the second generation, the progressive flavor of feminism is steadily going rancid. In the next fifteen years, we will see a total reversal and an outright damning of feminism as a destructive government program.
  7. I also felt confused. Thank you for wording it so well. I must have missed the wife in the first line, or the post was edited. I knew who was being described at any rate. This is not the first post that I've read from Blackfish which has left me with a bittersweet feeling. He strikes me as very passionate man, and reminds me of my father who also married a woman from another culture later in life. He's resigned to sticking it out with her, even though she is abusive, manipulative and toxic, because they had two children together. I recently cut off contact with my family because there is a deep sickness lingering there of which I have only just scratched the surface. It's a trial separation for now, but I can't fix problems that I didn't cause so there is no reason for me to get involved. I feel really bad for him. He must be in a living hell. I can't be there with him.
  8. If police were privatized, needless accidental deaths like this wouldn't happen. The police are trained to act like Nazi Gestapo. It is no wonder that they act aggressively.
  9. I simply wipe my hands on my pants as I walk out the door. If you have something like wet swimming trunks to dry out, they become very useful.
  10. It might be more instructive to relate specific interactions a day or two after they occur, if you feel comfortable. In this way, you'll have had some time to think it over. I would like to point out that you left the identity of the person you are describing vague. Based on the description, you could be describing your mother. Was this intentional or subconscious? While the identity of the person doesn't matter much, the context of the emotional manipulation does. What happens when you don't take the rage bait? Can you resist? Does she escalate or does she apologize? DaVinci also has got a point. Why is there a narcissist in your life? You could attempt RTR with her when she begins ribbing you, but she might become really confused if your don't explain to her what you are doing first.
  11. Who is traumatizing this high ratio of children? Except that no one can will themselves to lose weight. Your body's metabolism is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and hormones, not the conscious brain.
  12. “Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.” — Francisco d’Anconia [Ayn Rand :: Atlas Shrugged] (I would suggest that feminists don't really want equality, and never sought that goal.)
  13. Clearly, you write speeches for Obama.
  14. It's entirely possible that cats possess psychic mind control abilities. Cats and especially kittens melt my heart inside my chest. I don't think I would ever own another one, though. Two was enough for a lifetime of feline bonding. The first one died of renal failure while still in his youth, so a virtually painless death. My last cat wasted away a few years back, and I waited about a week too long to have him euthanized. He was nothing but skin and bones. He must have been in so much pain at the end. I might convince myself to get a lizard or arachnid in the future, but I don't need any more mammals re-purposed as quasi-children, which is often the case with pet owners these days. Dogs, horses, and cats tend to be expensive child replacements, but they usually don't outlive you. I would make exceptions for useful animals, such as goats, sheep, chickens, llamas and such. You can use or sell their products and services if need be, and slaughter them if you end up hungry. I can't decide how I feel about the video. Part of the humor lies in the "manly men" angle, which we all know is a farce, but they one guy's 'stache is epic enough for me to warrant it a thumbs up. I thought he was going to squeeze out a tear for a moment.
  15. I've heard of it in passing. Why do they bother with picket signs, though? Almost no one driving or walking by is going to be able to read, let alone comprehend most of those messages of non-violence. While it's probably fun freaking out the local statists and engaging semi-hostile people in conversation or debate, their time would be much better served raising their kids peacefully, apart from the state, and then spreading the message in viral fashion via the internet.
  16. I've never been to Montana, but WY and MO would be better breeding grounds for "off the grid" anarchist communities, although you could probably accomplish anarcho syndicates and communities in remote areas of NH, too. I've heard that Wyoming has some of the greatest elk hunting in North America. That was also a consideration in my mind because you could maintain a nearly constant food supply even if there is a trade embargo imposed or total economic collapse. You may not get a water port there, but at least you can do something about going hungry. NH, if they did secede form the States, would probably face a naval blockade. Fresh water might be a concern depending on the rate at which local populations begin to rise, assuming the rest of the states do not prevent emigration to the new free state.
  17. It would make more sense to have the civilians wear the hidden body cameras than police. GoPro could pioneer the new "Freedom Accountability Camera" for catching people in lies, or getting their face put on social media for moral abuses. If you could get an unobtrusive audio and video personal body recording device that's about the price of a GoPro and operates via voice commands (cops won't like it if you are fiddling inside your clothes as they approach you), I would get one. Here's a set of glasses with a hidden camera. Pretty cool. http://www.dpl-surveillance-equipment.com/8000110.html You could have to have a separate device for audio, though. Now that i think about it, having a GoPro mounted and hidden in your car under the dash would be useful for traffic stops.
  18. Very clever. I was grinning while I read it. The trick is to use a lot of adjectives, adverbs, and abstract nouns with arbitrary definitions.
  19. Are you suggesting that all parents wish to traumatize their children? I recently finished listening to Origins of Way in Child Abuse, and Demause had quite a bit to say about scarring rituals. I don't think he mentions tattooing in particular, as it is a more modern invention, but there are many mentions of ritual mutilation, piercing and blood-letting of children. We don't tattoo children as far as I know, but we are still commonly circumcising male infants, and piercing the ears of female infants. All of these practices hearken back to tribal practices of abusing children to prepare them for war and strife. If you listen to the book, prepare to feel deeply disgusted. https://freedomainradio.com/free/
  20. Everyone is fucked either way you look at it. Please pardon my verbiage. The Fed won't allow the dollar to deflate like it desperately needs to do. You can look around and see articles starting to pop up about deflation fears. This is a prelude to QE4, which has to occur. By simply taking out a loan, you are printing money. There are only two options available for central banks. We have to deflate the dollar and swallow the bitter pill as the world economies melt down, or we have to keep inflating, which will eventually lead to currency collapse and default. It doesn't matter what any one does. It's not going to stop what has to happen. Here is a relevant Schiff video that I posted in another thread in this sub-forum.
  21. If metaphors were lethal, Stefan would be killing his listeners (and detractors) on a constant basis.
  22. Porcfest is held there every year. I wouldn't want to go because it sounds a little too much like Burning Man but with larger quantities of less watered down alcohol. Wyoming would have been the better candidate selection for the FSP, in my estimation. With nearly 90,000 more square mileage, and 750,000 fewer people, there's a lot more room to grow.
  23. What does looting seek to remedy exactly? If you don't have a clear and specific purpose, there is no point to doing it, whether it is moral or not.
  24. Many of the actors, as you put it, recognize the heavy gynocentrism entrenched within modern politics and have no desire to engage with it. There is no activism other than spreading the message to other men via videos, forums and blogs. Unlike feminism, it relies on personal financing and donations for funding instead of tax dollars, much like FDR. Feminism violates the non-aggression principle, MGTOW does not. They don't lobby or hold meetings with legislators or hold public office. MGTOW is completely off the political grid. With all due respect, you are completely off the mark with this observation.
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